in the city of Caulkdier, a city in the north of the continent.

"I knew I wanted to go, too, wow."

Soaran, the wizard of the vice branch manager of the Witches Association Cokedier Branch, expressed resentment and regret as he ran a pen on a large amount of paperwork.

There are circumstances that stop and sniff around my men's privacy as my boss - it was not long ago that I turned over my private secretary to the remote city of Liafiat to investigate. Though I don't think I was wrong in making the decision to turn to the private secretary, not myself, because I was too behind in my duties as deputy branch manager or because the interviewee was a girl, the 'little, adorable girl' around Soaran disappeared in any way.

Due to his position as Deputy Branch Manager, he has a lot of difficulty, and his colleagues don't always know what to think in his stomach. Soaran had come quite a bit in the days of not being distracted and being deprived of a little healing and servant.

himself a 'out of standard' wizard. So of course, if you want to go to Liafiat City right now, you can magically fly right away.

Open the notebook as you rub the base of your eyes with your left thumb and index finger. It was detailed and surprising in the letter of a neat secretary, filled in with meetings, visitors, and appointments for visits. Every second is spared to accomplish this. Sigh with one sentence, "Please don't leak," written outside the column to stab the nail, and the amount of plans that have not been recorded as soon as possible - but.

I think. What if by the time she gets back, she's been cleared of all this massive paperwork and work?

'You had so much work to do, you cleaned it up beautifully. Wow, still my esteemed teacher, no... stay, it is'

- Good.

Nature and cheeks broke when I imagined a scene where a usually unscrupulous private secretary would call me about Soaran with a nickname that was slightly cheek-dyed, up-and-coming, but also something I had always hoped for.

Because you can't just not work hard! Throwing the notebook at his desk, Soaran took a new piece of paperwork and put up a pen again. We need to get a little more paperwork going by the next scheduled meeting time.

"Woof, stay with me. I'll do my best, Cecil."

And that Soaran shrugged.

The noise of a knock in the room was almost simultaneous.


Pen your cheeks with both hands, tap your pens twice, and turn off the grin. After I coughed up, I replied.

"Go ahead."

"Excuse me, sir."

The way he came in in response was familiar to Soaran.

But that's not what I hoped to see. Every time I confront her, it's always the case that my cheeks are going to pull - Javot.

He is a wizard who serves as branch manager for the Caulkdier branch. From what I hear, my parents are from the Association's headquarters, and they don't seem to hate the other side about Soaran, a man wizard rich in magic, but Soaran wasn't very good at her. At least not to the extent that I don't think I want to choose a partner in my future life.

Well, what the hell is she doing here?

"Branch Manager. What's wrong?"

Inquiry but no answer, and furthermore, there was not only one Javot visitor.

Following her came three wizards. He's wearing a black robe hood deep in his eyes, and he doesn't know his face. - But.

In the hands of the three.

"What imitation!

Soaran peeled off his eyes, kicked his chair and stood up. Around the bend, this is the branch of the Witches Association, and he himself is the deputy branch manager here. Even though there is no such position as Javot, is such a disrespectful imitation allowed!

But both the upset and the behavior seemed to be within Javot's expectations.

Her red lips laugh lusciously.

"Soaran, Deputy Branch Manager. I hope to accompany you."

The tip of the total of three canes, all together, upright, pointed...

Who the hell found out? Soaran put down his pen in notion and raised his hands to shoulder height.

The detention facility of the Witches Association Cokedier Branch is located in the basement.

Detention facility. A place to temporarily keep a suspected wizard in prison. If you are confirmed as a sinner, your figure will be sent to the headquarters of the Witches Association and you will be brought to justice. I mean, he's not officially a criminal because he's only 'suspected' at the time of his incarceration in a detention facility - but the atmosphere made Soaran wonder "if it's a punitive prison mistake" when he first stepped into this place on duty at the Cokedier branch. Dim, moldy, starchy cage. I didn't know I was coming to take care of this place.

Javot is ordered to "enter" and step into the room where he is likely to vomit. There was a falling sound of the lock behind her, and Soaran looked back cursorily.

What blocks the inside and the outside is the lattice. It looks like a dark ceiling, a magically sealed bill. Shackles embedded in his own arms. You are being stripped of your robe as a wizard to prove that you are not hiding a weapon that begins with a wand. None of this is enough to limit Soaran's behavior.

"... can you tell me, Branch Manager. What brings me here?

It's not a good idea to stand around now. Ask with a voice.

The boss with arms, out of the lattice, wasn't laughing. What was returned to the inquiry was a question, and the thing was calm.

"I wonder why you've started looking into that woman by now."

"That woman?

"Where empty. - About your old fiancée."

It was like a tired voice. The sincerity of this cannot be measured.

"It doesn't mean anything profound. However, if you dare, does that mean that I, too, am old enough to put my thoughts into the past? I dreamed about my late fiancée, and I just missed her. I know she's gone, but I wanted to touch her remnants."

"When did you dream about it?

"Well, a few days ago, the exact date was"

"Not in Liafiat City?

Return your gaze. Javot's lips were crooked.

"- How did you get that city's name?

"That city would have had a daughter suspected of ore disease. With that woman's sister, of the same name."


I try to defend myself, I notice my mouth is thirsty. I want some water, I thought.

"What are you talking about? That girl also tested her physique, and I actually saw her face. As a result, the body structure is negative, to the conclusion that it has nothing to do with the wizard"

"Yeah, I did read that report, too." You confirmed it, you approved it, you got involved, "that report."

Enjoy the tongue, just listen to the words.

"Also, a story about a few wizards in Finetica City who met that girl. Someone said an unknown wizard came in to help.... you, aren't you involved in something?


"In addition, after ordering you to investigate the jewellery store confidentially, we have determined that your conduct is sufficient to suspect you. At the same time, we will conduct another investigation into that girl. Until all the results come out, it seems you're making a big deal out of it."

- Can you protect her this time?

In that city now, what will Cecil do? Have I met the intended person? Would I have gotten close? I'm sure we can be good friends.

I saw a mirror before I turned away. In the cracked poor phase mirror at the end, it's not the boy. That's why we can't just break it yet.

This time.

"One last thing, let me tell you"

But as if to bruise Soaran like that.

From between the lattices, Javot's hand is plugged in. The whisper that arrived...

"I'm the one who killed that woman"

A red painted nail stroked Soaran's cheek loosely.