Next day, ranked battle rankings stuck out on bulletin boards...

1st Grade Verheim 60 Wins 0 Losses

2nd 3rd Grade Grace 135 Wins 5 Negative

9th 2nd Grade Nile 35 Wins 2 Losses

How can you be so ranked in such a flash?

If you suddenly come first or something, people will resent you again...

"You know what? Topic freshman year"

"Oh, you're a guy named Verheim, aren't you? of this year's first-year chief and student member."

"Yes, yes. That's the first day of the leaderboard, and he's number one in the school, isn't he?

"Huh!? You beat the student chairman!?

"It seems so. Oh, you should have seen it yesterday.

"I wanted to see it too ~"

I'd be happy or ashamed to be talked about like this...

- Broadcast.

'It's administrative contact. Mr. Verheim, please come to the Student Chairman's Office after school. "

Uh, scary.

I'm scared.

- After school.

Oh, my God, nobody seemed to sign me up for a ranking match today, and I didn't have my name on the bulletin board.

All right. Let's go to the student chairman's office.


"So, what is it, Chairman?"

"You did a great job in yesterday's rankings. Good luck."


"So, did you also hear that the club will be unlocked in addition to the rankings from the second semester?

"Uh, yeah. I'm listening. I hear there's something like a part introduction next time. Yes, I would like to participate.

"So. You are forbidden to participate in all 23 clubs you already have."


"This is the general idea of me and the teachers almost all of them.

"What do you mean?

"Each department activity is allocated part costs based on its results by setting goals. That balance will collapse when you enter the club.

"Oh, yeah. Well..."

"There it is.


"If you can't join a club that's already there, you can make it.


"Student members are authorized to create new clubs.

"Heh. That's amazing."

"We need at least three members and we need advisors. I'm sure the crew will be fine, but I have an advisor..."

"You can advise any teacher, right?


"Then I'll be fine. Because it's addressed to you!.

"Hmm. Who is it, by the way?

"Lina... teacher...

"You're that beautiful teacher who can work, but doesn't have a cold, unnecessary job around?

"I don't know the details, but it's Lina.

"I guess there's something about you. I'm looking forward to it. Well, Ali said she wouldn't join the club in the first place.

"Make a club!

"Right. Okay. Here's the new job creation form. Write here the name of your new department, the name of your department manager, the name and signature of your staff, and the name and signature of your advisor teacher. Don't lose it.

"Copy that. I'll bring it tomorrow.

"Right. I'll see you then.


- That night...


"Long time no see, sir!

"Oh. Long time no see.

"What are your requirements?

"Oh, this. I'd like to create a new club..."

"You're an advisor. Ok. my name and signature.... ok!


"Bye. Because I still have my teacher job!

"Oh. See you later. Good luck with that.

"Thank you!


Lina left with a metastasis.

- The next morning...

"You know there are things called lilies, teles, clubs.


"I know!

"Have you decided where you're going in yet?


"I haven't decided."

"It's forbidden for me to go into the club I have now. I'm gonna make a new club, so why don't you come?


"Absolutely go!!!

"Really!? Thanks!"

"Er, you should write your name here!

"Me too...! Whoa! I wrote it!

"Thanks! By the way, what's your name or something?

"Hmm. I wonder what it is"

"Um, I don't know!

"Okay. I'll think about it. I'll tell you when I can!



- After school.

Um, what would you like? How about at the Extreme Magic Research Society?

Whatever your name is.

You can have it in the chairman's office.



"Chairman, I brought it!

Submit paper to the Chairman


The chairman looked at the paper he submitted.

"You really are that teacher. Surprise. Well, I could accept this for now. You will soon be assigned a room. [M] Yeah, yeah. Do we recruit new entrants?

"Um... policy not to, okay?

"Absolutely. It's going to be tough if you let the darkness scatter the power you have. I was going to tell you to do the same from here.

"Oh, yeah. Then it's just fine.

"That's all I'm talking about.

"Whoa. See you later.

Two days later, the club was officially allowed to be created and the department was assigned.