The Great Trump Card

Chapter 0635 Shaolin Yi Jin Jing

Before Lin Nao saw the unabashed seventy-two stunt, his heart was already confused, but after being enlightened by Wei Qimian, it seemed that the whole person was completely relieved. At this time, it was like being dressed lightly, and the state of the whole person was even better. In the past, it has improved a bit.

He used to win, now he is to reach the end, the two are different, but now the realm is not a momentary success or failure, obviously the realm is a higher level.

Martial arts also pay attention to the state of mind. When Lin bad sees through those, the state of martial arts also rises. Although it is true that there is a distance from the middle of Huajin, the power between one move and the other is also much stronger than before. I have reached the state of Xiaocheng on the Eight Diagrams Palm, and now it is even more handy, and the power has also increased by three points.

Everyone didn’t know the truth. I saw that Lin Nao had beaten Wu Wu by virtue of an absolute gossip palm. He looked at each one intently, held his breath, and thought that Lin Nao had hidden such a deep power before. , Now only fully revealed.

The knife's eyes lit up and muttered to himself: "Bad brother's strength has improved again."

If Lin Lin now encounters Xuanyue before, there will never be such an embarrassment.

Lin Nao entered the mysterious realm at this moment. He closed his eyes, and only two people appeared in his mind, one was himself and the other was blameless. Among them, he just thought about how to split up and down, completely immersed in this state.

Wu taboo suddenly stopped and stood in front of Lin Nao. Lin Nao opened his eyes, looked at Wu Tuo, and said with a smile: "Is it just land flying? Really fast, really fast, completely It is comparable to Xuanyue's speed."

Wu taboo said: "You are very strong. I originally estimated that your strength is similar to that of Tylen, but I didn't expect you to be so much stronger than him."

Lin Bad said with emotion: "Yeah, not to mention you, not even I thought of it."

Immediately reborn, Lin Nao believes that if he encounters a taboo two days ago, I am afraid that he has defeated this time, of course, it will not be too bad, but this time I am afraid that he has forced out his hole card, and now Actually, I still hide that the last hole card is not used yet.

Wushen folded his hands together and said, "Amitabha, Lin Nao, you are the first person I am ready to use all my strength. Thank you for giving me such a chance to fight heartily."

If these words are spoken from other people's mouths, they will feel too pretending, but if they are spoken from the unscrupulous mouths, it will be completely different.

Every hair on Lin Nao's whole body stood up. Isn't Wuzhen still the strongest?

Wu Tabi smiled and said: "Shaolin's seventy-two stunts are seventy-two martial arts that are not weaker than even the Bagua Palm. Since they are stunts, that is to say, these martial arts are not just want to learn. Learned, once learned, it has great power."

"Just now I have used two strokes against you. The first stroke is billiards. You should use the most powerful palm of the Eight Diagrams palms to greet my billiards. The two cancel each other out, so I played a tie. I I just used land flight. Normally, when this trick is put on display, it is like moving the whole person in an instant. It is very difficult to dodge, but you can make a judgment without vision, which also cancels out. ."

Wu taboo smiled and said: "But I am curious, my twisting flower skills, how can you break it!"

Wu tabu suddenly formed a lotus with his hands and patted Lin Nao. Lin Nao felt a huge attraction involving himself, which caused his power to be a little disordered immediately. Lin Nao was a palm of gossip. It was shot, but this palm was weakened by the twist flower skill, and when the two palms met, Wu Yan suddenly changed his tricks. The twist flower skill changed into a billiard punch, in the seventy-two stunt It is already extremely difficult to learn the same in the stern school. Not only have you learned several kinds, but you can even reach the level of free switching.

The fists intersect, because they were weakened a few points by Twisting Flower. This time Lin Nao took four or five steps back and forth, but Wuzheng just took two steps back.

On the podium, Li Yifeng said seriously: "As long as the seventy-two stunts of Shaolin can be the same, they can be regarded as first-class masters. Being able to learn three or four is enough to be called top masters. You have learned it at such a young age. Four tricks, twisting kung fu, billiard punch, land flying, golden bell, to be honest, even if he is the same, it is not an easy thing for Lin Bad to want to win him, he learned four kinds, I am afraid It’s hard to win this battle.

Lin Nao already had preparations in his heart, knowing that the other party would have four kinds of seventy-two stunts, but there was no way. The seventy-two stunts were a genius that has been handed down for more than a thousand years. Even masters in the top ten can't work out a unique skill that will break the seventy-two stunts one by one!

Lin Nao took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly turned red, his body strength was stimulated a little, Lin Nao began to show his first pressure box bottom, that is his bloodline strength.

Lin Nao has long discovered that he possesses extremely powerful bloodline power. Every time he is excited, his strength can be improved by several percent. However, in the past, it was possible to be automatically excited at the juncture of life and death, but it has never been very active. Recently, Lin Bad has been studying this problem, and finally let Lin Bad research out some ways to stimulate the potential genetic power in the body. Now, although Lin Bad can’t fully stimulate that force, it can already stimulate part of it. It's very powerful.

Lin Bad's body strength began to soar, his fists clenched, and said, "We can try again."

There was a trace of surprise in Wuzhen's eyes. Lin Nao's strength could be improved?

Wu taboo agreed with a smile, and once again used the twist flower gong, followed by the billiard fist, this time he still weakened a part of Lin Nao's strength first, and then the palms intersect, Lin Nao and Wu Dao were the same Both have stepped back two steps.

Wu Tabi was surprised. He first weakened part of Lin Nao's strength, and then he was even equal to Lin Nao's strength?

If this is really the case, it can only be said that Lin Nao's true energy in his body is too strong at this time.

Liu Hongyan surprised: "What's going on?"

"I don't know." Li Yifeng's eyes are a little complicated, and his tone is full of jealousy. "This shouldn't be the power that should be possessed in the early stage of Huajin."

Liu Hongyan asked: "No? Don't they hide their strength, they are not the initial stage of rejuvenation?"

If this is the case, it is equivalent to Lin bad cheating and needs to be disqualified.

"Of course not." This time it was not Li Yifeng who responded, but Ouyang loneliness on the podium. Ouyang loneliness said, "Lin Nao's strength is now comparable to the players in the mid-energy period. There is still a gap between top experts, but it is already comparable to those who have just stepped into the middle of Huajin, but Lin Bad’s realm has not actually reached the middle of Huajin, and there is even a long distance."

After the audience heard this, all of them were in an uproar, and they all felt unbelievable. You should know that the early stage of Huajin and the middle stage of Huajin are too far apart. Lin Hao is now comparable to Huajin. Mid-term master?Although it can be said that it is comparable to the rookie who has just stepped into the middle of the period of energy, is it too terrifying??

The following are all in an uproar. If such a talent is to wait until Lin Nao reaches the mid-level of energy, can he sweep the entire master of the same level?

Oh, no, Lin Nao has just stepped into the early stage of Huajin. It is basically possible to sweep most of the early masters of Huajin. It is estimated that after another one and a half years, the initial stage of Huajin should be Be invincible!

The unscrupulous eyes finally became serious, his hands folded, and said: "The power of the donor is amazing, and since it is so, I will not have reservations."

Lying in the trough, there is no reservation?What's happening here??

Everyone’s watching is almost going crazy. They have shocked everyone’s inherent psychology time and time again. Everyone has determined that they are invincible at the same level, but the result is that they are still in a state of reservation. Time and time again, this is their strongest. Status, can they be stronger??

Suddenly, the pale golden qi was lingering on Wuwu's body. Although it seemed to be very weak, it was true that the qi had reached the level of substance, and the shadow of the Buddha behind him became more solid.

Ouyang's lonely eyes lit up, and there was some heat in his eyes, and there was a little excitement in his tone: "Shaolin Yi Jin Jing!!"

Ouyang loneliness is already one of the world's top powerhouses, and there are very few things that can excite him in this world, but such an early player as Wuzhen even excited his predecessor. This is the first time in this year's elite tournament. Even the mid-term showdown has never made Ouyang so lonely.

Li Yifeng was also surprised and said: "Yi Jin Jing? Isn't that said to be the most powerful inner strength mentality in the world?"

Ouyang said with loneliness: "It is very difficult to learn this practice, even if every generation of Shaolin Temple has few people who can teach this practice, as for Tianshui Temple... I only listen to the presiding officer of Tianshui Temple. The abbot has learned the Yi Jin Jing, but I did not expect Wuji to learn it at such a young age!!!"

Liu Hongyan asked: "Yi Jin Jing is nothing but internal strength and mentality. Isn't it martial arts? What's so strange?"