I loaded Crewe's bag and said, "My bag, if you open it on your own, it's puffy!" "I'll call the police when I open it!!" and push hard and hard to Lau.

"Well, and"

Once again, Sputnik and Lau greet each other briefly. Then Lau looked at the watch.

"It's time"


Sputnik returns his consent.

Crewe knew what that meant - enough to be prepared, I should have.

I wonder why.

Cum, my chest hurts.



"First. You can ride."

Tell Lau. When he answered yes, he boarded the carriage without any doubt.


"He's a fool!! You got caught!!

Close the door right after Lau gets in and hold it from the outside so you can't get out. How utterly stupid! I took a sweet look at this one. It's his fault! And now I will raise my voice unto thee.

"Come on! Let me out, please! And go!! To the end of the wilderness!!

cha. And the door opened with a noise.

"What are you talking about"


Anyway, I just got on, and the door closed again.

And Sputnik and I, we're left.

A lot of silence, later.

Have you forgotten anything?


"Did you have a handkerchief or something?"


"Well, Vealton is a big city. Some things can be sourced locally."

It is the eighth time.

Hearing Sputnik groan that goes on with the blur, re-carry the stuffed rucksack again, then.


Speak to Sputnik.

His harrowing words stopped perfectly.


"You know what?"

"What's up?"

Think about what it's like as you tangle or untie your fingers in front of your chest. Think, think, think, and.

"Ku is leaving Liafiat City today."


"That means"


"Ku and Sputnik, for a while, stay away"

…… Right. "



This is not for me. It's not like I want to be sweet or lonely.

Only, as an employee, for an employer. For employers to do their jobs properly, even while employees are on vacation.

Mm. And I opened my arms wide and offered them to Sputnik.

"Couple of days' worth of kumin (probably), I think you should keep it a little replenished"

"What nutrients, it"

He giggles, squeaking his throat. And

"Okay, sweetheart."

With that big, boneless palm, he stroked my head around. "You're going to study hard," he said with words of encouragement.

... somehow, get lonely.

Krew wrapped his raised arm around Sputnik's waist as it was.

"Mr. Sputnik, we're going to have a proper meal. Not if you're just eating sweets."

"Am I a child?"

"Don't forget about Ku."

"I haven't been too busy forgetting the faces of my employees in days."

"You can't mess with customers."




Slipping up somewhere, it was a heartless reply, but I made a promise.

"You too. Listen to Lau, listen to Mr. Kruelol, and learn from him."


"If you're in trouble, tell Mr. Kruelol."


"... if it's hard, you can come home on the way"


The journey alone, though very scary. Though a little lonely. Still.

Gew. And once, push your head around Sputnik's belly. When Crewe left him, he was forced to laugh and say hello.

"I'm coming."


Get in the carriage. Check the position of the cushion to protect your ass, put the stuffed backpack aside and look down at Sputnik through the window.

Beyond the window, he says nothing. I'm just looking at this one silently. That faceless look is also adorable, and I just want to keep him in my sight for a while now. Though I hope a little more, a little more - eventually.

Horse footsteps, wheeled noises.

At the same time, the carriage swayed.


Sputnik's figure flowed backwards.

I rush to put my cheeks on the glass and look at the jewellery store. Sputnik dropped this one off with his usual unfathomable eyes as he stood in front of the jewellery store against the carriage that ran out. But Crewe can't stay calm. Little by little, my dear employer looks away.

The wheel increases speed, and he gets smaller, smaller. Where it doesn't arrive, it becomes like a bean grain.


The words are getting bigger and bigger in my chest.


I was called in, and, well, I let my cheeks off the glass.

When I look at the voice, in the seat across the street, Lau is looking at Crewe. An eye that sees something painful, a consideration. Someone I really don't get used to, but I guess I still have the heart to care.

"... what,"

painful throat and pain in the back of the nose and.

With a heartbreak for loneliness, I look back at him. And...

"Is that the bathroom?


Sorrow and loneliness switched to anger at once. I don't know if you're Sputnik's sister's lover, but what a delicacy free man!

Even though people are immersed in the loneliness of traveling! Huh, and turned that way, and Crewe closed his eyes.

I don't want to talk to him any more. I don't even want to see his face - because it was an act from that thought, but I didn't get much sleep last night, or because the carriage is comfortable shaking, or because of the fuzzy cushions.

Crewe's consciousness soon falls asleep.

Continental capital, the city of Vealton. Being a hub of central functions in continental government and present as a capital, the city is one of the largest cities on the continent, also home to the headquarters of major jewellery chambers of commerce and branches of witch associations.

In such a corner of the city, schools are set up for jewellers and those wishing to pursue a profession involving jewellery. - "Elquille Jewellery School," Elquille College of Jewellery.

The 'experiential school' of the Erkühr Gemstone School takes place on a five-day schedule.
