
My sister, she doesn't say anything. I'm just walking next to Crewe.

Crewe still can't remember the days he spent with these people about this man who was once his own sister. So Crewe doesn't know much about this guy. I can only imagine it from what I've heard.

In Sputnik's story, she was very, very strong.

Even if you lose your birth parents, your coworkers target your lives, and deprive you of your researcher status, it should be noted. I have searched and found a place where I can live, and I have lived alone.

The man he talks about, his own sister, was strong.

... Too strong.

It was too strong, as if he were also the hero in the hero Tan.


Again, call. I won't say anything.

So Crewe overlaps words.

"Sister. I heard from Mr Sputnik about your sister and couldn't help but think. I still can't remember anything about your mother or your sister. I'm sure that's sadly hard.... but I can't help but be delighted that I can live in this city now that I've come to this city as a result of losing it. It is"

It is.

He saved Crewe and saved us, because we all were there.

- But.

Every time I think of my happiness, Crewe thinks.

What about this guy?

This man has lived a much longer time than ever since Crewe left his mother, without vomiting a single weak sound, all alone, sometimes deceiving, and alone.

And my sister, she makes herself like that - live happily ever after in front of her alone, ourselves.

I wonder what you think.

"Tell me. Your sister, about me... your sister has met, about everyone."

Krew repeatedly remembered "The Tale of a Person named Sister," which he asked Sputnik, many times at night, in a warm bed.

And I thought.

Would she have gotten something just commensurate with the consideration she paid?

Would you have gotten something?

She is.

Was it paid off?

- My sister's leg stopped.

All right, Krew stops too. The demon has also stopped a few steps ago. My sister stood up looking straight at the end of the road, and.

"What do I think of everyone?

How long has it been, she is.

I finally opened my mouth.

"I hate you."

It is.

It was a low voice, like a sound from the bottom of the earth.

"Oh, yeah. Well done. I spotted it."

The voice color.

Ever since she was an aco, as a fantion, as a yuki, it seemed like a thought that I had held all along, in itself.

"I don't like you either. I also hate Master Angelica. - My parents who died for boring reasons, the sorority of witches who picked me up, my brother who said goodbye, my fiancée who gave birth, my birth sister, that woman who was with my mother and her kind companions. No one and he stopped by and took everything from me. Oh, yeah. As you can imagine. Sister, laugh at me. Thoughts, worries, thoughts, footscratches, survival, and as a result, there's nothing left for me right now!


My sister's eyes as she watched the city accidentally looked down at Crewe.

Even though there is no blood connection, those eyes are very similar to the color of my own eyes in the mirror.

"Hey, my dear sister. Can you tell me what was wrong with me? Against me, who lost my family at a young age, made deals with associations to gain my place, and desperately tried to survive, people were tasked to protect even if I died a given adoptive family, and even my fiancée saw me as nothing but a disgrace, and my fellow countrymen were targeted for my life, even pursued for my status as a researcher, and not even fulfilled the protection of my given family (of)! Finally..."


The last word I was thrown up to add was quick talk, ghostly, and didn't seem to be meant to make Crewe listen. I guess I didn't think you could hear me.

"- My childhood acquaintance, who waited for a reunion, had abandoned a glorious future because of me"

But Crewe heard it.

Sputnik told me with a sigh that she gave up "totally that feminine" that it was not friendship or anything that she wished to reunite with Sputnik, but simply, that it was his asset aim that would carry on the traces of her parents' home.


Crewe somehow also felt strange about that 'motive' that Sputnik had heard.

When Krew heard about Sputnik, he realized that his sister had something to say to Sputnik that she didn't tell him.

I don't even know if it's one thing to keep quiet. But I know why you whispered. I'm sure it's to protect the fantasy of someone else (Sputnik) being her.

Why is that?

If my sister says she really hoped to reunite for Sputnik's fortune, she would have had no use for him as a jeweler she met. Even so, my sister became the manager of this store at the Crew Lol Jewellery Chamber, forged documents for him and, as his accomplice, committed a number of crimes.

Why is that?

Once her own sister, she said this to someone who could have been her own brother-in-law. "Let's live together. Until each other, those who want them, show up the way of life they want."

Who was the one my sister 'wanted'?

- Maybe my sister,

My sister broke her hips. A protruding face in front of Crewe laughs. Those white eyes are running blood.

"Nah. You'd be good enough to resent it at the bottom of your belly, you fucking kid. Neither do you, your mother. You don't know anything about this world, I'm so angry with those eyes as if they were seeing through everything!

The tone that my sister emits, very similar to Crewe's thinker, suits her far better than the thinker. That's because that guy imitated her. Because that guy, when he decided to live alone, when he decided to stay strong, he imitated it. Strong girlfriend.

Crewe thinks. - I'm still weak.



Just because you're weak doesn't mean you don't know.

Crewe stretched his chest and stretched his spine. Don't give in to the blood-running eyes that are directed at you.

"I can only imagine how hard it was for your sister to survive alone.... No, I can't even imagine. But"

Crewe thinks. If you're weak, you're stupid.

From myself to her, there's only one thing I can say.

"Thanks to you, I, uh, met that guy. So."

At least that's all.

In me, it wasn't a mistake.


Besides, my sister...

I stretched my broken hips.


- Pom, and I put my hand on Crewe's head.

"Well thought out, Crewe."

There, there is no more gloom like stripping a sunken starch.

She just gave me a definite compliment, Crewe.

"You scared me. I just wanted to be mean.... straight to you."

The look of laughing was Krew friendly, Krew's well-informed girlfriend herself. - No.

At that moment, the throbbing, and Crewe's chest bounced off the

"What you imagined was right"

I admit, my sister's mouth is loose, her eyes narrowed, and she does laugh.

But for some reason, just for a moment.

You know what?

"I can't help but be jealous of you guys"

- Of Crewe and a girl just the same age, because she looked like a crying face.

"You're right, Crewe. And what I just said, I mean it.... never got what I loved, never kept off what I loved, and everything I asked slipped out of my hand. My beloved 'magic' will surely one day disappear into the future too"

I was put on, warm hands. I snorted at Crewe's idea.

Crewe looked at the ground. Watching my sister made it hard. Once again, I realized how sad what I imagined, and what my sister admitted, was.

Only one, seeking, chasing, but one, world I couldn't get.

How sad that would be. - It would be painful.

And I still don't realize the pain, the loneliness, with anyone else in this world, the sorrow that she continues to have.

How much is that...

My chest hurts so bad, when I bite my lips.


The placed hand moved and slowly stroked Crewe's cheek. Following words urging her to "look up," when Crewe looked up terrified, she was still laughing and...

But the expression was only slightly different from earlier. A mean looking smile. Something like a plan is seeping in.

I wonder why, off her cheeks, her gentle hands away.

The finger just stood.

But you're making one mistake.


I wonder what that means.

Next to Klu, who leaned his neck, his sister made a gesture toward the user demon who would go forward.