The Great Trump Card

Chapter 0726 Lin Bad's true identity!

Ye Lao said calmly: "I won't say it one by one. In short, all three of us are owed to your dad, so I vowed to protect you and give it to you."

Lin Badmei’s mood was extremely complicated. Why did Li Youmei tremble? Li Youmei’s body shivered slightly. This was the first time she had received news from her husband in so many years. She looked up at the three old Ye and asked, “He is now Where? Why did we abandon us? He even asked the three of you seniors to come and protect us, but we want more than this kind of protection, we also want him to stay with us to accompany Us, why should he leave?"

Ye Lao looked at each other and shook their heads together. Lin Nao asked: "What do you mean, don't you know?"

"We don't even know." Ye Lao sighed, "Lin Feilong is more mysterious than we thought. What is the reason for him? We don't know anybody. But I know he must not let you down, too. Absolutely not what he thought."

Elder Yinye said: "Anyway, I have said everything, and it's not the last one. I probably know some news about him now."

Lin Nao and Li Youmei immediately looked at it.

Elder Yinye looked at Lin Bad and said, "The eighteen dragon dragon styles I taught you are the most powerful and domineering techniques in the world. Although I know the formula, I can't even use any of them. Because these The mantra was given to me by your father, let me turn it around and pass it on to you."

Lin bad surprised: "This is my father's kung fu?"

"Well," said Elder Yinye, "then your father defeated Lu Wenhua, one of the top ten intensifiers, and he should have used this set of boxing techniques. Later, when your father told me the formula of this set of boxing techniques, I once asked However, I said that the first fist in the world is so strong and overbearing, if I can’t help but learn what to do, your father smiled and said that the genes of your Lin family are out of the world, no one is You may learn to kill the dragon in eighteen styles. If you really learn, you may be unable to bear the meridians and explode."

Lin Nao's eyes widened. Although he had long known that this boxing method was aggressive and overbearing, he didn't expect that even the master was not qualified to learn, it would be too horrible.

Elder Yinye smiled and said: "Among the top ten strengths, I am ranked first, and my strength is second only to the two guru levels of Huaxia at that time. Of course, I am not convinced, but It’s not my fault to steal other people’s stern school, so I never thought about it. But after studying in seclusion in your house, I studied this set of kung fu in detail, and only then found that your father was not alarmist. People with ordinary muscles and bones are indeed unable to learn, and you are indeed talented. Since childhood, you have muscles and bones that surpass ordinary people. It can be seen that your Lin family's genes in this regard are indeed powerful and powerful."

Lin Nao said: "I also thanks to Master II's long-term care for me."

Yao Lao said with a smile: "I naturally have a lot to do with your medicine bath, but your own physical qualities are also unmatched by others. At that time, your master said that this set of kung fu taught you, although Your body can barely bear it, but it will inevitably have a lot of pain, so let me take care of you for a long time, so that your body has a stronger ability to bear, and finally it turns out that you learned this set of Tulong 18 It’s really a multiplier when it’s done."

Li Youmei sighed: "You really worked hard for my family's Lin Xuan. If Lin Xuan does not honor you afterwards, I will not treat him lightly."

Ye Lao said with a smile: "We have the same feelings for him as our children, so I don't need to say this. The old guys like us are still entangled in your house now."

Lin Nao asked, "Where is my father now?"

Elder Yinye said: "I've been thinking about this problem all these years. I didn't know you until the four great masters of China began to change between old and new, and when there was a grand master Beidi who rose up like a rocket. Where did my father go?"

Lin Bad asked: "Is my father..."

"Yes," said Yin Ye, "Your father is the Northern Emperor."

Lin Nao said: "I may need to be quiet. A lot of news needs to be digested. Beidi is my father? Beidi, one of the four great masters? Is this news safe?"

Elder Yinye said with emotion: "The reason why I know this is because through the observation of the general, don't you find that, the general seems to take you very seriously, and the general also takes extra care of the rat gang, is it all just Is it by fate?"

Lin Nao thought about it carefully. The old man of Yinye seemed to say that it was true. Before the general, he wanted to give Tongcheng to him, but he finally let himself take Tongcheng, although he said it was It was calculated by myself, but with the strength of the general, it was really easy to deal with myself, but the general never shot.

In addition, there are two other things that make Lin Bad feel strange. One thing is that the general will treat himself as a successor. In fact, according to common sense, Blood Dragon and Zhao Hu are obviously the best choices, although they find themselves It’s not bad, but it’s like the Wu family has a total of five children. The first four didn’t end up as homeowners, but they gave the homeowner directly to the old five.

The second thing is that the rat gang is worth looking after?This is not even understood by the rat gang, but now think about it according to the master's statement. At first, the rat gang was supported by his father, and then it is natural for his father to take care of him.

As for what the general has to do with his father, let’s recall that when the general’s birthday was over, none of the other ten of the top tenants and the rest of the four great masters came to congratulate, but as the four The Northern Emperor, one of the masters, personally sent people over to give gifts. In addition, after the Northern Emperor sent people to protect the general, it can be seen that the close relationship between the Northern Emperor and the general should exceed his imagination.

Elder Yinye said: "In fact, this matter is not known to the outside world, but I have known for a long time that the general is the man of the Northern Emperor, and the general is a jealous person who wants to maintain peace in the three northern provinces. It’s very appreciated, so I have always helped the general in the back. The two people’s goals are basically the same. So, the general is actually a North Emperor.”

Lin Bad asked: "Master, when did you know this?"

"Not too long ago, didn't Zhao Hu come to me to study Kung Fu before? I once chatted with the general and asked him about it, and he admitted."

Lin Bad breathed out his airway: "That is to say, after my father left the house, he became the Northern Emperor?"

"Well," said Elder Yinye, "your father already had the strength to surpass the top ten strengths in that year. It is estimated that it is similar to the guru level, even if it is not as good as it is. It has been grinded through the years of seclusion. Practicing your own mind and strength has long been a thing of the past, and it is a matter of course to become the Northern Emperor."

Li Youmei asked: "Is he leaving the house just to go out and make a name?"

There are disappointments in Li Youmei’s heart. Although Lin Feilong is now one of the four famous masters, Li Yumei’s heart is definitely not happy. She gave up her identity as Miss Qianjin for Lin Feilong, even with The family broke up, and Lin Feilong was also a rival to the two big families for him, but in the end, Lin Feilong couldn't survive this ordinary person's life after all, and abandoned his wife and son.

Lin Nao’s three masters were also silent. Lin Nao could understand his mother’s mood. He shook his head and said, “If it is for these reasons, I cannot forgive him.”

Knowing that all three of his masters are fathers please come to protect themselves and their mothers. Lin may feel that hatred has become weaker in his heart, but if it is truly understood, it is completely impossible.

Elder Yinye sighed: "Actually from a man's point of view, he can't be said that he is right or wrong, but from a family point of view, he really is too sorry for your mother and son, and this is also a few of us Decided to reveal the truth today."

Lin Nang clenched his fists and asked, "Where is the Northern Emperor? I want to find him."

Elder Yinye said, "You haven't solved the Wu family's affairs in Kyoto. When the Wu family's affairs are resolved, I will help you find your father, but now I still have to focus on that matter. Once Wu Jiang When I become the head of the Wu family, I am afraid that your mother and son will have a hard time."

Ye Lao laughed: "What's wrong, as long as our three old guys stand up, I will see who dares to move their mother and son."

Elder Yinye also smiled: "You are right, although my old man has been in seclusion for more than ten years, they may have forgotten my reputation, but I can give them a long memory."

Suddenly Lin Lin stood up, then faced the three masters and slowly knelt on the ground. All three masters were stunned for a while, but they didn't go up to help, Lin Hao knocked his head, then stood up and said seriously: " Three masters, although you were all invited by my father to protect us, my father asked you to teach me a skill, but the feelings between us are true, and I know your feelings towards me are also true Yes, one day as a teacher and a lifetime as a father, I will honor you like an old man who honors me."

Ye Lao said with emotion: "I don't need to say this anymore. I have always known that you are a good boy and that you are a particularly sensible and good boy. As long as you can honor your mother, those of us who are masters are already very pleased. Now."

Li Youmei said: "Lao Ye, my son is right. Thanks to you all these years, my son was able to grow so outstanding. On the surface, it looks like I am taking care of the three seniors, but in fact it is you. I've been taking care of our mother and son all the time, and the things I do are too trivial, and our family owes you too much."

What Li Youmei said made the three masters feel very moved. They really felt that even if they violated the oath, it was worth it.

Lin Badao said: "But the three masters, if the Wu family really wants to do it with me at the end, you only need to protect my mother. Your age is older. When it is time to be aged, I will face the Wu family alone. Will suffice."

"Silly boy." Elder Yinye laughed, "I am your family, and others move my family, can I allow it? Don't think about these things first, do what you should do, and the teacher will be behind you. Strong backing."

"Well!" Lin Nao's inner heart suddenly showed unlimited confidence. This kind of worry-free feeling made Lin Nao feel stronger than never before!

Wu Sheng, this time let me come to help you down to earth!

Wu Jiang, when you lost, you still will lose now!