"Good luck"

Return to the coffee shop Fine, sit in the usual counter and order meat sauce pasta.

To the words of labor Elsa said while offering a plate of salad and pasta, the nuts got a little lost and then just said "......"

After a job at the Sputnik jewellery store and returning to the coffee shop (cafe) Fine, the used plates remained uncollected everywhere in the store due to the unfamiliar supply (waiter) working instead of Elsa. Elsa sighed at her brother, who was tired of his unfamiliar business - on top of which regular customers said, "I don't have a clue." He hung his usual apron. No, he stood around and quickly cleaned up the store. To Elsa, I'm sure the waitress is a vocation.

A vocation.

While entangling pasta in a fork, nuts think that word again.

Elsa, who cleans up plates and glasses in the counter, even sings a nose song just because she can't help but enjoy the job, despite the amount of dishes at hand. One of the twins walked out of the store laughing bitterly at me for having a ready delivery and saying, "I knew it would suit me better," and I'm sure I didn't feel bad about the job.

... Well.

What about yourself?

Put the tangled pasta in your mouth, then continue and poke the potatoes in the salad with a fork. It was soft and easy to stab, even though it was a lot bigger with a corner cut.

"Hey, that guy."

That's how I squirm at the pierced potatoes, not eating them, just looking at them.

Whether you ask me or not, you don't have to be hearing me in the first place. It was a word I vomited with that intention, so I didn't even make it clear who 'he' was.

But that's the end of Elsa's nose song, and the hand to clean it up won't stop, but her gaze turned to me as well. And according to that look, she also seemed to know who the nuts were talking about.

"I told you."


Asked in the same tone as usual, just a little, lost. I was wondering if I could tell you where I was from.

After a while of thinking, the nuts opened their mouths.

"You're a strange girl, Crewe."

…… Yeah. "

"So if there's anything you need to tell me, I told Sputnik. I said I might be able to help you."


"But you never told me."


"'Cause you're a police officer,' he said. Even if what Krew is hiding, for example, was his own criminal record, and if that trouble was coming into contact with the law, I wonder if we can protect Krew..."


It wasn't a question. There's no way you can protect me, is there? It was a certainty - a mockery.

of a dream I had this morning, the smile I saw in it. Sticking to the edge of your head, a disgusting look.

To the nutty word, Elsa said "yeah" again. It was as if he knew that the man would give the answer that way.

"And nuts, what did you say?

"I couldn't say anything.... because something I didn't understand"


I didn't know. I couldn't answer that. Even for a moment, I couldn't say anything more than shut my mouth that I might be, that question. I tried to paradox him over and over again, and none of that could be put into words -

"... but I am"

I am.

When the nuts shrugged and hesitated to keep their mouths shut.

I made sure it was replaced, and Elsa said this.

"The only thing I don't like about Mr. Sputnik is that he hates his people."

Peer, disgust.

Guru, and I realize my own eyebrows are coming over.

"... you mean me and him, they're alike?

"You look alike."

Elsa didn't even swallow her own words in her low nut voice.

Polishing a glass with water droplets, he vomits words of sagging and affirmation. No matter how many nuts you don't like, don't stop smiling at them.

"He tries so hard to protect Krewe."

- I'm gonna die for him.


That day when he rarely struck Gorotsky, saved the kidnapped Krew and was consequently detained by the police station for three days.

That's what I told my nuts, I remember those unmistakable eyes.

"So are nuts. I try so hard to help you with what you want to help.... That's why you cried, then, to me"

- You can count on me!

To the nut that remains pretending to have lost the word, Elsa keeps her gaze on hand and continues.

I don't think I wanted to be a police officer.

Before the nuts that silently eat the pasta, Elsa takes up another clear glass, wiping the wet surface, pale.

"I think he just wanted to be able to help someone. Nat became a police officer just because he wanted to get the means, not the purpose.... right, nuts. Do you remember where my purse was then?

I remember.

A friendly man was delivering it to the police when he fell out of his bag while he was playing. I saw the face of a police officer laughing at it as a lost object, the wallet back in hand, and Elsa happy to see it - to be trusted by people and help people.

I felt the answer was there.

"That's why I became a police officer."

Elsa lifted the glass a little and looked inside. On the surface of an unspoilt glass, the sights around it are reflected in a nuanced distortion. Yeah, and I laughed, and Elsa put that glass on hand.

Next, take one of the teacups and start polishing it again.

while doing so. Keep going. What Elsa said was,

"So. The nut became a police officer, maybe half, because of me"

"Elsa's 'fault'..."

I'm here as a result of my choices, not because of anyone else - put the fork down and try to say it back. but Elsa waved the first time to stop it.

And I grinned. I know, but I said so.

"Don't help people because you're a police officer. I became a police officer because my nuts wanted to help someone. So Mr. Sputnik is right, one day... I think the police officer's nuts, one day, will come when they're worried. Of course, I'm not saying it's all my fault that Nat became a police officer. But if my nuts get lost right now, I'm sure I'm responsible."

If you get lost.

- If you can't tell if what you want to do is really good.

"So, if you get lost, just tell me. And then..."

"You'll think with me," he said?


I prefaced what I wanted to say, an inquiry I meant.

But Elsa waved for the first time. Place each cup you had there with a cloth and place your empty right hand on the nut. And he seemed a little off,

"'Act without extra thought,' I'll slap you in the cheek"

And I waved my right hand.

For nuts who think too much and stop walking, it might be a good response. Although.

On the other hand, I also feel like they said, 'Similar to a bad thought rest'. Plus I feel somewhat infidel and pointy my lips a bit. Then I grumbled at this complaining.

"..." It's an older privilege to be great, "the dog shop said."

"Oh, what are you talking about? Because you're younger, you can look great."

But Elsa doesn't care about her nuts' grievances, she just flaunts her shoulders.

I closed one eye and laughed, and she said, as if it were some kind of adage...

"I've been looking at the back of my nut since I was born."

Anything you need to know about your loved ones.

Elsa went on to laugh, Ugh, as if her own words were also masterpieces.

Inside the counter, I am familiar with young people putting tea leaves in the same pattern teapot as the cup I just brushed.

Staring at her blurry, the nuts, as usual, called her name.



Returning is the same, serene voice as usual.

After getting a little lost, Nat told Elsa,

"I love it."

"What's that? Disgusting."

That's not the pattern. In response, she offered me a cup of tea, "It's a service."

I said the nuts tasted good yesterday, it was that tea.