The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
Chapter 150.
After school, Emma and I went to the adventurer's guild.
Luna has a job as a saint, so the two of us are going to handle the requests.
After greeting her, Laura gave me some great information.
I've been collecting information on magic tools since then, and I heard something interesting. Have you heard of the Krastan Cemetery, Nor?
"Yes, I know.
When a person dies, it's common to have them buried in a church, but we can't have churches all over town.
So they build several cemeteries a little far from the town.
One of them is the Krastan Cemetery.
Laura held up her finger and said with a serious look on her face, "Actually, there is a little cemetery there.
In fact, there's something that looks like a magic sword stuck in the cemetery there for a while now.
What do you mean, "magic sword"? ...... Who stabbed you with it?
"They say it's stuck in a warrior's grave. But it doesn't necessarily mean that a magic sword was stuck in it from the beginning. It's possible that it was just a sword that was transformed.
I've heard such stories in the past.
It is rare for a soldier who has died a regrettable death to have a sword that has absorbed the grudge of its owner and transformed into a magical sword over time.
Does it leak from the owner's dead flesh and bones?
Ugh, isn't that kind of creepy?
It's also a horror story, so Emma is a little taken back.
Laura doesn't seem to recommend going without it either.
I certainly feel creeped out by it. I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's had it.
I'm not sure what to do.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.
I'm not sure what to do. I have an appraising eye, so if it's not good, I'll leave without touching it.
You're getting braver, aren't you, ...... Nor?
Is that so?
Yes, of course he is cautious, but he has become more manly. In a word, you look great!
Laura put her hands together and praised me.
I was embarrassed and wondered if it was because of the hidden dungeon.
Lately, I've been enjoying exciting adventures. Of course, I'm a chicken at heart, so being a little daring is probably just fine.
I also have a message from Luna. She wants to meet you in the evening or night. She wants to talk to you about something.
"All right. I'll go see her when I get back from the cemetery.
After we left the guild, I first asked Emma if she wanted to follow me.
She had been scared earlier, and this was not a request.
"You smell like water. Of course she'll come. But if she's scared, let's not push it, okay?
Also, Luna, don't ask her out at night or go to ......'s house.
It's okay. I mean, if Luna wants to talk to you, I think she's a serious person.
That's fine, but ......
I'm not sure what to do, but I'm not sure what to do.
I'm not sure if I'd be able to do that if I were you.
It's a good idea to have a good idea of where you're going.
There was a cemetery with many gravestones in a clear area.
There was no caretaker.
It may look abandoned, but there is an enclosure, and the family members of the people who are buried in the gravestones visit regularly, so it is not a wilderness.
It was around four o'clock in the afternoon. Many people come here in the morning or at this time of the day to put flowers on the graves.
There are people here and there. I wonder where the sword is...
Emma looked around and spotted something that caught her attention.
Emma looked around and spotted something that caught her attention: "You know that guy standing there staring at something? In front of it is .......
The man was dressed roughly, but he was wearing a sword.
He could be a civilian or an adventurer.
It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
The sword that he is looking at with great interest is stuck in the slightly raised soil.
I wonder if that is the rumored magic sword.
Let's get closer.
I walked with the young man to the sword. As we walked, I observed the sword.
The hilt and other parts of the sword are normal, although it looks a little old.
What was strange was the blade, where there was a black rust-like line.
It was spiral-shaped and looked like a black snake coiled around it.
No matter how much it deteriorated, it would not normally look like that.
"Are you an adventurer?
The young man spoke to me.
"Yes, I am. I'm interested in this magic sword thing.
I bet you are. That's what it is.
I'm not sure what to make of it.
I'm not sure what to make of it.
I'm not sure what to make of this.
As for the slashing blade, I've seen it in the past.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.
The most interesting thing is still the [electric shock pattern].
When I looked it up, I found that it electrocutes the person who grasps the handle.
The effect is only on the handle, so if it's a blade, of course you won't get electrocuted, but that has poison in it.
It would be bad if you accidentally cut your fingers, and even touching it might damage your skin.
The young man put his hand on mine and spoke.
I know you want to pull out that sword, but don't do it. Anyone who touches it will fall down on the spot, not just pull it out.
You didn't come here to pull it out, did you?
No, I'm just curious. I don't want to be touched. I don't want to be cursed.
Don't worry, there is no curse in it.
I don't want to tell you that and have you go pull it out, so I'll keep quiet.
How should I pull it out? Either I can endure it, or that side will be harmless.
I have [Paralysis Resistance C].
I think I can withstand it a little, but I doubt it.
I'm sure that if you have lightning resistance, it will be useful in the future.
I'm not sure how much of a problem it is, but I'm sure it's worth it.
I'm not sure how much LP the stimulus sword will be converted to, but I've decided to go with the one that can withstand it, since it may end up being the end of the line.
I'd like to have S or A lightning resistance.
I'm not sure how much LP it will cost, but I've decided to go with the one that makes the most sense.
I'll go with S.
I've got it, so I decided to pull out my sword.
You're not supposed to do that!
"That's right, Nor! You never know what might happen.
Don't worry, I've already taken the necessary measures.
Gathering up my courage, I grasped the handle.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.
I'm sure you'll agree.
I'm not sure what to make of it.
But this time, it was not at that level.
It's not that I can't stand it.
It's not going to last long, though.
"Heh, you're okay with that? ......!
"Awesome. ...... but .......
The two seemed to be a mixture of astonishment and worry.
I also quickly checked the sale amount with the [LP conversion item].
It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money.
I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to try.
"It's gone! No, no, no. It's the cursed sword, and it must have disappeared to make sure you were taken care of. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to run. I'm sorry, but I have to run!
The young man ran off in a hurry.
You have a vivid imagination. I laughed, but Emma was just as frightened as the young man.
I have to run. If it's really a cursed sword, it's not good!
Don't worry. I'll explain.
When I gave her all the information that only I could see, Emma was deeply relieved.
She was seriously worried that I might be cursed.
All in all, I got 300 LP plus a strong resistance skill.
I'm glad I came.
Incidentally, the sale price of a weapon of the same type and skill varies depending on its condition.
In the past, when I converted a [Dragon Slayer C] spear, the price was 500 if the condition was bad, and 1500 if it was good.
If it's in bad condition, you might as well just use it up without converting it.
I went back to the guild and reported to Laura that I had successfully gotten rid of the magic sword.
Then Emma and I parted ways, and I went to find Luna.