- Dosun.

To the dull sound that caused the floor to wave, Crewe turned to the ceiling, keeping his mouth wide open and also forgetting to cry and stiff. What the hell is that noise?

Speaking of which, something terribly surprising often remains the 'heart pops out of your mouth' and so on - that's the first thing I remember in my whitened head. returns to me all the time and hurries to hold my mouth open to make sure my heart is not popping out. No heart, no jewels had come out of his mouth. I'm in good health.

Dosun. Again, there was a sound. Sounds like you dropped something, something very heavy, on the floor.

The second time I know the direction of the sound. I slowly moved my head up and looked at you, and now I saw Sputnik's room, where no one was supposed to be.

"... what is it?

Rehold the stuffed animal and take the door seriously. The lord of the room is out now and there shouldn't be anyone there. I recalled that he was absent and had a tight chest ache, but my interest in sound was much greater. A stuffed animal in one hand, a mug in one hand, hips up the stairs.

It's time to walk down the hall and get to his room so he doesn't make footsteps. Return both the mug and stuffed animal to your left hand and slowly twist the knob with your open right hand. The key was open.

What if it's a thief? Soon, another different pain struck my chest. But if your employer's room is in an empty nest, there's no way you can stay silent or anything. I was told not long ago not to "imitate like flying out in front of an enemy," but that presupposes' to protect Sputnik himself '. He's not here right now, so in this case, it's out of condition, so you should be able to admit it.

Krew nods and opens the door for just one eye when he concludes so on his own. Peeping into his breath, there was a small light behind the hallway leading from the entrance. And when I gaze closely, I see a shadow near the light. When he realized it, Crewe's heart bounced even more.

Gently open the door and let your body slide in.

There were about two crates in the hallway. I'll touch it, but with Crewe's arm, it's heavy and doesn't lift to the bottom. Was the sound earlier when I dropped this on the floor?

One of the lids in the box was slightly open, and a peek into the gap revealed that there were lots of books inside that seemed difficult. There are several books scattered on the crate and on the floor of the unavailable person, and it looks like they were removed from the inside. Is it an expensive book as the thief deliberately takes it out of the box?

The shadow opens the closet in the back, sits on the floor, and does a mess inside. I don't think you've noticed yet.

When Krew decided his mind, he placed the stuffed animal and cup he had first on the box. Then I take what seems to be the thickest of the bulked books.

The protagonist of the story said that he wanted smart control over the raid by the suspicious, but reality can't do that. My hands and feet are shaking plumply in fear - but I couldn't go to forgive the unreachable that roughs up the room in the absence of the Lord.

Grasp the book hard with both hands and slowly approach its back. Lean over sufficiently not to be noticed, then gently shake the book up - close your eyes firmly and wave it down.

"Ku, eat!


The book never hit that head. Because the empty nest hand that was raised without looking at this one was firmly capturing her arm.

Shit. I rush to let the book go and try to escape, but my hands won't let her go.

"Let go! Ha, ha, ha!

He twisted himself and waved his arm wide, screaming and trying to shake it somewhere, but his hand was not even frightened. He didn't give up and waved his arms loudly over and over again as he eventually shuddered, "Empty Nest," he said.

"Towards the employer, what's 'cuz', Cora?"

Crewe stopped his arm perfectly. A familiar voice.


Look again at the 'empty nest' face that turned this way. Even in the dark, I knew very well that it was something I knew well.

When he let go of his arm, he sighed and stood up, arms wrapped and looked down at Crewe. Gray eyes in such a way as truly frightened. I've seen it more than once. It wasn't an empty nest, of course.

That is indisputable, Lord of Crewe.

"Mr. Sputnik......? I thought we were going out."


I said it in a slightly irritating way, but the words that followed seemed to drink without vomiting.

I frown and stare at everything I say, but Crewe doesn't know what that is. Waiting, Sputnik waved his wear like he'd given up.

"... I haven't ordered a baby ring in a while. While explaining to the couple, I thought I had a few ambiguities. How dare the seller himself not know the seller? So while I'm at it, I'm trying to reread the book again, and I say no to them, and they're back."

Listen to that - Crewe is.

I took a serious look at his face.

".................. ho"

"What's the connection?"


I can't believe he actually didn't even go out, even though he said he had sunk badly until earlier because he went to see a woman. Thanks, I feel like I clapped it out.

One person on the stairs, although not one of the problems I was delaying has been resolved, nevertheless. What is your heart, how simple? Just saying he was in front of me now made my heart lighter like a feather that should have been heavy.

When I become aware of it, I get a grin on nature and cheeks. And at the same time the desire to be on your side a little longer.

"Um, Mr. Sputnik. I want to read that, too. I'd like to study."

"Oh, well, let's look for some more books. I wonder if there was something you could understand."

He glances around at the scattered book when he agrees to Crewe's request. In it, I seem to have found something I don't remember for him.

I walk up to the crate, and I don't remember that - I take up the mug where Crewe put it.

"What are you drinking? Give me a little. I'm thirsty for hard work."

"Oh, go ahead... but it's not delicious"

What's in it is hot milk that for some reason doesn't even taste like milk. But Sputnik ignores the advice, too, and tilts the mug.

I sipped, but soon, I glanced at him.

Wipe your mouth with your thumb and give it back to Crewe. And I said strange things.

"You, if I drink something like this before I go to bed, I'm in cavities...... no. You're gonna have diabetes."


I wonder what that means.

I'll take the mag I was offered and try it myself. and


I accidentally flashed my face at the unexpectedly awesome taste that struck my tongue. I manage to swallow it all the time in case I'm about to spit it out. Hot milk, which should have been utterly tasteless, was intensely sweet and flavorless.

At the same time, I feel terribly hungry because of the stimulation of my taste. I missed the lasagna I left in the room so badly that as soon as I got there my belly started ringing cum.

"Um, you know. Before you study, can I have some rice, please?... I'm hungry, I'm hungry"

"What. Dinner, you hadn't had it yet?

"No, I ate something, not until just now, I'm not hungry. Now you're hungry."

Somehow, I knew why. The reason I didn't remember the taste, the reason I didn't have an appetite, the reason I'm hungry now.

But I'm embarrassed to tell you that.

Eh heh, laughing vaguely and deluding, Sputnik tilted his neck, "You're a weird guy," he said.

"Well, eat as much as you like. In the meantime, I'll find a book that you might understand, and I'll clean it up around here."


Nodding loudly with a smiling indelible face, Crewe runs down the hallway, holding a mag and a stuffed animal in his hand. As he opened the door because of the blockage in his hands, Sputnik, his frightened face, caught up with him and opened it to the shared part.

I can't help but run, still with some impulse to indulge in, laughing and listening to the advice that "hurry and fall". Something fills my belly, even though I'm hungry enough for bugs to ring.

Return to your room and flush the milk just sweet without hesitation. Let the lasagna you left behind warm up again over the fire and it will be time for your second dinner this evening.

- As I thought.

The rewarmed lasagna, as usual, was delicious.