The Godsfall Chronicles
Chapter 286: Reckless City
Most of the ruins in the wilderness are unnamed, but the ruins of the city of Reckless have a very loud name - the ruins of Thunder.
Thunder Ming ruins will be called Thunder Ming ruins naturally has a story. It is rumored that more than twenty years ago, the Master of Starlight fought a powerful opponent in this place. Some say it was a demonic race, some say it was a powerful mutant monster, and some say it was a whole army of wilderness. In short, there was a great war here.
The master of starlight borrowed 3,000 ways to bring the great gods to the end of the battle. From then on, the world became famous, and this is how the first demon hunter in the Sky Cloud realm came to be named. Since then, the star master has rarely done all he can. Unlike ordinary martial artists, the power of the hunter will not weaken with age. Instead, he will continue to improve continuously. He is now approaching the age of sixty. He must be old and stronger and stronger. No one knows how powerful he is.
There are no more star masters these days. Some say that if the Master of Uranus Light was born in the age of the Great Wars, he might become a great generation of legendary hunters.
The position of the city of Reckless in the ruins of Thunder Ming is not fixed, the city of Reckless Ming had more than 1,000 bandits in total in earlier years, even with the plundered slave women, the total number would never exceed 3,000, so like the nomadic people, they put all their households on the backs of horseback cows, ready to move quickly, very flexible.
Unlike Mandarin City a few years ago, Mandarin City now has a total population of more than 10,000 people. In addition to absorbing other members in the last two years, there have been a large number of plundered slaves and women. With the growing population, Mandarin City is no longer as flexible as it used to be.
Despite such recklessness, the entire colony is devoid of walls, even a few simple fences, so naked appeared in the open areas, raising an astonishing number of wild beasts, ranging from smaller wild wolves, wild lizards, to medium-sized barbarians, giant lizards, and even a few giant beasts comparable to elephants, I'm afraid there are two or three thousand pieces.
Reckless city settlements are generally dominated by animal skinned tents.
The supply of camps of this magnitude in the wilderness, as well as of large-scale domesticated animals, is a major problem, and if reckless groups did not survive looting, they would have collapsed long ago because of the scarcity of resources for survival.
Saying that this force is not comparable to the old power dark core, but the degree of barbarism is far less comparable. When walking into the camp, in addition to the very common images of wilderness colonies such as gambling, drinking and eating meat, it is filled with rude, barbaric and even bloody images, such as the execution of disobedient slaves, chopping them up, leaving them outside to feed wolves, such as chaining them up like dogs, or torturing prisoners of war slaves in the streets for fun, even seeing a man riding a horse of war, dragging a man to death directly, and the people around them cheering.
People in reckless cities are generally dressed in strong wild winds, tattoos, masks, iron helmets, prosthetic limbs, and these decorations are very common, and there are even several ugly cannibals, nearly three metres tall, walking around the city.
Such mutants are very common deep in the wilderness, and can be found in wilderness areas near Sky Cloud Divine Area, which is a rare thing, most likely because the Shah has reached deep into the wilderness and recruited super strong fighting power from far away.
Tinker Bell.
A few light-bearing men burned iron in the open air.
A group of prisoners and women were used as currency in exchange for goods.
When three strangers entered the city of Reckless, they immediately attracted the attention of some people, three men, two women, one man, a man in a ghost mask, walking in front of him in a blind grey cloak, holding a rope in his hand, and two women tied to it, as if they were pulling two pet dogs into a tent with staggered teeth.
“Stop!” A bandit with a knife in his teeth stopped the road, and he looked at the man and said, “Where did you come from? I've never seen you. ”
The man in the mask looked up at him and replied in a humble manner: “I am wild and have come to join the reckless band. The two women are the gifts I gave to the reckless boss. ”
“It's too cold for two women. Do you think our reckless gang is this good? Which blind grandson recommended you here!” This door-tooth bandit is extremely loud, the grass sweeps two women's eyes, only one woman has burned scars all over her face, the other woman is suspected of being full of granulomatous sarcoma from facial variation, can even throw people up, "Look at what you brought, our reckless group does not lack a few crooked dates. ”
“Brother, you can't just look at your face. Look at this leg.” The masked man was a little upset to see each other. He hastily lifted up the long dress of a woman around him, revealing a long leg that looked like a chopstick pencil. The woman seemed angry. She immediately put the dress down and waited violently for him. The masked man, regardless of the woman's angry gaze, patted her round and curly ass. “Look at this ass, it's fine. The women in the wilderness are skinny ribs. How can you compare it to this? Who's still looking at faces these days? ”
This gangster with missing teeth attracted most attention from the ugly faces of the two men. Now he has only noticed the figure of the two women. Although they are very loose, they are definitely stretched back and forth, especially the straight breasts. He can hardly help but to touch them.
“It's kind of funny, but I don't know, these two women are pretty predictable, right? Well, you don't have to be so troublesome, just be kind to me.” The gangster who lacks his teeth knows nothing about politeness. "Don't worry, he won't accept anything for nothing. In the future, report my name in the city of Reckless, at least no one will dare to bully you among the newcomers. ”
Both women's faces changed slightly.
“I'm afraid that's not very good. ”
“What are you talking about? If I don't want to give it to you, you won't have any other intentions!” The gangster with the missing teeth reveals a threat: “You better think clearly before you speak, the rules of the City of Recklessness are never allowed in or out. ”
“Brother misunderstood, not that I didn't want to give, but that the two women had been booked by a boss, the boss called One-Eyed, wearing a red blindfold. You see, this is his letter. ”
“You said it was a one-eyed thing. Fuck, waste your time, get in there and find yourself a place to stay. Someone will arrange it for you in a few days. ”
When walking into this place, the population of Reckless City gradually grew, and there was a rapid expansion, constant recruitment of horses, so it was normal for unknown faces to appear, these three people were not others, formal clouds and eagles, the clouds and eagles could not see their faces clearly with fantasy masks, and Ziling and Yamaki made some disguises.
It has to be said that Ziling obviously knew her way around this area a long time ago. She prepared a human leather mask for Sawamu and herself. Now she looks full of scars and crooked dates, so from the exterior, it doesn't show up easily.
Most of the cities are slaves, the number of female slaves is slightly higher, the number of male slaves is smaller, after all, women are easier to control than men, and women in good shape are hard currency in the wilderness, ready to go to the black market in various populated areas to get rid of money, the latter is mainly young men with clear looks, or some skilled professionals.
In the eyes of these bandits, the number of slaves represents strength, ability and wealth. People eat and drink Lhasa and feed people at a high cost, so the more slaves they raise the more they show their ability, so there are a lot of bandits whose income is clearly not enough to feed a lot of slaves, but they are still hard on their scalps to compare to others.
Slaves live in fear because they have no place to speak of.
Not only should they be afraid of their masters, but they should always be careful when walking outside, because whoever took them or killed them with one knife can only consider themselves unlucky, because slaves are so despicable in the city of Reckless. Moreover, the struggle for the survival of slaves comes not only from the outside, but also from the inside, and every master hunt may bring back new slaves.
That's all a bandit can provide for his livelihood.
The number of people who can survive is always limited, so what do we do?
Normally there is no use or tired of old slaves, good luck can transfer to others to continue to live for a while, if bad luck is killed directly as animal feed, the bandits will never show mercy to these slaves.
Survival is biological instinct.
The same is true of humble slaves.
In order to live, naturally do everything possible and try to solve problems, in addition to cheering the master, to make himself as useful as possible, such as helping to raise war animals, helping to maintain weapons, women figured out all kinds of ways to serve the master in comfort, even dealing privately with other slaves with better conditions in exchange for resources, being able to be self-sufficient with skill, or assisting the master in small business in the city of recklessness.
This is the weather in this wilderness city.
Staggered tents filled with canine teeth, full of beast fences and closed to domesticated beasts, gangsters often drink and eat meat in a crowd of gambling, and slaves skinny to serve beside.
“Are you new here?” A woman of ordinary and bitter stature walks over: "Do you want a tent, it's cheap, you can stay for a while, there are a lot of people who have been running lately, you might have to wait a while. ”
The tent was made up by a piece of patch seam after a woman usually picked up bones and a certain amount of rag hide. Although it looked broken, it undoubtedly took a great deal of effort to live on just one piece of dry food a day, the cloud hawk did not have dry food, and it was not easy to give him money, so he took out a dagger and gave it to him.
The woman tested the dagger and was very surprised to say, "Divine domain goods? ”
The cloud eagle is amazed at how good a slave looks: “You can recognize something in the divine domain at a glance, it seems you are not easy. ”
“I was captain of a marginal merchant team in the Divine Domain a few years ago.” The woman's yellow face barely squeezes a smile: “This weapon will last you a few days. ”
Ziling watched the woman leave.
The two children came out of the next tent and hugged her feet. She bent over and held the two three or four year old children up, then returned to her shattered tent. For the first time, she felt that Shinto was no different from the wildlings.