The Great Trump Card

Chapter 0490 Fill the world with darkness! (Ten more)

Lin Nao couldn't help but smiled and said, "Are you going to date me?"

Guan Ping actually sat down on the stone pier on the ground, Lin Nao frowned. What happened to the people this year, are they all so arrogant?

Guan Ping seemed to see what was going on in Lin Nao’s heart, and said calmly: “A strong man like you should not attack me at such a time, let alone this is still in your place, I think you must do No shameful thing."

Lin badly said: "Well, you won, I can wait for you first, and then shoot. What do you want to say, now you talk about it, this is my respect for a strong man before he dies ."

Guan Ping laughed: "Life and death are actually small things. The important thing is, what kind of world do you think we live in?"

Lin Nao curiously said: "What kind of world? I can only say that this is a society ruled by law."

"The society ruled by law." Guan Ping smiled. "Do you think this legal society protects ordinary people?"

Lin Bad asked: "What do you mean?"

Guan Ping pulled out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, a soft-packed Zhonghua, took one and handed it to Lin Bad, and said, "Smoke one?"

"Okay." Lin badly took it in his hand and sat down opposite Guan Ping. He lit the smoke and said with a smile, "What do you want to say?"

"I want to talk to you about myself." Guan Ping said, "I was a single-parent family when I was a child. My father had died in the factory when I was very young. That time the factory opened up the relationship, only If you compensate us a little bit of money, you will do it. Do you know what our family lost? What I lost was a dad, my mother lost my favorite man, what our family lost was a pillar, you may not be able to Understand my feelings."

"I may understand." Lin Nao's eyes dimmed. "I lost my father since I was a child, but he wasn't dead. He ran away from home, and he also found other women. Think about it. In fact, I wish he was like your father, at least the image of Wei An will not be broken in my heart."

Guan Ping looked at Lin Bad with some surprise and said, "I didn't expect you to even..., but in this way, you may be able to understand what I said. My father was an excellent employee in the factory before his death. My mother is also working in a factory. Although it is said that our family is not rich, it is at least worry-free."

"But all this was different after my father died. After my father died, the factory began to shirk its responsibilities, and broke through the relationship, but only compensated us with a little comfort money. Later, my mother paid for a lawyer to sue them, but unfortunately The door of this factory is very hard, and the court side knows who we are suing, so we simply say goodbye and it is useless."

"Because of this, my mother also offended the factory. The factory fired my mother. Later, my mother said that she regretted it, but in fact did not regret it. It was because this way, my mother was completely lost. After work, my dad is gone. She wants to keep her job and find a way to keep the house and take care of me. For me, what can I do even if I am a little humiliated."

"I don't regret it because my dad made so many contributions to the factory. After the death, it was unfair for the family to receive such treatment. It is really unfair. Will it be fair to you instead?"

Lin Nao shook his head.

When Guan Ping talked about this at the moment, his tone was calm, but the resentment came out of his bones, and the feeling was even more terrifying.

Guan Ping continued: "I am very angry, very angry, very angry, but this is how I felt at that time. If I change to the present, I will feel very indifferent, because society is like this, weak meat is strong."

"At that time, my mother really had no way to go to heaven and no way to go to the ground. She wanted to feed me. She still had to find a way to find a job. At that time, I often saw her secretly hiding and crying."

Lin Nao suddenly thought of himself. When his father ran away from home, Lin Nao could see his mother hiding and crying alone. At that time, although her mother was hiding from her, she tried not to let herself see, but what about herself It may not be visible at all.

Guan Ping continued: "At that time I was small, but I was distressed, and really distressed. I thought that one day, sooner or later, I must get ahead, I must let my mother live a good life, and I must let the factory All those who have fallen into the rock have got the retribution they deserve."

Lin Bad asked: "How about your loved ones?"

"Relatives?" Guan Ping smiled. "Before my dad died, they often walked with my house, but after my dad died, they hid me and my mom one by one like the plague. My mom was really back then. There is no way, I can only go to work in the mall. Slowly, my mother climbed up and started to be a little leader."

"I remember that when I was nine years old, my mother jumped from the sixth floor of the mall one day."

Lin Nao was taken aback, and asked, "Jumping off the building? Why?"

Guan Ping clenched his fists and said, "Everyone said that my mother jumped in a stumble, but I still heard an uncle who had a good relationship with my mother tell me that my mother was molested by the leader, and then When tearing, I fell and fell downstairs. The uncle has been pursuing my mother, and my mother has also moved a little, but she is worried about me, so he is still hesitating, and my mother died."

"Later, the police really found it through surveillance video, and found that my mother was indeed tearing, falling into the room crying and falling."

Lin Nao asked: "Since the evidence has been found, should that leader have been brought to justice?"

"Later, the leader reversed right and wrong, saying that it was my mother who seduce him, and then blackmailed him. In the end, the two of them were torn apart during the argument. My mother accidentally fell off the upper floor by herself, and the police even approved it, but I know what character my mother is. If my mother is a person of that character, you can bear the burden in the factory, and you don’t have to climb up step by step for a few years after my father died."

Lin Nao took a deep breath and asked, "What happened later? How did the judge decide?"

"I heard later that the leader's youngest uncle worked in the court, and later only sentenced him to compensate some money." Guan Ping laughed, "I remember that night I gave the money one by one in the brazier Burned, a total of 50,000 yuan, all burned clean by me, and then Satan came."

"Satan?" Lin Hao was also very angry for Guan Ping, but when he heard the word Satan, he was still a little bit dumbfounded. What the hell is Satan?

Guan Ping said: "He is the devil of the wicked, but the savior of people like me. That year I was nine years old. He took me away and taught me kung fu ever since. He said that I have the talent to learn martial arts. I have the hard heart that Xuewu needs, and I became a member of the dark world. He taught me the skills and asked me to take revenge. When I was 14, I personally sneaked back into my hometown and brought those people back. All killed."

"those people?"

"Yes, those people." Guan Ping's mouth curled up and smiled, "Those are damn people, the factory director when my father died, the leader who forced my mother to jump off the building, the court's The judge, besides that, the relatives who fell into the rock, all of them were killed by me, and there are no left, a total of 14 people!"

Lin Nao shocked: "You killed all your relatives?"

Guan Ping said: "If they were willing to help my mother at that time, would my mother still hide and cry? My mother would still be so helpless? So they should die, they should all die!"

Lin Nao only felt chilly in his heart, and Guan Ping was a bit scary.

Guan Ping laughed: "Do you think I'm a little scary?"

Lin Bad hesitated and said, "It's a bit. According to common sense, if you just kill the judge, leader, and factory director, I can understand it, but you even kill relatives. I don't think I can bear this. ."

"Can't stand it? That's because you don't know that the betrayal of relatives is the most desperate. When a person loses the biggest pillar, those who should have been close to you have all betrayed you collectively, you know What kind of feeling is that?"

Lin Nao said: "Then you talk about it, who is that Satan? Is it your boss now?"

"Boss?" Guan Ping smiled and laughed, "You are wrong, Satan is the god!!! He is the devil!"

Guan Ping's eyes suddenly shone, and his eyes shone with mad worship. That kind of gaze was like a devout believer facing his own god.

Lin Nao has never seen a person being able to worship such a crazy person for the first time. This is the first time he has seen in his life, and this scene makes Lin Nao feel uneasy and flustered in his heart.

Lin Nao frowned and said, "There are only people in this world, no gods."

"No, he is the god, he is the god!!" Guan Ping shouted frantically, "He is the devil!"

"Demon God?" Lin Nao said, "Even if he is a god, a demon is a demon, and a god is a god, what is he?"

"You won't understand." Guan Ping said excitedly, "He is the devil to those evil people, he is our god to people like me, so he is the devil god! He is ours faith!"

Guan Ping said excitedly: "Lin Nao, since you have had the same experience as me, then you must know what it feels like to be helpless? When you were a child, only your mother remained, and you must have been discriminated against. , Have you been bullied?"

Lin Nao sighed and said, "When I was a kid, I saw my mother wiped tears all by herself, and there were many little bullies around to bully my family."

"The Demon God exists to protect us. He made us understand the truth that not everything in this world can be solved by law. Some things require ourselves. If we can't, then we must rely on the Devil God! "

"Lin Bad, please follow along, and follow in the footsteps of the Devil God from now on!!!" Guan Ping opened his hands and said in a frenzy, "The goal of our dark world is to remove all dross and all injustice. , Wipe out all unfairness from this world!"

"If others think we are wrong, then we are wrong. If others think that we represent darkness, then we will fill the world with darkness!!!"