The Godsfall Chronicles
Chapter 438: The Demon Joins forces
A dozen transformation fighters searched quickly.
These guys' detection tools can find all the life forms within dozens of meters, so sooner or later, it's a problem, so North Chenxi can't sit still, if sooner or later, why are you still squatting here, do you have to wait for them to be pulled out?
Take the initiative.
Fucking hell!
That's her style!
Beichenxi slowly pressed the handle of the sword and said, "We're about to be discovered. Can you handle this? ”
Ziling is a little nervous.
It's not a joke to fight.
There are at least fifty or sixty war airships here, and I'm afraid there are thousands of wilderness fighters, including a large number of mutants and modifiers, and if we're going to make a move, it won't do us any good to even four more.
Nothing else.
Nobody can handle a single round of wilderness airships.
Only old drunkards still look like the idle old gods are here.
The cloud eagle is very calm: “Don't talk to me, I said yes, I will. ”
Bei Chenxi's lips clenched, and his hands held the handle of the sword loose. Grandpa could not speak to her with this tone. In exchange for others, Bei Chenxi had already jumped, but he could not be angry with the cloudhawk. It was strange.
The little weirdo bird is controlled to shoot rapidly into the sky.
Find an empty boat about 100 meters above the surface, find a vent to drill directly into it, and when you pass through the overlapping, folded pipes, you finally find an empty storage room.
A nice place.
Just choose here.
“Hold on to me! ”
The eagle stretched out one arm to hold the waist of North Chenxi, the other hand grabbed the arm of Ziling, and Ziling grabbed the old alcoholic quickly. At this time, the warrior is being transformed to be less than fifty meters, and the detector in his hand sends a drip alarm, which is clearly a sign of unusual life.
A cloud hawk starts a space stone for an instant movement.
The probe signal in the hands of the modifier vanished.
They rushed to the ruins, and they didn't see a ghost, and there was nothing nearby. Did the equipment fail? This is an improved detector for adults on the other shore, so strict people can't reason to fail.
Transforming the warriors is inexplicable, but there is no way.
Ultimately, no leaking fish were found.
Eventually I had to return to the airship.
Four people showed up in the storage room that the birds found, and the eagle was a little proud of everyone: “Now you know what I'm good at! ”
“Humph, will you let go! ”
“Sorry, sorry! ”
The cloud eagle found that he still held the willow waist of Beichenxi. He even frightened himself. He even hurriedly let go of his hand and jumped out two meters. Beichenxi was not a good man and a believer. If she misunderstood, it would be mild to break his arm directly.
Beichenxi's cheeks were slightly red. When she saw the cloud eagle as a fearful snake scorpion, the two willow eyebrows stood up suddenly: “Do you need to exaggerate so much? I'm not a fire-breathing monster. What are you afraid of? ”
What does a Fire Sprayer compare to her?
Old drunkards look at the eagle and look at the North Chenxi.
He grinned hey laughed.
Ziling asked: "You're laughing so dirty, what's wrong with you? ”
“Nothing, they remind me of someone. ”
“Who is it? Is it a woman? ”
Ziling and the old drinker are already familiar, so the mouth is not so polite, even the name is directly from the old man to the old man, who let the old drinker not take her as land?
During this time, the old drunkard taught the purple diamonds.
I don't know why I'm reluctant to accept Ziling as my official disciple.
Even Ziling doesn't care if she calls him an old man, so she's curious about the old drunk.
The old drunk unraveled the gourd Slow Slow Slip Slip and took a sip of wine. A purple figure appeared in his head, as if he had suddenly fallen into some kind of memory. His eyes were full of memories and confusion, and he remembered what it was like when he first met.
The old drunk was thirty.
She was only in her teens.
Wu Shengying became hesitant and only wanted to open a new heaven for future generations in martial arts. He decided not to marry for life because he cared about the elders of men and women.
She is the most famous beauty in Sky Cloud City. She is also a famous genius in Sky Cloud City. Countless people show admiration for her, but the silly girl's heart is tied to him.
Even if he didn't care about her at all.
Because she believed that he would fulfill his ideals.
She has to wait for him, no matter how long, when he achieves his ideals and stops, just one turn and she's still behind.
Shaking is more than 20 years.
He never looked back.
Her best years went by like this.
When the old drunk remembered this place, she suddenly shrugged. Did she ever think that the ancient infinite scenery of the Wushu Guild would come to this point?
She can't see.
Fortunately, I can't see.
Unfortunately, I can't see.
The old drunk said to the cloud hawk and the northern sunrise: “Young people must know to cherish the happiness around you. Some things that seem to be handy will never come back once they have lost them. It is too late to regret them. ”
Bei Chenxi knew that the old drunk had seen through her mind.
Her face burned slightly and she glanced at the eagle.
Instead, the cloud hawk didn't notice the subtle expression change in North Chenxi. He was just amused to say to the old alcoholic: “You dead alcoholic will also be sad and sad in the autumn. It really surprises me. ”
“There's so much to be surprised about!” The old drunk turned a white eye directly: “Don't look at me like this, actually my beautiful woman admired me enough to go around the temple for a few laps. ”
Cloud Eagle doesn't have time to bullshit this drunk: “We're going to find a way into the Dark Nuclear Corps now, and I'm going to send a little weird bird to figure out the structure of the airship and change patrols, control a few more key people, let Ziling read the intel with a needle, and finally take complete control of the airship. What do you say? ”
Ziling responded immediately: "No! ”
There is a dense pile of supplies and weapons, probably a storeroom where wilderness airships stack supplies, because there is nothing of particular importance, so there is no guard, and it is safe for the four of them to use it as a base.
Cloud eagles use their space capabilities, as well as the field of view of the birds, to start detecting airships.
This time, even old drunkards can't help but praise the Eagles for their skill.
Skills like Eagle, no matter how tight it is, mean nothing to him, no matter how secret it is to him, it's like going into a deserted place. In the event of a war, it may be possible to move troops directly behind each other, making it easier to strike at the facts.
The Eagle keeps sending back information and structures inside the airship.
North Chenxi and Ziling are naturally also very admirable.
This efficiency is outrageous.
In less than two hours, the cloudhawk took a large, 100-meter-long airship, and completely grasped it from top to bottom, where the control room was, where the power room was, where the main mobile personnel were, all knowingly.
Spatial gifts are rare.
Sky Cloud City hasn't seen a hunter with a space artifact in almost 200 years.
Not only does a cloud hawk have a rare spatial gift, but it also possesses an extraordinarily powerful space artifact, which is why it is capable of doing so.
But the eagle didn't swell.
This reconnaissance was exhausting.
While this space capability is very useful, it is also enormous to consume. If not for the cloud eagle's strength now, he will not say that he can detect and complete his work in such a short period of time, I'm afraid he can't even bring the three of us here in an instant.
As for moving with the army in a flash?
That's even more ridiculous!
Cloudhawk is on the move.
The control method of the spacecraft is extracted by firstly dropping all the control personnel in the control room, and then allowing Ziling to read the memory with a needle.
The ship is occupied!!
The cloud hawk sat himself in the cab.
A man manipulates a complex console.
Ziling and Beichenxi stood on the left and right to do the work for him.
There is a screen on the console that often jumps out of text messages, all command newsletters sent by the main boat in some way, speed, altitude, formation, etc., which is not very complicated.
Kita Chenxi is incredible!
She broke directly into these dark nukes, blasphemed the gods' warship and seized one.
All the weapons of this large airship are in their hands, and if at this time they attack other airships unintentionally, they can definitely have an unexpected surprise effect in an instant, destroying at least one fifth of the airships.
Dark nuclei are afraid not to dream.
This is happening under their noses.
Skyboat units sail all day, showing signs of deceleration from the display.
“We have arrived in the war zone.” The cloud eagle pulled the decelerating joystick, mechanical rotation from all parts of the airship and the sound released by steam, and the airship began to decelerate visibly. At this time, a new briefing appeared on the screen, and his face changed slightly: “We are about to meet other senior members of the Dark Nucleus soon. ”
A few of them were surprised.
The old drunk pointed the gourd out of the observation window and said, "Hey, I see the Dark Nuke reinforcements. This time the Expeditionary Army is going to have a nice pot to drink. ”
Everyone looked down and was shocked.
Dozens of green creatures, slowly approaching, all over green, with back wings.
Aren't these green creatures the dragons that live in the valley? These dragons aren't really attractive, and what's most shocking is that they follow thousands of raptors behind them!
There are at least a few dozen of them, the largest of which is more than a dozen meters long, with a fierce atmosphere, like the tide of an animal, which makes people stare.
“Yamazaki! ”
The only people in this wilderness who can drive so many mutant beasts are Yamazaki.
With the spirit of the shepherd in its body today, the ability to control is different from that of the clouds, thus calling for thousands of powerful raptors, so that it can form an astonishing force under the ground.
Thousands of mutant raptors plus 50 or 60 large war airships could pose a real threat to the Expeditionary Army if attacked at an opportune time.
Cloudhawks also see dust storms rolling in.
The Demon Emperor should be among them.
This is a serious problem.
Hongyi is in the front, the demon is in the back, even if the expeditionary troops of North Chentian are strong, I'm afraid they will fall into a very dangerous situation.