"Dear Soaran, Didn't you think it was strange when you heard the story? - How did the task of 'mediating a wizard's protest' and so on come down on her, who is a 'researcher'?

A quiet room sounded unfamiliar, hitting.

It was a faded Soaran's, throaty sound.

"The Witches Association has a department of wizards who specialize in rough things. I won't do it because I don't need to investigate all of my achievements, but it's obvious that it's just at least a department that 'captures wizards who name magic girls and fits them under the umbrella of the Witches Association' - in other words, a department that accommodates problems between wizards. Okay, everyone on the spot. Let me ask all of you. Are you familiar with the term 'mediation'? What the word is made of is doing magic experiments? Is it about writing a magic research paper?

I don't know exactly how it's written in the dictionary.

Perhaps everyone could have imagined.

"From here on out is my delusion. It's a delusion without backing it up and for no reason, so it's not even a guess. But as a third party at all, I can't leave you alone. Dear Soaran, is your fiancée really 'dead in an accident'?

Nobody says anything.

Sputnik's, awaiting the continuation of Yuki's words.

"The record of Ms Françoise's death did remain with the Witches Association. Yeah, already, that's clean, neat. But she, a research profession, was forced to do the rough thing of 'somehow' mediation and so on, 'happened' to be involved in a terrible war, and 'unfortunately' lost her life - well, what do you think, everyone? Is Ms Françoise's death too unnatural?

Asked, "Everybody," Krew is blurry with his spoon in his grip, unable to keep up with the flow of the story, and Ilaja stares straight at Sputnik. And Soaran...

I was holding my chest down and trying to breathe somewhere.

"I would like to put a question to Dear Soaran." To mediate her. "Whose orders was that?"

It's an order from the Guild Headquarters.

Taking the answer, Sputnik once again drops his gaze on the letter. And I was surprised.

"Order of the headquarters of the Association. Cheng Cheng"

Because that's how the writing went on, as if I had anticipated Soaran's answer.

But Sputnik, who learns about 'the woman', was quicker to recover than the equally slight threesome. Go on, ask.

"Why would the association give such an order"

"... what do I know!

"You don't know. Cheng Cheng"

It's also as if you've read ahead.

And it would have seemed clear that Soaran would even react like that, but without the emotion of shards, in just one word, she tore his steeple apart.

"It was her fiancée and you raised by the association. Why don't you know everything?


Sputnik hasn't seen this man in a while.

"I," he said, referring to himself, but nothing more can go on. Ilaja gently laid her hand on his shoulder, which drifted. Still, he doesn't try to lift his neck.

This is how the letter went on.

"I did mean it. I'm kidding. Please forgive me."

As I read it, I thought it was a Yuki joke. That's what I dare to call a 'joke' after recognizing that there are words that don't make jokes when, and that aren't jokes on the spot again. But when Yuki used the word, Sputnik knew it was not a wording to escape the responsibility of hurting the other person, but an unpleasant word to further hurt the other person - the overturned Soaran chuckled. I didn't think it was an interesting joke because of the sad "You didn't know anything" whine.

But as if there was no interest in the atmosphere of the scene or anything else, the text released far more than Finetica goes on pale.

"Now, back to the mystery that emanates from it. Why did Mr. Soaran accept her death without question? One more thing. How could he not mourn the death of Ms Françoise?

"Um, that's because Master Soaran had sworn allegiance to 'The Original Father'..."

"You guys are really different."

And this word that Sputnik uttered was not Yuki's letter, but his own.

Scratch your ears with your left pinky. Iraja's obvious deception made her ears itch. Maybe if it's just writing, he's an honorable student, a serious iraja, who disagrees with it.

"What's changing? Our wizard said," For the sake of our ancestors "-"

"I don't know if what you worship is soy or green onion or medicinal," he said. That's not what the story is about, and it can be taken as a sermon, depending on who hears it. Sputnik's mouth didn't stop like he was being manipulated by something, even though he understood that there was no funny guy being preached crap or anything. "For example, if your thinkers die in accidents, can you think, 'If you think of your ancestors, you have no choice'? Can you give up and live the rest of your life as you have?"

Then her emerald-like eyes opened wide. Then I saw Soaran like he was bounced. I don't know what that behavior means. She just said nothing more and lay down her face.

Sputnik reads out the rest of the letter.

"I don't know what's right with me not knowing the scene, not knowing the time, not knowing the wizard, but I can see things from an objective point of view, because of a third party. So I made some assumptions."

There's one, turn the note. The text written on its head is not so different in size or brush pressure from the previous one. But to Soaran I heard, it seemed like a shock to me that I couldn't stay calm.

And Sputnik, who I read, was also one sentence I thought would be so. It's

"One of the hypotheses. - It was Mr Soaran himself who killed Ms Françoise."

"Why would you let me kill her!

Soaran, who abruptly vandalized his voice, no longer seemed to have room in his mind to accept it as' hypothetical in its interpretation '. I would have laughed a little and said "boring jokes" if I were him normally.

He was just grabbing, "I'm going to get in your way!" Ilaja pressed and fastened. Soaran returns to me all the time to her presence, which supports her body about to get out of bed. And with another weak voice,

"... that magic holding was in the wizard, very good. My ability as a researcher, my wisdom and my knowledge were far beyond me. I'm no match for that one now, tech or head. Because..."

What followed was not a voice, only the lips just moved. - "The Magic Girl".

Sputnik doesn't know what that word meant.


So there was no other way to do it, and Sputnik just read out the rest of the letter. What followed was a word of salvation for him.

"But to verify, that assumption has to be dismissed. Because he had no reason to kill her."

"... naturally"

"Though children, if they are engaged, they are close to men and women. It's not strange whenever (or wherever) and whatever happens. Or, after a night of fire games with a woman other than her fiancée, I can't help but take responsibility for that woman's belly. I'm gonna be happy with him and his kid, so cancel my engagement. No, I'm not breaking up. Maybe there's some kind of gap, Master Sputnik?... I don't know why you give my name there..."

Krew's eyes, which seemed shabby and was beginning to eat the third jelly, suddenly sharpened and turned to Sputnik at each neck. Sputnik continued his role as a reader by shifting his face from Krew with all his might.

"But that didn't seem quite the case with this guy either. Because Mr. Soaran was a man raised in the name of the association, and at the time he seemed to have limited contact with outside human beings... was that boxed, you?

"... no. By then, you were working as a wizard in public, so the world had spread considerably. But there were people everywhere who hated me for being an executive candidate, raised by the Witch Society. Either way, heterosexual relationships couldn't have shown any gaps."

Sputnik's head, too many words I once heard. "I'm not an innocent white wizard" and "I've also used a lot of rowing hands to get here". Soaran's answering voice seemed to have pushed him to death low, as if he had chosen words.

Either way, he denies it, and her hypothesis is rejected. but Yuki had made another hypothesis, as if she had expected to be. The text of the letter follows' Hypothesis Part II '. And that 's--

"To Mr. Soaran, the theory was that he had been bewitched to say, 'Don't suspect her accidental death'"


faint, whining.

Ilaja said, "Pompous."

"... to whom?

And besides, Soaran's shoulder shook.

Breathe in.

"Dear Soaran, my fool brother's friend. Can you indeed say that your fiancée's death was not a ploy by someone, someone, of the Witch Society? or."

So I cut the word, not that I was instructed to do anything in the letter. It was just Sputnik's will.

Unexpectedly, he was lost. Can I tell this man that?

- But you don't have to get lost. This woman has a sister who sees everything in the world. Yuki says it's good, so I guess it's good.

Also, if this woman asks you to say so. I don't have a choice to refuse.

And Yuki borrowed his brother's mouth toward Soaran, and told him,

"Or, Dear Soaran. Are you sure you can say that your fiancée did die?