"Finally, the management stopped standing?

The best word I've ever heard in a smoky city in the morning is something that doesn't get along very well.

And finally, it was that of someone I sincerely didn't want to meet.

The carriage I had arranged in advance came just in time thanks to the fact that it was early in the morning.

Throw two people's luggage in the car, and then Crewe gets in. That word was utterly uninteresting to Sputnik when he stuck his foot on a scaffold set relatively high against Krew's height and was watching her manage to get in the car.

A woman's shadow appears at the edge of her sight, instantly aware that her expression distorts in disgust. The thought of not wanting to deal with him springs from the bottom of my heart, but not buying a sold fight was against his creed. Force a grin on her pulled cheek and make her - turn it towards the police officer nuts affiliated with the police station Rear Fiat Branch.

"Ohhhhhhh. Is it true that old people are early in the morning, wandering from this hour?

and her temples muscled the same way again. My eyebrow roots lean over and my eyelids shake when I get a tingle.

"Say hello to wandering. We cops work in the morning and at night to keep us safe. Because someone like you is wandering around the city in the morning and night."

"Howo Cheng Cheng Cheng. We need to catch a good merchant. It's spreading like someone else. Maintaining law and order in the city must be a big deal."

"It sounds tough. If you have a mind to just take into account, why don't you at least try to set your activity time at 9: 05 or something? I'll make it, Lord, our work."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to do my job. Well, don't worry, we're closed for a few days, and you'll have less work for Temehe. I hope you're fired by the time I get back."

and she repeated Sputnik's words badly and unexpectedly.


Surprisingly frowning. And

"Not running away at night?

I wonder why this woman says things that hinder people's minds like they breathe. In my angry, feverish head, I want to say something back and open my mouth, he said.

"Ah, it's Mr. Nuts."

At that time, I heard a bounced voice that did not match the tension on the scene.

Turning to you, Crewe was finally able to get in the carriage with his face out the window. He finds his sitting friend, smiling like a flower - even though he rubbed his eyes until earlier and said he looked like he was asleep.

"Good morning. Have you been working this morning? It's tough."

"Oh dear. You're early today, too, aren't you, Crewe?

"Yes, why are you out?"

She shakes her neck wide and vertically to answer the nut query, and the nut also - not similar to pointing it at Sputnik - makes a friendly look.

"Really? Take care of yourself."

"Ha. I'll buy Mr. Nuts a souvenir, too, so stay tuned!

"Coo. Don't go hanging out, don't float around too much."

When I told him to stab the nail, Crewe snapped his neck, eh? On the clap, the flowers on the hat that I bought a few days ago flutter and shake. It doesn't seem like much of a recognition that it's a job for this minute, but there's a way to do it. Anyway, it's been a long time since she's been out of town.

Stop preaching to Crewe, Sputnik looked at the nuts again.

"So we're going out for a few days. If you come back and you're in an empty nest, I'm gonna tell you," Liafiat City police are incompetent, "so be prepared."

"Don't worry, it's like you. It's the police who protect you at home. If anything happens to Krewe before we go out, I won't know."


Even though it is early in the morning, she is still a annoying woman.

It was also a hassle to be dating, and Sputnik boarded the carriage again. Close the door and sit across from Crewe, placing your arms in an empty window.

And I saw a nut looking at this one like I said something. And, she tells this as if pointing her lips and feeling uncomfortable, blurring and making excuses.

"The truth is, I don't even like to tell you this, for once. … be careful and go"

Not at all, he is an unattractive righteous man.

I try to answer her untrue drop-off words by indulging in the prospect of blowing up and creating a most grumpy look - but I fail. On the edge of the reply, an incomprehensible grin seeps through. But I could see Sputnik's spare time on that look, and the nuts also laughed like trouble.

"Dodo too. Exquisitely fulfilled the main business."

The nuts are a half step away from the carriage, away. Sputnik took his watch out of his pocket and looked at the needle.

Is it time for a good time? Ask Krew, who is restlessly looking around in the carriage.

Have you forgotten anything?


Holding her favourite bag in her chest, she shook her neck vertically well.

Good, then, let's go. Let me out, and Sputnik tried to speak to you - but block it.

"That's right. Where are you guys going after all?

What a further question, from outside the window. but in retrospect, yes, I didn't tell my nuts where I was going.

Nothing. I don't need to leave her a destination, but, well, tell you what, there won't be any special loss. It will also be insurance in case something happens to the store. Sputnik answered the nut question as he looked sideways at the employee (Krew) who yawned with a big mouth open.

"Until the Chamber of Commerce"

The city of Riafiat is located in the eastern part of the continent, a moderate city that flourished as a lodging town on Lucar Street.

The city, also known throughout the year as a region of a wide variety of fruits and flowers due to its warm climate, is a land where police station policing is very good, with unsolved cases equal to zero and very livable, as is the branch of the Witches Association.

In such a corner of the city there was a small jewelry store with two clerks. - "Sputnik Jewellery Sputnik".