The Golden Age

Chapter Two Four Three

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Sun Moon Fenghua!Qin Xiao was shocked, and the treasurer sighed as he heard it, "This is also a problem. There are three unfilial piety, and the greatest is not to have a queen. Since marrying a man as a wife, having children is naturally essential." After a pause, he said: " The matter between you and Wang Xiao can only be slowed down for a while, and wait until Mr. Da detoxifies you."

Tang Rong whispered, "Thank you for your careless father."

"You are my daughter. It is only natural to worry about marriage for you." The treasurer Bai said with a smile: "Rong'er, do you understand what the foster father said?"

"Yes." Tang Rong said: "Foster father asked me to inform Mr. Da that my identity has been exposed, so that I can go back there. Mr. Da sees that I have no use value, maybe he can detoxify me and return me freedom. "

The treasurer Bai smiled and said: "Yes. But after you came back, you almost never went out alone. It is not easy for the people of Mr. Big to contact you, so I mean, you can go out and contact you over the past few days. Your chance."

Tang Rong hesitated, and finally said: "Foster father, if they know that I have been exposed, they may let me evacuate with them immediately. If so, I will not be able to serve with the foster father in the future." With a wry smile: "Although Mr. Da sent me to be with my foster father, but the foster father treated me like a biological daughter and took good care of me all these years. Now that the feet of the foster father are inconvenient, I really don't want to leave like this."

"Stupid boy, if you don't leave today or tomorrow, you will leave one day." The shopkeeper white also sighed: "My leg is dead and I can only rely on a wheelchair in this life. I know you want to be by my side. Filial piety, but this will only delay you. You solve your own affairs. If you and Wang Xiao become dependents, you can still take care of me in the future." With a slight smile, he said: "I am older and like nagging, so do you Don't dislike it. It's already late, I won't disturb you, go to bed earlier."

Tang Rong said, "Foster father went to bed earlier." She got up and helped the treasurer Bai push the door.

Qin Xiao feared that the white shopkeeper would go back and return, and did not get up from the bed for a while. After a while, he heard the sound of closing the door. From the gap in the quilt, he saw that the white shopkeeper had bypassed the screen and walked to the bedside, sitting on the side of the bed. After going on, he ignored himself for a while.

Qin Xiao was sure that there was no movement outside, and then he got out of the bedding, took a few deep breaths, and whispered: "It smells so good inside, I really don't want to come out."

Tang Rong glanced at Qin Xiao and said in a low voice, "Have you heard it?"

Qin Xiao sat down next to Tang Rong and nodded slightly: "Treasurer Bai is really amazing. He has already seen your identity. But he is kind and righteous to you, and he hasn't done anything to you."

"Foster father is really good to me." Tang Rong smiled bitterly: "I always thought that I was covering up very well, but my adoptive father found the flaws."

"Treasurer Bai seems to be very familiar with Mr. Da." Qin Xiao whispered: "He also knows Qianye Manluo very well. Where do you think he knows this?"

Tang Rong shook her head and sighed faintly, "Although I have been by his side for more than ten years and he has seen me thoroughly, but I always know very little about him." He glanced at Qin Xiao and whispered, "Can you tell me? , Why do you have an antidote? When were you poisoned by Mr. Big?"

Qin Xiao smiled bitterly: "Sister Rong, if I tell you, the first time I heard Mr. Da's name was from your mouth, do you believe it or not?"

Tang Rong stared into Qin Xiao's eyes, and only a moment later did she click her head slightly: "I believe it." Then he frowned, "But according to what I have learned.

I know that every person who takes Qianye Manluo is given medicine by Mr. Da, who never pretends to do anything.The only time I saw Mr. Da, it was also because I accepted Mr. Da’s medicine. After that, Mr. Da’s orders to Anpai were passed on by his cronies.If you are poisoned, besides Mr. Da, who can give you medicine?"

Qin Xiao thought for a while, and finally said, "Sister Rong, I can only tell you that the cold poison on my body is much earlier than you."

"I'm talking nonsense again." Tang Rong said, "I was ordered by Mr. Da thirteen years ago and arranged by them to appear next to Wu Tuo's foster father. Before going to Wu Tuo, I was given medicine by Mr. Da." After a while, he said: "Did you be given medicine by Mr. Da when you were a child?"

"It was indeed from the time I remembered that there was cold poison in my body." Qin Xiao did not conceal: "But it wasn't Mr. Da who poisoned it. I don't know. I only know that I did not accept his medicine by myself."

Tang Rong was even more surprised. She frowned and thought for a while before she said: "Foster father said that Qianye Manluo is only owned by Mr. Da. Other than him, no one else can produce this kind of poison. If you were a child, you would be poisoned. , That’s weird, why would he poison a child?"

"This is what makes me strange." Qin Xiao sighed, "I'm just a child in the country. How can a character like Mr. Dao stare at me? If he knew me and had any grudges against me, he would just kill me. If he has any plot against me, why hasn't he been looking for me for more than ten years?" He shook his head with a blank face: "I really don't know what happened."

Tang Rong believed that Qin Xiao did not lie, but this fact made Tang Rong even more puzzled.

"Yes, why did you obey Mr. Da's dispatch back then?" Qin Xiao asked suddenly, "When you took the poison, did you know that it was poison?"

Tang Rong lowered her head, hesitated to speak, and finally said: "I lost my parents when I was very young, and wandered around with a group of children, and was later taken in by a great man. He gave us food and drink, and even taught us to read. Literacy, boys teach them to practice qigong since they were young, while girls learn how to learn piano, chess, calligraphy, calligraphy, embroidery, and cooking. At first we only thought it was for our own good, but then we learned that it was the man under the hand of Mr. When you grow up, you can accept the task of Mr. Da."

Qin Xiao was very surprised, thinking that Sister Rong turned out to be such an experience, and said: "If you can be sent to Wutuo, you must be the best."

"Before accepting the task, I will go to see Mr. Da." Tang Rong said: "After receiving the medicine from Mr. Da, he will receive the task. Everyone who accepts the task will be contacted by someone from Mr. Da in secret. In addition to reporting information, I also receive the antidote regularly."

Qin Xiao sneered: "Treasurer Bai is correct in one sentence. Mr. Da uses drugs to control people to sell his life. This technique is not only vicious, but also very bad." Frowning said: "But shopkeeper Bai said that this kind of poison is an antidote. It is the rhizome of Qianye Manluo. In other words, if you want to completely remove the cold toxin from your body, you must find Qianye Manluo, and Qianye Manluo is in the hands of Mr. Da, so only by finding Mr. Da can you find the real solution. medicine."

Tang Rong thoughtfully, did not answer.

"Sister Rong, where did you meet Mr. Da?" Qin Xiao hesitated and finally asked.

Tang Rong shook her head and said, "When I went to see him, I was in a carriage and was blindfolded, although when I saw him

He was untied, but he was behind a screen, and his surroundings were very dim, and he couldn't see his appearance at all. Even his figure could not be seen clearly. After taking the medicine, he was taken away blindfolded.I don't know where I am."

Qin Xiao knew that Tang Rong should have not lied. If he were Mr. Da, of course he would not easily reveal his true identity, and would not let people know where he was.

"This is difficult." Qin Xiao smiled bitterly: "To detoxify you, you must find Mr. Da, but we don't know where he is now."

Tang Rong smiled bitterly: "I have been used to it for so many years. If he can help me detoxify, then it would be better. If I leave it alone, it will be nothing more than a life."

"Don't worry, he doesn't care about you and me." Qin Xiao couldn't help reaching out and holding sister Rong's little hand, "but I will find a way to help you clear the cold from your body, otherwise how can you marry me? ?"

Tang Rong blushed, looked at Qin Xiao, and asked softly, "You really want to marry me?"

"Naturally it is true." Qin Xiao said: "I even have the house ready, and there is only a mistress. If you don't get started, who can be the master?" Gently rubbing the smooth and delicate softness of sister Zhao Rong, softly. Said: "The treasurer Bai said, you should return to the life of a normal person, and teach each other, this is your final destination."

Tang Rong wanted to say something but stopped, and suddenly her body leaned in lightly. Qin Xiao hugged her waist in a hurry, so that Sister Rong’s head rested on his shoulders, only to hear Sister Rong’s faint voice: "Able husband and child. , That is naturally the best, but life has never been smooth sailing."

"Treasurer Bai asked you to go for a walk and give Mr. Big a chance. Starting tomorrow, we will go around the city." Qin Xiao said: "If Mr. Big's people come in contact with you, you can find Mr. Big. Then ask him for an antidote."

Tang Rong's breath was blue, and she smiled bitterly: "Do you really think it's that simple?"

"what happened?"

Tang Rong whispered: "Do you think the foster father asked Mr. Da's people to find me just to get me to ask for an antidote from Mr. Da?" Youyou sighed: "Sometimes you are smart and terrible, sometimes you are stupid. It hurts."

Qin Xiao frowned, suddenly understood something, and stunned, and said in a low voice: "You mean...The treasurer is using you?"

"Foster father must want to know who Mr. Da is, and even want to find him." Tang Rong leaned close to Qin Xiao's ear and whispered softly: "He has seen my identity a long time ago, but he has always pretended not to know, perhaps as he said. He has the same purpose as Mr. Da, so he can cooperate, but there is another reason, he must want to use me as a breakthrough to find clues about Mr. Da."

"He was worried about stunning snakes, so he has not revealed your identity." Qin Xiao also suddenly realized at this time: "This time you suddenly revealed your identity and asked you to take the initiative to contact Mr. Da's people. Naturally, he hopes to use you. Lead Mr. Big’s people, and follow the vines to find Mr. Big."

"If I didn't guess wrong, that's it." Tang Rong said, "My identity has been exposed. If I stay here, he will only watch out for me day and night, and he will be jealous of me. I will never go back to the past. If I leave, press him. Talking about contact with people becomes his tool to find Mr. Big." With a wry smile, "I am now a chess piece on the chessboard, which is at the mercy of others."