The city of Riafiat is located in the eastern part of the continent, a moderate city that flourished as a lodging town on Lucar Street.

The city, which is also known throughout the year as a region of a wide variety of fruits and flowers due to its warm climate, is a very good policing operation of the police station, although it is not a branch of the Witches Association, and the unsolved cases are equal to zero and very livable land.

In such a corner of the city there was a small jewelry store with two clerks. - "Sputnik Jewellery Sputnik".

Crewe ran back to his room and jumped into the kitchen without hesitation.

And out of the cookware, take one frying pan. The red ribbon wrapped around the handle and the hand-written plaque were worn by Crewe himself to show that the frying pan was something special.

Grip, lift, let it go up and down twice and make sure it's familiar with your hands well.


Nodding, I just set that frying pan on fire - not with the handle squeezed, but running again and popping out of the room.

Run down the hallway in the shared area, down the stairs, and open the door leading to the store.

And when I shook it up, I turned my back on this one, and I was sitting on the couch, and I was like,


The blow in the frying pan released from his blind spot sounded very good, Pakon.

Put your hands on your hips, and, uh, exhale your nose and say again, "It's tense!," he says. Looking at the man, who leaned over his torso without screaming at the sudden shock, the shopkeeper Sputnik turned to Crewe and said, pompous.

"Tenchu, na"

"You don't have to calmly correct me!

Sputnik was strangely convinced that while watching 'visitors' being beaten by Krew across the couch, I see that's why Krew suddenly took his seat off.

The handle of Krew's gripping frying pan, the tag stopped through the ribbon, says' For Shin 'in a familiar handwriting. Thank you. This man called the person who held him - that is, a police officer nut - "What is that abusive woman!" He couldn't sit on Krew's stomach for cursing. Continuing to get pounded in the frying pan, the visitor shouted at him.

"What the hell are people in this city! Treating people like criminals, or suddenly beating them up."

"Not if I say bad things about Mr. Nuts!

Scream, pamper, and do it again.

Were you afraid of being stared at, or not being hit back, she hid back a bit as she rushed that one last shot toward Sputnik. And he starts staring at his opponent over Sputnik's shoulder. The guests who sat across from Sputnik also stare at Klu with great difficulty.

"In the first place, who are you, you disrespectful person? Do you know Mr. Sputnik? Can I put it out on an unburning garbage day"

Not good, I think. Probably.

But Sputnik couldn't answer right away because a good explanation about him didn't come to mind right away.

You can come to this city by visiting Sputnik, but by mistake he was chased around, held captive and rolled up, and stepped on his face at the end of the citation - the last one is ineffective - it's bad that he happened to have his head ahead of him when he stepped out - he was certainly a Sputnik acquaintance if you asked him his name.

But it was the release of the restraints and the tea that served him, but I knew him to the extent that I accidentally forgot his face, and he's not so deeply associated with himself. It's a thin connection that I finally remembered after hearing the name and taking a serious look at the chest print.

Well, how should I introduce you? While Sputnik was roaring, this is how he introduced himself to Crewe?

"I am his sister's lover"



In a nutshell, that is in the form of the least good introduction.

It was only on a recent visit that I could not see (Mami), but all the same, Krew would meet Yuki. With that in mind, I know that a poor introduction here will lead to personal hazards later. So I wanted to end up appropriately clouding my tea to the point of 'just acquaintance' - something that he named that way, and that didn't work either.

"Koizi?... your sister's?

Sputnik waved his loose wear in the strange gaze of Krew.

Sigh one, then look back at Crewe. And when I pointed to him across the street with my right hand, I explained him to him, choosing words.

"He's Lau. He's a jeweler belonging to the Crew Lol Jewellery Chamber, and he thinks of my sister, our manager. My sister came up with a good way to use it without bonding to a healthy attitude that she wouldn't scratch and give up after repeated courtships, sleeves and sleeves.

It bothered me to put it in a far-fetched way when I said yes.

I think about it with my thumb belly pressed against my temples, and then I say a fractional word that comes to mind.

It's my sister, your parsley.

"I see."

"You're out of your mind."

Krew snorts deeply at the proper introduction that seems to be no more, and Lau frowns with his arms together.

"I've been saying for a long time that I'm not Paciri, I'm a lover. Why don't you understand?"

"No, 'cause, you see, nah"

Clouding the words. And

"What do you want from me in the first place, you?"

"My heart is kind and pathetic."

"Oh, my God."

It's easy to understand in a way - but I never understand - and I feel like I've been given an answer and figured something out.

He has fallen in love with the well-made exterior of that raccoon because he thinks it's real. And they put it in there, and it's used like a good thing. Raising the fever without knowing otherwise. He could also be said to be the victim of that woman, depending on what he saw.... It's just that that woman, even though she's using it well, seems to be pretty easy on this guy for a mistake.

And Krew was Krew, and he didn't seem to have a good impression on this man.

"So, uh. What was it...... yes, what is your circumstance when Mr. Pasili comes to us today and even though he did an act of peeping, he doesn't go to the police, he's not guilty, he doesn't go to jail, he doesn't have the colour of reflection, he drinks tea afterwards on our couch?

"You're too tough to say."


I just can't help it when it comes to Crewe. From what I hear, Suspect, it seems that this man's shadow that was peeking at the store has frightened me, so I can't forget my anger so easily. He has the same face from Sputnik, who said he would not reflect or anything like that.

And while rhetoric is not very good, that point was certainly something Sputnik wanted to know too. Sputnik turns back to Lau, again, asks.

"So why are you in this city today?"

This man and Sputnik are not so close. That was close to 'not interested' in one way or another. I don't think she'll be in a better mood than she was when we gathered his information, and it's no use getting close.

And that would be the same for Sputnik for Lau. That's why Sputnik didn't know. Why did he come to this rear fiat now?

When asked, he re-sat deeply on the couch, placing his hands on both knees and saying "That's it".

"I brought the letter Yuki asked for"


"He said he was looking for someone to run errands over there because asking the post office would take time. That's where I took on the pleasure. I just wanted to go to Liafiat for work, so I finally offered to deliver it to you."

"... I've never heard of your customers in this city."

"Oh, don't get me wrong. That's a lie."


"If there were no errands, just for her sake, and she purposefully stretched her legs to Liafiat Kunda in such a country, poor, heartfelt Yuki would surely admire her. Rest assured, brother-in-law, I have no intention of interrupting your business."


"Poor" gives me a urticaria in my neck, "heart-tender" makes me stand up with my nails, and "brother-in-law" draws a smile.

Krew, even more angry at what was said to be the countryside, said "puffy," but Lou didn't care, just laughed when he saw Sputnik's floating expression.

"Oh, that's it. The way you laugh."


"Is it still familiar back in the day, the same way you laugh? I shook her hand and told her I was going to deliver the letter and she was smiling clumsily, just like you are now. Damn, he's adorable."


"Yeah, well, after the handshake, Mr. Yuki was sprinkling antiseptic alcohol into his own hand. 'I'm sorry, I've been having a bit of a cold lately, and I'm sorry if I infected (depressed) you with a handshake...' he told me. How sweet of her to think of me even though she's weak with a cold!

"After shaking your hand, that's what your hand touched."

"Shut up."


Looks like you noticed that Crewe too, but he blocked his mouth because it's a hassle.