The Golden Age

Chapter 84 Chapter 2 Mr.

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Qin Xiao micro pondered, it said:? "Cunning multiport build deep cover, do not ever see through his intentions if seen through Zao Zao is forever looking for Datang as a patron, even against the use of deep cover Datang family, he why would he promised to send missions? "

"The door Wing Zao want to become his in-laws let Datang Power, built deep cover Bohai State wants to use the match to gain time.

Sun Meier said: "Whoever is an ulterior motive.

Yuan Jian even cover you want to be counted on, in the end want to see how permanent Zao plan.

Zao is the main permanent Bohai Kingdom, although deep cover construction rights inone, but not good easily move of a country, if you have never Zao Tang is behind, spur of the moment to start to build deep cover, deep cover to build it also happens to be the main opportunity to destroy the country, and even his own sit-bit master of the country.

Qin Xiao next cold heart, thinking that Sun Meier has such insight, indeed careful thought.

"Let the saints go round the Bohai official sister, sister do is to let homes officer to assist in the Bohai permanent constraints Zao deep cover to build?"

Qin Xiao this time have learned a bit.

Sun Meier smile: "Saints would like to see the situation, certainly not forever Zao easy to build deep cover to launch an attack, but she hopes to become king of the underworld forever constraints deep cover to build a chess piece, so that the construction will not indiscriminately deep cover recklessly.

If I really went to the Bohai Sea, it is to assist the permanent natural constraints Zao Yuan cover the construction, but also trying to organize a permanent Zao act rashly.

Qin Xiao lightly said: "This house officer sister has become a pawn in the layout, at the expense of the happiness of his life.

"Datang allegiance, as it should be.

Qin Xiao shook his head: "deep cover construction can dominate the Bohai Sea in a short time, even the rapid expansion of forces, these figures can not be king of the underworld forever deal.

He never knew the intentions of Zao, puts the meter on the meter, the official sister homes, such effort, not what good class.

Sun gazing Meier charming face, hesitated a moment before softly: "You know, if you went to the Bohai Sea, is like entering a wolf nest ventured, extremely dangerous?"

Sun Meier hands together reverently watched Avalokitesvara, not to speak.

Qin Xiao Sun Meier know at this time what can say? Things sage decision, let alone a house palace female officer, Datang lower-ranking civil and military, who have in turn can change? In the eyes of the saints, even Sheyue princess is just a tool that can be utilized, not to mention a mere one female officer? Zao Yuan Yong was built as a puppet of the cover, has proven both wisdom or strength, never Zao are not built in the same category with the deep cover, of course, full of Sun Meier was Huacong Hui abnormal, but has been deep in the palace, naturally, can not and crafty deep cover civil and military construction compared Yong Sun Zao even with the help of Meier, is also not deep cover built opponents.

Since it was built deep cover dare count on the meter, it shows in his heart, everything is under control.

Sun Meier to the Bohai Sea, it will also be as permanent as king of the underworld, becoming deep cover construction hands thing.

The most frightening thing is that there be cut off forever Zao Yuan cover the construction of the heart.

So mind, of course, impossible to build deep cover imperceptible, monarch Bohai State and the maximum Quan Chen struggle for power, such a situation is bound to make Sun Meier arrives involved in a brutal power struggle in the Bohai Sea.

Xiao Qin Although have not been to the Bohai Sea, but have not seen deep cover construction, but also know deep cover since it is built in the Bohai first powerful minister, of course, not king of the underworld can never compared to the strength of the hands, and both sides of the battle, and certainly final deep cover built to win.

Once the final desperate Zao Wing, built to cover deep shot that he must come to a very sad end, and Sun Meier will also be affected.

Xiao Qin in the palace several times to get the help of Sun Meier, Meier has been grateful for the Sun, he is clearly the love and hate this person, there is grace must be reported, grudges shall also, Meier is now struggling Sun, really I want to help a bunch, but for a time but do not know where to start.

He knew saint since decided to let Sun Meier marrying Bohai Sea, then it was impossible to change her mind, even if that broke more than taking their own, not only will not play any role, and may even be counterproductive.

If you can not start from a saint here, it will only start from the Bohai mission there.

"What are you thinking?"

See Qin Xiao half do not speak, what seemed to be thinking, Sun Meier could not help but ask.

Qin Xiao recovered, shaking his head and smiles: "Nothing.

"You have just returned to Beijing, surely there are many official duties.

Sun Meier micro pondered, it said: "You get busy now.

Qin Xiao thinking that this is the expulsion order, hesitated, was about to leave, but what comes to mind, the end is asked softly: "house officer sister, Princess.

Be okay? "

He did not inquire about other opportunities Sheyue the news, although there are some risks ask how much Sun Meier, but ultimately chose to believe his own grandson Meier will help keep a secret.

Sun Meier did not immediately answer, poor cicada, micro pondered, it said: "? Saints have recovered from the hands of the right in the library of the princess, you should already know it."

Qin Xiao nodded and said: "Within the library temporarily by Hu Lian temporary possession.

"Hu Lian is the palace of the elderly, but also sage wait around for some years.

Yang Sun Mei, said: "He is very loyal to the saints, and it is responsible for buying in the palace.

The princess was scared in Jiangnan. The saints made the princess a while, and the other trivial matters were temporarily lost, Hu Gonggong was committed to managing the inner bank.

Micronard, smashing the sound: "You should always contact him in the future, give him some benefits, he will not bad.

Qin did nodded and asked: "The princess lives in the palace, or live in Jinchengfang?"


Yang Sun Mei, said: "The saints should not let the princess go back to Jinchengfang.

I looked at Qin and asked softly: "Are you worried about the princess?"

Qin Xiao smiled: "At the time of Jiangnan, he has been taken care of by the princess. He returned to Beijing. He wanted to thank the princess, but.

It seems that I have no chance to see the princess.

"The princess is not disturbed during the heritage.

Yang Sun Meier Road: "The saints have a will, and the foreign ministers are naturally difficult to see princess.

The beauty is slight, whispered: "However, if you really want to thank the princess, it is not a magazine.

Qin Yisheng, looked at Chang Sun Meier, surprised: "Is there a way to see the princess?"

"Although there is a magazine, it is also very adventurous.

Yang Sun Meier Mei looked at Qin Xiaoxiang and his eyes: "If you are discovered in the palace, or some people know that you can see the princess private, the saint will be angry, and it is certainly necessary to remember your sin. I can't even but can't hold my head. Are you fear? "

Qin Xiao smiled: "Sister Sister, I don't know if I am, it is gink.

Yang Sun Mei sighed and said: "It seems that you really want to see the princess.

"I am coming to know the map.

Qin Hair can't let Chang Sun Meier see that he wants to see the princess is for the sake of the child, and it is good to say: "The princess is asylum to me, thank you for gainting.

Just like the sister's sister taking care of me, I have been grateful in my heart, and I have to repay it.

"I do not repay you.

Sun Meier gentle smile, although separated by a veil, but still strong, beautiful and moving, thought for a moment, just a low voice: "? Do you know of Miyagi Xing'an door"

"Inquire about know.

"Xing'an door is a small door Miyagi, after midnight the night before the day open.

Sun Meier softly: "Every night, a net things supervisor of eviction from the palace will transport things, will open before and after the two hour, hour will be one to close.

Xing'an door from the palace, strict checks, does have a chance to enter.

Qin Xiao immediately clear what the net is what prison is located, although Sun Meier so take the initiative to help make him feel very unexpected, but have the opportunity to see Sheyue palace, but let Qin Xiao excited, busy: "The house officer sister, are you saying that.

I can enter the palace from the Xing'an door? "

"After midnight, if you see a man holding a red brush in Xing'an door, where he can help you enter the palace.

Sun Meier is not to say, once again clasped together, eyes closed in silence.

Qin Xiao up, to Sun Meier bend a ceremony, not to say, back down.

Until the Qin Xiao leave the temple, this Sun Meier got up, looked around, went back to the gallery from the side, to get in front of a room, light hand away, after entering, he pulled shut the door.

The room quite dark, dressed in a gray gown Beatles Caesar made man sitting on a chair in the corner, slumped in a daze looking at the walls, even after Sun Meier came in, also failed to interrupt his thoughts .


Sun TV drama gown Meier who has done a ritual, this gown people answered a God, look to the Sun Meier, sounds a bit stiff: "You do, academy already know, Master said you inconvenience disappear in Kyoto, if we really go to the Bohai Sea, the way someone collusion, do not worry.

Sun respectful Meier said: "Yes.

Mr. gown two is not nonsense, eyes look to the wall again, foolishly lost, Sun Meier hesitated a moment, then asked softly: "? Mr. II if you are experiencing any problems."

Gown who surprised a moment, look to the Sun Meier, hesitated before: "? There is a Golden Delicious, Golden Delicious is no one knows whether the gold had made, they can not cut inside to observe whether real gold, how can we determine it is true or false."

"This is very simple.

Sun Meier Meimou a turn, explained: "take full tray of water, the same weight of the Golden Delicious gold into the water overflow water collection well, then take full basin of water, placed in Golden Delicious, if overflow water before, the Golden Delicious is the gold to build, otherwise it is not real gold Golden Delicious.

The long shirt is first, then I am happy, grabbing my own chaos: "Yes, yes, this is the case, hahahaha.

It turns out that this is the same.

Between excitement, it has been rushed to the window, open the window, actually jumping out directly from the window, acting, Chang Sun Meier first, then smile, shook his head.