"I'm going to play," the kids took him out, finally quiet in the store, and Sputnik sighed with relief. I know a lot about kids being busy, but there is still a strange feeling of uncomfortable when there are all those creatures that raise their high voices.

"Take a dose."

Sputnik stood up and stretched wide, reaching straight over the shelf. A high place unseen from Crewe. When I take the little box I put there, I walk up to the window and open the window thinly. Then I took one cigarette out of the box, rubbed the phosphorus (match), and lit the fire.

Spit out the white smoke slowly. "Tasteful," the words naturally leaked. - But if the kids ask me, I'm sure, what the hell is all the fuss about something that just smokes like that? We're talking about a world they don't know yet.

Twice and three times, I turn my thoughts on the tip of the cigarette repeatedly and brightly. I don't know how Ruan, who failed to confess, will grow in the future. But if that's how it goes, I'm sure it won't be bad. I have a consciousness that I have not sent all sorts of women's universal history, but I found out about that in the service of the year. I don't even know if Anna's love will come true, but I'm sure she won't grow up like a bad one, either.

... Now in that, what about Crewe? She was born, raised and treated differently, when she was a similar year. She knew nothing at the time she hired her, knew nothing, and remembered nothing but her own name. But now, other than the example 'physique', it has grown. There's something slightly weak about her, but there, depending on her future endeavors, she'll do anything.

If it were to come true, if the wizard wouldn't be involved in a noisy incident or a troublesome event, and the days of tranquillity would continue like this. And in the meantime, if you find something to cure her 'physique' from, and you're so completely cured that you're frightened of what her struggles have been...

but. Reality doesn't seem as serene, as ideally.

The doorbell rang on the arrow tip that I had thought of that. I make a lot of noise and open the door, and I know it's not a guest.

In front of Sputnik, who reflexively floats his hips, he leaped out of breath to

"Please help, store owner!

Earlier, it was Iraja, who should have never left his mind.

The gift, which should have been carefully packaged, of how quickly she had returned, was pitifully crushed in her hands. Also, flowing platinum blondes are shaggily disturbed, and open green eyes are painfully moisturized and distorted. The face was again different from the grief that the confession failed.

First of all, I suggest you calm down and smoke, and I remind you that she's a person who doesn't smoke.

"What's up?"

"Master Soaran..."

"What happened to that one?"

Pushing a cigarette in her ashtray, she still screamed in a screaming voice, holding the ring for him in its hand.

"Master Soaran is down at the inn!

And listening to that word - Sputnik is.

- Then, one more thing.

I was blurry about that and remembering what the real question he swallowed trying to ask Sputnik was.

Crew Lol Jewellery Chamber Feenetica Branch, in the basement library.

"Oh, this is already such a time"

My colleague who was working on the paperwork with me tells me to look up. The clock I hung on the wall was past noon.

"Yuki, I'm going to lunch. Where's Yuki?

"Come on in. I'll do the right thing."

In response to a colleague's voice, Yuki smiled. Well, first, let's drop off a colleague from the library.

In a library where no one is left but myself, for a little while, I whisper. After making sure she didn't feel any other signs, she took one envelope out of the file.

That's a letter I got from my 'brother'.

Inside, unscrupulous texts that I don't think were written by people who do business with them are allowed to be brief anyway. Yuki knew, though, that making the outer surface (Saumen) so well resembles herself is only writing that kind of sentence against herself. Naturally though, I just sold the charm to my sister, and it doesn't do me any good for that.

- But first.

"I wonder if I passed it on."

Tilt your neck as you reflect on the text of the letter you sent back to him from here. I'll figure it out, I'll figure it out. I even omitted the subject. That was perhaps too concise. What I wanted to tell you was, yes...

I'll take care of your request. I'm sick. I'll take care of it.

Yuki muttered another word as she bent her neck in the opposite direction this time.

"... might not have passed it on."

I might have expected too much from the childhood mindset. I don't think there was anything between us, like the breathing of an abalone in the first place.

Though for a moment I wonder if I should send another one after him.

"Oh, come on."

The proposal was immediately rejected. If you couldn't pull this off, it's worse that you couldn't put it together.

Besides, where I put that amount of strain, we wouldn't hit it. Whatever the case, a lot of effort is being sent here to 'request' than he does.

"Well, and"

Until my colleague gets back, probably an hour. With that, some work would go on.

"I don't know how to do it"

Yuki whispered as she removed a few books from the shelf. Go back to your desk, take some of the paperwork out of the bag you left at your feet.

And Yuki laughs. And think.

I was wondering where I could summarize my report on his request.

- At the beginning of the document I took out, the name of a woman is written.
