I was looking forward to today yesterday, and I couldn't sleep...


I'm sleepy.

"Hello, Master Verheim!

"Hello! Dear Ver!

"Here, I won't abbreviate it on my own!

Swordsman's sister scolds Wizard's sister



They are both so beautiful!!!!

"Oh, no, I'm a student, Ver, so I don't mind you!

"You see - well, nice to meet you! Mr. Ver."

"Versa m... if that's all you need..."


"Nice to meet you! I'm Ragna the Wizard, and this is Risha the Swordsman."

"Say hello."

"Quickly, Ver, but my lord tells me that you can use magic. Ver, how much magic can you use?

"Er, for now, you can use all attributes intermediate and even advanced water and light attributes with just what you've tried!

"... eh? I hear you had a bad ear. Can you tell me???"

"You can use it until all attributes are intermediate and even advanced in water and light attributes!

('ᵕ') Ranya

('ᵕ') Reesha


"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!? This is the court magician level!?!?!?"

"Awesome no no no no no!!!! You're stronger than me already!!!!! Is this me ~??

No, no, because there's so much to learn about modern magic!

"Then the sword is next, right? Ver, I'm going to need you to measure how much you are, so you're going to have to kill me."

All right, then...

Strengthen your body!

Go in from the front.



"Ver, you suck. I really need to do this."

Okay, next time you go from the front again, make it look like...

"It won't take the same hand!





Stick your sword to Mr. Riesha's neck and check mate!




"Veh, Veh, you beat Reesha...!?"

What did you just disappear into? Ver, you suck... "

"It's magic called shrinkage!

"No, no, Ver, I've never heard of that..."


No, wait, wait, the wizards of my last life normally used shrinkage or something, and even advanced magic would have been normal...?

Something's wrong with this world...

In the temple that the magic of the world would have deteriorated if I had been reincarnated...?

"Um, Ver, I know you're amazing, but is there anything we can do..."

"Um, Ver, do you have something you want to do?

"I want to be an adventurer!

Yes, I admired adventurers.

In my last life, as the greatest sage of all, I was in a dream position to start an adventure.

"That's it for today. Shall we go with you to the Adventurers Guild tomorrow?

"Right, that's good."
