The Golden Age

Chapter 85, seeking relatives

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Lu Junzhong's face is ugly.

Qin Xiaoyu was in Hangzhou. He naturally mastered the situation. He also known that Qin Happiness case is in violation of the meaning of Anxing Waiting, and violates Xia Hou Ning. In the case of the problem of going to the case.

He is deeply painful to Qin, which is also a planned, caught this matter to Qin Xiaoma, even if it can't give Qin Haozhi, it is necessary to let the punishment will insert the case. As long as people of the Criminal Department arrived in Jiangnan, the family of the top cases Thoroughly, there must be a way to find a crime, and as long as there is a hidden party to implicate, then Qin Xiaoli releases those people, just wait for a chaos.

I may not be able to shoot myself, and Xia Hou family will also be difficult to Qin Xiaoxuan today. If the Ministry of Criminals and Xia Houjia have allocated, it is not possible to win Qin Da.

However, he did not think that Qin Xiaoyu was refuted, and he did not occupy the wind. He looked at Qin Xiaoyuan as the daughter. He was angry in his heart, but the sacred trend is read, he is also helpless.

" , is it that the Bohai is coming?"

Qin Haoqi Qin Xiaoxun first retreated, this is in an official, this official is Hongyi Temple, Yan Yan, Hongyi Temple, the mainstay, the Bohai Sea, after arriving in Beijing, everything They are all responsible for reception arrangements by Hongyi Temple.

He immediately went to the front: "Returning to the saints, the Bohai is already waiting outside the temple and accepts the Saints at any time.

Most of the Most people have a number in their hearts. Today, the saints are not easy to hold the nation, and the national affairs is dealing with the state affairs. It is also a convened of some colors of the colisters, it is a small court, like this, the gathering of the gathering, the saints It is actually not more common.

Today, many people have guessed that they are definitely related to the Bohai Sea.

However, when I gave Qin Qin, many people didn't expect that at this time, the saints would call to the Bohai Mission. Everyone knows this is the real thing today.


Southern voice majesty.

The talented talents said: "The saints are aim, and the Kimundai Sea will give a group!

The sound of the sound passed, and the courtiers who were standing in the temple were very consciously separated from both sides, and the long corridors were empty, and the courtiers also quickly review their own crown, slightly sorted.

At the time of the Datang, the surroundings will have a group to see almost every year, and the Shengjing of Wan Bang is thalful.

However, with the rise of the Khan Khan, completely cut off the link between the Datang and the Western Regions. The Western Regions can only worship the king, but no longer have a western region to come to the lobby.

Northern grassland maps, all departments, have also sent a lot of messengers to come to Datang, but with the Today, after the saints, the graphs have taken a small hatred, and there is no large number of tribes. The messenger came to worship.

Although there are some small tribes to continue to maintain a good relationship with Datang, after all, many tribes can survive and grow, must maintain a good trade relationship with Datang, but the Dürged of Durm, the grassland, rising, Duur

It is a lot of Shengjing, which is in the beginning, has never seen many years, and even a small foreign country will come to Kyoto.

This time, the Bohai Sea has made a group of people a very common team, and it is also a largest grade to make the Mission in Kyoto after the saints. In order to maintain the majesty of the Datang Empire, the monarchs have not announced, they know that they cannot be willing. It is necessary to make this group to feel the majesty of Tang Tang, so the ministers examine the finishing of the crown, and I am afraid that I will pick out the problem by the Bohai Sea.

Datang etiquette, the crown is, it is not negligest.

After a long time, I finally saw a group of people who were slowly appearing in the temple. I really entered the main hall very much. When I first worked, I followed 10 people. At first glance, I saw the clothes and Datang officials were very cool, but carefully Look, but it is different.

Qin Xiaoyou did not have a good rest. There was still some sleepiness when I was in the DPRK, but I was arguing with Lu Junzhong. It has been awake. At this time, it will be that the Bohai makes the group, and the spirit is in the Bohai Mission. The person swept, soon fell to one person, the man followed the people behind the Handheld, but the age of fifteen six years old, very young, appearance, more beautiful, clothing is luxuriant, the feeling is also Sole, solemn, only look, clearly the kid of a knowledge.

Among this group of people, there is only this young person, Qin Xiaopai is a young man, understands in the heart, if there is no accident, this person is the laughing of the boiling of Kyoto.

There is no double in Datang to kill thirty-six people. This matter is already a well-known in Kyoto, including the Music Princess, Datang is unruptive, but the pair of unparalleled but there is a hate.

"The big Bohai country messenger Cui Shangyuan, led the big Bohai country to see the Tang Emperor, and I hope that the emperor is long-lived!

The Handheld Bohai Monitor Cui Shangyuan squatted in the ground, and the members behind him were also kneeling, but it was a place where it was unparalleled, and it was also kneeling.

Wu Zong conquered the Bohai Country. He since then, the Bohai Country is a country of the Tang Dynasty. Every Bohai King wants to register the upper, and I have to get the emperor of Datang, and I have the emperor of Datang. It is only true to become the King of the Bohai.

As the Madi Monitor, the Bohai Sea has seen Datang Tianzi, even if he is willing, but it can't be ignored.

The saints glanced at the rush of the ripple, and the tangent highlights: "Pinger!"

When the people of the Bohai make the group, the San Talents have a light road: "In recent years, you have rarely send a small to the changing, I heard that your army is a poor, and harassing the surrounding countries, and even invades my Datang border. What is this? "

The group of ministers heard the saints, and suddenly stared at Cui Yuanyuan.

Cui Shangyuan said: "After returning to the emperor, the big Bohai country has always been in Datang as a teacher, Datang has always been to expensive, my big Bohai country has come to the people from the king, but also hopes Taiping Changsheng.

Big Bohai country never wants to meet with anyone's knife, everything is in and expensive.

"Not right!

Since the Ministry of Military Square, since the saints are listening to the saints, they immediately jumped out and smiled. "I heard that your Bohai is doing the small country around the world, killing countless, annexing a lot of small countries.

The various tribes of the Black Forest have also been slaughtered by you, there is also your site, you are still here, what is it? "

"It seems that the saints and the great people are misunderstood.

Cui Shangyuan is calm, not arrogant, smiles: "The few small countries around, I have always been harmonious with them, in their territory, there are many people who live in the Bohai Nationality. If you get along with peace, there will be no problem, but they actually bully insults to my Bohai nationals, and even many people are slaughtered by them, the king has to send the soldier and horses to protect the Bohai people.

As for the tribes of the black forest, when the Emperor of the Emperor, the Tang Dynasty, the picture was invaded, and invaded Datang, became the enemy of Datang, my big Bohai country is Datang's ministerial, and Datang Tangzen enemy It also regards the people to see the enemy of the water. It is also to retaliate to the investment. The singer's invasion of the Tang, the minister is Datang, but not seeking the big Tang Zong Award, but is questioned by Datang. I know that the people of my Bohai Country know that I am afraid I will be disappointed.

Qin Xiaoyeded in his eyes, thinking that this Cui Shangyuan was selected as the inexpensiveness of the group, certainly not a general manner, this mouth is really a delicate tooth.

Dou Hao said by him, I have a little, but I will say: "Then your military and horse harass into my Liaodong, killing, how to explain?"

"The Bohai Sea is the Tang Dynasty, this is never happening.

Cui Shangyuan tang is determined: "There is a robbing of entering the country, but it is not the military horse in the Bohai Sea, but a group of grass, my king is too bad, I have been embarrassing these grass, this To see the Emperor, one of them, one of them, I also urged the Emperor to send troops to help the thief, if they entered the Tang Dynasty, please also invite them to arrest them, send it to the country, the people will severe punishment .

The saint raised his hand to showcase the sinus first and then asked: "The Bohai King sent to the Tang Dynasty, except for the worship, what other things can you?"

"My big prince is coming to admire the Datang's customs, and the Tang Tianwei is also awesome.

Cui Shangyuan said: "Datang and my big Bohai are adjacent to the country, but also the country of the monarch, live in harmony, deep feelings.

After the king has never been king, I just hope that I can get married by the emperor of Datang, win the Datang Princess King, the king will take the Datang princess, and the two countries proceeds to the pro, the friendship is deeper, and the long is long.

Once again, I respectfully fell to the ground, respectfully: "Small makes the life of my king, begging the big emperor, I will give you a gift!

If you are a matter of concern, Datang Junchen has already known, and the saint is going to talk, but he sees that Cui Shangyuan is also pour, respectful: "Xiaoshen Bohai deputy honor Zhao Zhengyu, is also branched by my Bohai Mo, also The emperor is asking for a relative.

Mo is admired by the Datang, and also knows the big emperor to knew the mighty, begging the Emperor, gave birth to the Emperor, my big king and the branch of the Datang princess are the wife, the two countries are connected, and the kindness is forever!

Not only the courtiers are all discolored, but the saints are also surprised.

The Bohai is a matter of seeking the group, and the saints are naturally a clear, this thought is that the Bohai Yongchaen Wang sent a group to come to seek, but I didn't think that the Bohai Mo is also asked to ask Datang.

Yongzangwang is the Lord of the Bohai Sea. It is a gift to Datang. However, although the Guardian built is the branch of the Bohai, it is just a courtier. Dadang Liki has hundreds of years, but from the noisy date The precedent of Tang Xi Qi.