The Golden Age

Chapter 85, Tianshi disciples

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The saints have a light road: "So, the country has already had enough to defeat the front of it."

"The old minister is a bamboo with the chest.

The country is in a self-confident road: "There is no double in the three days, which is also a concern.

Bohai people know that I Datang Damodo, people's Jie Linger, I have a lot of boy from the territory of Datang.

Saints Microplota: "I naturally know that the folks will have a lot of unsatisfactory three days, and there is a limited three-day limit. Even if the news that is putting down, it will be promoted today, and the district has not passed how far. .

Even if there is a young master wants to glory for the country, but after getting the news, it will come to Kyoto, and the time is not yet.

The lips are untestable: "The sea is very embarrassing, and it is necessary to put down the world to meet the world's teenagers, but it is only possible to participate in people near Gyeonggi in time.

The country said: "The saints are extremely, but even if the Gyeonggi is, it is inevitably hidden dragon.

"Since the beginning of Datang, the Gyeonggi is put to the rivers and lakes, and there is no way to ban the martial arts.

If the sage is thinking, he said: "Although Gyeonggi is a large population, the real teenage master will not be too much.

Sitting on the chair, screaming the country to sit down and talking, whispered: "Kyoto Wang Gong's aristocratic child, there are indeed few young Junjie who take the shot, otherwise it will not bury them.

Speaking here, there is no name, and you are smiling: "Kyoto official's children, Chengtian Jinyi jade food chicken walks dog, no a few talents.

What is the country of the country? Hey, he is confident, how he confident? "

The country said: "There is a five sons and three women, and the pair of unparalleled is his young child. It is not to come out, but it is the birthplace.

In these sons, the most famous is the eldest son and three sons, and the eldest son followed the battle between the four games. It is good at the war, and it is also a member of the Bohai Sea.

Three sons have admired my Datang, and I hired a master of the past from the Tang Dynasty, and I used the book of the book. It is said that this person is broadcast in the Bohai Sea.

As for the area where it is unparalleled.

Speaking here, the sound suddenly stopped.


"This aviation is unparalleled with the Bohai Sea, it is very sudden, and we have not received the news in advance.

After you learned that this person came, the old ministers also made people in his intelligence, but the information about this person was very rare.

The country said: "The family is in the Bohai famous, but this family is actually very mysterious in many people. Even most of the Bohai people don't know how many children are.

Earlier, I only have this father and son, and there is a famous name, even in the Bohai Sea.

The saints are eyebrows: "Bohai is the largest neighboring neighboring country in the Northeast of Datang, and the family is more powerful in the Bohai Royal Northern Royal family. We have not made it clear that there are even the family's intelligence."

"The saint is anger.

The country is immediately in the country: "In addition to the frontal construction, there are three people in the midpends.

For these four people, we have a detailed information, and their appearance, we have a clear understanding.

However, it is not much attention to him from the child, and the same waste is not much attention to him.

As for the maintenance and unparalleled, it is not in the face, and before this, there are rarely in front of the public, so about his intelligence, we have indeed lacking.

"So, there is a unparalleled martial arts, the country is not clear?"

The saints glanced at it. "He is from the door, and whether the country is not aware of?"

The national phase of the country: "The old minister did not know.

"The country, the so-called understanding of each other, the party can do it.

The saint sighed: "How can you have a winner? How can you have a victory? You will be the country, you will be able to give you a national affairs to you. Today, I still feel You are not well thoughttaking.

Just take care of your face, it is not good to have your face in front of the civil and military.

"The saints of the saints, the old minister is grateful.

The country is at a statement: "But the old people today's words are not a time.

Veteran thought, even if deep cover unparalleled martial arts is not bad, but after all he is only sixteen years old, martial arts cultivation is limited after all.

Challenge three days, two days before we could have sat out and see if there is a master juvenile stage can beat him, if it is really able to do so, I can not only boosted the prestige of Datang, but can also inspiring, let the world rejoice the hearts of the people.

"If two days still no one can beat him, then how?"

"Do not forget the sage, the real master, is at the palace.

Guoxiang gaze saint, softly: "? Fearless big man disciple, sage not you forget."

Sage frowned and said: "Are you saying that Chen Xun?"

"It is.

National phase whispered: "Chen Xun was the only disciple big Fearless, Fearless in large sects have been sixteen years, veteran still remember, when large Fearless in the snow to see Chen Xun, Chen Xun will assert gifted in Wu trail is sure to have ordinary people difficult to match the achievements.

Large Fearless never easy to praise people, not to mention the time, but five-year-old child.

"If I remember correctly, Chen Xun's been twenty years old.

Sage said: "up agreement will only make less than twenty young men boarding the ring, Chen Xun age has passed.

Guoxiang laughed: "No one knows Chen Xun's birthday, and he sat down in the big door Fearless practicing martial arts, and health have surgery a few years ago veteran met once, than his real age, many smaller, as though this year more than twenty, but the appearance looks at most only sixteen or seventeen.

Saints micro pondered, it said: "He has always been aloof, nature will not let subglottic disciples to fight with people, I just worried that he will not agree to let Chen Xun shot.

"Saints, the ring looks like just an ordinary contest contest, but more important than a decisive battle on the battlefield.

Guoxiang Stern said: "After the Bohai Sea and the deep cover unparalleled confident, arrogant, as long as the Chinese were defeated in the ring, Bohai human arrogance will be immediately crushed, and the surrounding countries know this will I know plenty of big Takenori, who would not easily provoked.

Datang and once I win, thanks to two titles at the Princess, will this matter can be resolved smoothly.

Staring sage said: "Big Fearless If you do not agree, of course, unable to persuade other people, but personally find sage if he figures, he would not refuse, but this is for Datang.

Saints thoughtfully, not to speak.

When the saint and national phase in the palace to discuss how to deal with things in the ring, Xiao Qin has been out of Miyagi, riding Delvac back to the supreme court.

He had thought up directly back to sleep, but the eviction, when Dali temple Su Yu and Lu Yun Shaoqing also followed him, he naturally embarrassed to leave the two straight home.

Today, I was gave a dial, Qin was not excited. However, after the Taiji Hall, other officials have congratulated Qin.

Qin Xiaoyi was gently being sealed. Many people were naturally not very convinced, but they also understood that the saints were really loved to Qin, this young manuscript would there be a flat blue cloud, regardless of the heart, this side It is essential to the uphorsement.

Qin Huan is naturally paying.

Three people returned to Dali Temple, Su Yu is old, and I will go to the morning, I have been tired, I don't want to give up, and Yunlu is the news of Qin Yu. Lessness is a group of officials to come to the road. After Qin Xiaoma, I think I will return to the Zuoqing Agency to make up, this is certainly necessary to raise a good raise, otherwise I can't share the autumn in the evening.

Although Yun Lu is in the same level, now is the first post to Qin, it seems that it is also a glory to stand in Qin. It is actually to send Qin to Zuo Qingfa, just want to leave, Qin Xiaowei, Asked: "Cloud adults, I almost forget one thing, I am going to ask you.

"What are the adults to tell, although it is shown, ask if you are not dare.

Yun Lu smiled.

"The saints gave me the title, and I also rewarded the other things. I have sphetically resigned in the gold satin. I remember that the will, the 500 acres, is it to give me the land?"

Qin Yu is invincible.

Yun Lu smiled: "Adults, the appreciation does not refer to the sea, refers to the food.


"In other words, it is to add .

Yunlu Road: "The land is not owned by the people, but the food produced every year in 500 acres is attributed to adults.

As far as I know, in the absence of rainfall, it can produce a stone, five hundred acres of Liangtian, one year, can have seven or eight hundred stone.

Low voice channel: "When the one is a piece of, except for the silver silver, there is only six hundred stone food meters. Adults have seated five hundred acres of food, and they can take seven or eight hundred stone food every year. It is better than a young staff. many.

When Qin Xiao suddenly realized that after the heart, he wonder that many of his governor didn't look at his own look. He won five hundred in the court, and Lu Mi, who received from the court every year, was not compared with China.

Qin Xiaoyu was raised in the northwest. Knowing the preciousness of rice grains, the food that she received, has been equivalent to hundreds of people in Xiling a year.

However, he also knows that the saint is rewarding yourself, in addition to his own work in Jiangnan, actually let himself go more into the ground, after all, the inner treasure will wait for the silver sent from Jiangnan, compared to the inner library Millions of two silveres from Jiangnan, these hundreds of stone rice are not worth mentioning.

After Yun Lu left, Qin Xiaoyeded in the lounge in Zuoqing, slept, about the matter, waiting for the spirit, wait until the spirit, and then think about it.

This time I slept until afternoon, if I didn't have anyone knocking, Qin Xiaoyu would continue to raise a sharp, wake up by knocking on the door, Qin Xiao sat up, stretched a lazy waist, a little, the spirit is a lot, heart I feel that when I was lingering at the time, I didn't know how to consume it. I didn't know that I was finely consumed. If I have a chance, I really have to control some, I can't indulge.


"Adult, some people want to meet adults.

Someone outside is careless: "The man seems to have to see adults, have waited for a long time, the small people do not dare to disturb adults, come and see if adults are awake.


"His name is Lin Hong, saying that there is something to return to adults.

Outside the person: "I have been waiting in the side hall!