The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
Episode 154 Single aristocrat
The next morning, I practice my sword in my daily routine and then eat breakfast before leaving. [M]
I will have a discussion with the real estate agent Emma introduced me to this morning.
Of course, I'll take Master with me.
There was already a real estate agent in front of the mansion to be purchased.The greeting introduces the master there.
"Hello, this is Olivia, who plans to purchase the Mansion."
"Nice to meet you. Thank you very much for your time."
Crunchy, Crunchy, Crunchy, Lower People
It's a joke unique to my mentor, but the realtor is having an affair.I can only tell you to get used to it.
We look around the mansion.There are plenty of rooms, and the living room is quite spacious.
However, the details seemed quite worrying, and the master instructed her to do so.
The realtor was serious and took notes of this.
It will be an option, so there will be an additional fee, but the master has at least 300 million.
There is no problem with the money, right?
Master, is there a problem with the decision here?
Ohhh. It's spacious and suits Olivia's tastes.
I was relieved that the conversation was going smoothly.
Looks like he's paying a little down payment, and then he's paying the rest at once on the delivery date.
Clean and reuse the furniture left by the previous person.
I talked to the realtor because I could move in after a week.
I also talked about Mira.I was told that it would be very welcome to have more customers, and I was asked to introduce them tomorrow.
Outside the Mansion, Master stretches out with his hands raised.
"My life with my master will be another week."
Noru's chastity will be taken away within a week!
"That's not what I'm saying in front of you.And it's not something to say while getting people's attention on the road.So I'll pretend to be someone else. [M]Bye. "
I dashed away from my master and hurried to the meeting place with Luna. [M]
On the way, I ran into Emma.
"Nor, what are you doing?
"I've just decided on my master's house."
"Where's Olivia?
"I'm over there.If you're free, take care of him.Bye. "
I've been through Emma's training for a while.Continue to the rendezvous weapon store.
I designated the place. [M]
I was thinking of fishing for a little weapon.
Luna hasn't come yet, so I'll go inside. [M]
Ignoring the splendid items decorated in the shop, he touched cheap swords placed in the clutter.
If you take it in your hand, you know how long it takes to convert it.
The cheap sword here is generally converted at about 10 LP to 100 LP.
Even if I bought a dozen bottles of LP, it would be hundreds.A hundred would be a thousand in an instant.I can never be an idiot.
Nevertheless, since the money is not infinite, I chose something that is as efficient as possible to convert.
The store owner talks strangely when he buys ten bottles in a row.
"Brother, what should I do if I buy so much?
"I was practicing hard, so the blade broke right away."
"Oh, that's nice.I'll do my best. I got you a present. "
The store owner gave me a fine sword.This kind of thing is quite unusual in a weapon store.
The conversion also results in 80 LP.Thank you!
While I wait for Luna, I will convert my purchased weapons. [M]
A total of eleven bottles resulted in 880 LP.Looks good. A little while later, Luna will be here.
"You're early. We still have more than enough time."
"I came early to buy a weapon.I've already converted it to LP. "
"Even though it's a holiday, Lord Nor is enthusiastic.I'll imitate it myself. "
"No, I'm doing it for me.I lose to Luna, who works for others as a saint. "
"Don't let it shine...Let's go to the nobles' house. "
I'm on my way to Baron Drawer's today.
Schulen Drawer seems to be a single man of forty-five years old.
It's not divorced and single, but it's been going on forever.This is quite unusual.
Noble men often get married in their late twenties at the latest.
If it were a baron's house, it wouldn't mean you don't have anyone to marry.
The maid hires her, but her life is irregular, so she often falls ill and comes to Luna.
"I'm not a bad person either.My hobby is collecting magic items.When I asked him how to collect it, he said he had the tools to collect it.And there are two. "
"That's amazing....."
I wonder if you really like it.If there are two, you may be able to give up one side depending on the negotiations.
Arrive at the Baron's house.
Surprisingly, it's not that big.
It's better than the average family, but it's not good for the nobles.Ah, it was better than my house.
The old man who was mowing the lawn in the garden looked at us and guided us to the front door.
From there, he touched the maid and went to Schulen's room.
Milord, Luna is here.
Mirenka, you can come in.
We'll disturb you indoors.
Schulen has tall, crisp eyes.
He's much more handsome than I thought.But when I looked closely, there was a dark bear under my eyes.
There are several books on the desk, so I wonder if I stayed up all night.
Seems like you're running out of sleep again.Some of my heel shots aren't going to fix it. "
"Ahahah... don't look so scary.I'm grateful to Luna.Are you friends?
"Well, he's my friend."
I lowered my head and introduced myself.
"You're from the Stalgia family!Did you save the Duchess?
"I worked with Luna and her friends to lift the curse."
"... that's amazing.Actually, I used magic tools to break her curse, too.But even with the power of rare magic tools, the de-curse didn't come true. "
Mr Schulen seeped a slightly regrettable expression.But it soon turns into a clear thing.
"It's good to see a hero!You want to hear about magic tools?I'll answer anything. "
It's a very favorable mood, so I can relax too.
I am searching for an item of Magic Equipment Sensing in a straightforward manner.
I want you to give it away because it can be expensive.
If it is impossible, I told her that I want her to tell me the only way to get it.
"Why do you want to collect magic tools?
"to take advantage of the dungeon strategy and connect it to my own strength."
"Do you value practicality?Excellent! I have a huge collection as a collector.By the way, the source is foreign.I got it across another continent. "
Negative information to me.
I really don't have time to buy it across the sea.In that case, it would be easier and faster to create skills.
"Nevertheless, Duchess... I can't stand not doing anything to you who helped Maria.Let's give up one of the two at a low price. "
"Ah, thank you!
Nikki showed her teeth and Mr. Schulen smiled.He told me the terms.
Five days later, my parents come to my house.
His parents complain to him for not taking a wife even though he is in good age.
I can put pressure on you to show your grandson's face every time.
So we want our parents to shut up.
"Please don't make me shut up.In fact, my parents promised me they wouldn't talk if they could beat us with magic tools. "
"Strong....? How old are your parents?
"Both of you are 65 this year.But don't be alarmed.They're both so strong.It is said that it is possible to hire someone.It's one of my strengths. "
As far as I'm concerned, I look like a tolerant parent.
Mr Schulen dropped his shoulders and told me that he had hired ten people so far, but they were all in retribution.
It's amazing because I'm hunting monsters and other things in action.
"I'm not very good at fighting because I'm drawing my parents' blood.I wonder if there are complexes like that that that are obsessed with magic tools.... "
"I think I'm good.There is something missing, and people work hard to make up for it.I don't want to be the one looking down there. "
"You are, after all, the best saint.That's how we fight. How about you two VS2?
It seems like a one-on-one victory would be fine, but I want to defeat my parents anyway.
It seems that Mr Schulen has such an idea.
I have no problem. [M]Luna....
"Very well. I'll help you too."
"It's my problem, but it helps."
"The same party buddies are in trouble.You can't afford not to use mine.And I'm interested in the parents. "
At 65 years old, active baldness is certainly amazing.
"If Noru and Luna can't win, I'll give up and get married.I'll talk to my parents. Thank you. "
Five days later, the match with the parents takes place in the garden of this house.
We'll leave Mr Schulen's house behind.
I was a little worried, so I asked Luna.
"I wonder why Schulen doesn't want to get married."
"He still wants to collect magic equipment.But sometimes I have lonely eyes. "
Maybe we should get married to stabilize our lives.
And then the maid came out of Schulen's house and followed us.
I wonder if it was Mirenka.
"You two, Sulen-sama has forgotten to tell you something.Are you sure? "
"Yes, please tell me"
"My parents are wearing thick armor, so they won't be able to attack halfway, so be careful."
"Yes, thank you very much."
Mirenka lowered her head and turned her heel.
Around 30?A woman who seems to be honest.
I'm sure you'll do a great job wearing a maid's clothes.
Hold on a second.
Luna somehow stopped Mirenka.
"Doesn't Mr Schulen have a woman in love?I want you to tell me if you know anything. "
That said, Luna took out the coin.
I was honestly surprised. [M]Luna wants to negotiate like this.
"... I can't accept it.I can't talk about anything without permission from Sulen-sama. "
"I see, that's right.I'm sorry to hear that. "
"No, a virgin like me made a rude imitation of the Virgin.Excuse me. "
After she left, I asked why I tried to find out until I paid. [M]
"I felt pathetic surrounded by a servant who immediately sold my husband.I imitated it and did something rude. "
Mirenka is relieved that she won't sell her husband easily.
Mr. Schulen, you may be the owner of the bright eye.
Now, we have decided to do the Alliance's bidding while also practicing tag fights.
Practice is going to earn money.
Odin is as prosperous as ever.
It seems to be a relatively victorious battle for rookies against the Alliance of Others.
Lamu, Ifleet, Shiva, and more. I'm glad you chose Odin.
We greeted Laura with a smile as usual.
Looks like more recruits are doing well.
"That's right! But next month is the real thing.Every year, people come out of the country.Other guilds aren't so serious right now. "
There seems to be a fierce scout battle next month.
Alliances thrive because they have good adventurers.
Is it the iron rule of prosperity to attract many promising young people on their own?
We will be introduced to a good request. [M]
A monkey monster named Handmonkey has recently gone wild in the woods, so I asked for the body.
"Handmonkey came from elsewhere, so I don't know much about the ecology.I'd like to ask Mr. Nor if he can collect all the bodies. "
"There are a lot of rewards.I'll bring it when I take it down. "
"Please be careful.Our adventurer is retreating once.And when you're done, the Guild wants to talk to Mr. Nor. "
"From the guild?
When I was wondering, Laura put her index finger in her mouth and whispered.
"I want to talk to you, Ri, ma, su.I'll be looking forward to it ~ "
Laura moves her plump lips slowly and takes a fancy attitude.
I keep calm while feeling my face get a little hot. [M]
I stopped by the tool shop on Luna's proposal before going to the client forest.
I decided to find out if any monkey monsters had a valid item.
Asked the young woman's shopkeeper, she took a sphere out of the shelf.
"A ball made from a cocoon made by a silkworm spider.It's sticky. "
Normal silkworm threads can become silk threads, but silkworm spiders are very sticky and difficult to use for normal purposes.
That's why they named the spider.
But the silkworm spider thread helps make the item, and that's it.
I don't have any particular skills, but it's sticky so it's uncomfortable if I bump into it.But it doesn't make much sense just to be uncomfortable.
"The reason monkeys work is because they move trees.I mean, keep this on the branch. "
Oh, is that so?
When you move from tree to tree, touching it prevents you from acting properly.
When the balance breaks down and the monkey falls out of the tree.
If we don't miss that gap, we can win.
"But it's going to be hard.I don't know which tree to use. "
"That's right. Would it be better to buy just for one minute and do a lot of things?"
The store has twenty pieces in stock, each of which can be purchased at 3,000 rears.
My client's reward will be increased by 300,000 if he succeeds.
After consulting with Luna, I decided to buy everything here.
"Seriously? I can't sell this at all.Thank you. I'll keep it a little cheaper. "
I got two thousand leaves in addition.
Well, even if you can't use it on this monster, there will be a way to use it.I will examine the goods at once. [M]
Silkworm balls come in round bags filled with sand.
They have multiple threads wrapped around them to form a ball.
When it comes to why you do this, the yarn alone is too light to fly.
"Can Lord Nor use it?
"Roger that. Luna has a gun."
Now that we were ready, we turned to the forest. [M]