The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
Episode 169 Vs Mira
Both subordinates were alive.
Although the damage was huge, after a rest, Emilia restored it to its original location.
"... Mr. Nor, I appreciate your concern for my subordinates."
"No, it's no big deal."
"I am a student at the seminary.I can't avenge you, but I'll tell you one thing in return.Mira is a genius who handles magic equipment.And since I've been in town, I think I've acquired another powerful weapon.Good luck. "
Emilia leaves important information behind.
A powerful weapon...
Now, Mira comes in with a replacement.
The excitement in the arena is getting worse.
"You're awesome!It's awesome!
Thank you for returning the stigma...
"Shit, was there such a strong one over there?"
"But next time, the mira-sama is the strongest, I can win!
Mira and I in the center of the circle were calm in contrast.
"Nor is so strong.I'm surprised. "
"I'm pretty worried about the battle, General."
"You're being modest.Whichever wins or loses, the friendship that transcends the country will not disappear.Isn't it? "
"Of course, I'll let you use the Santaju Armor Store."
"Not that way!Looks like Nor.I don't need any hassle. Looks like you're gonna be serious for a long time. "
Mira's expression changed.The atmosphere is very different from before due to the courageous appearance.
I'll look into her powers again. [M]
Magic Equipment Master
While touching the magic equipment, the five senses are sharpened and their physical abilities are improved.Also, when the skill rank assigned to the magic item is A ~ C, increase the rank by one.However, this effect is only available while using >
That's an incredible ability...
Sword and shield magic equipment improves the ability of the body just by using it normally.
Above all, I'm afraid I can use it by raising my rank...
C becomes B, B becomes A, and A becomes S.
It feels like a girl loved by magic equipment.
I grasp the sword and rewind. [M]
"--General, start the battle!
At the same time as Dr. Erna's voice echoed, I rushed like a thunderbolt. [M]
Mira was holding the ball in both hands.
It's a magic ball.
If I throw this on the ground in a row, it will bounce against me. [M]
We have to stop. One plays with a sword.
"Ugh, it's heavy..."
Because it has the ability to make it heavier.
Avoid tilting your head because the other one won't make it.
Tick, grabbed my cheeks.Hot...
Now both balls flew behind me. [M]
But I still hesitate to step in. [M]
Suruuuuuuuu and the ball returned to Mira as they cut the wind.Yes, because the ball has an [automatic return].
This is quite convenient ~
"The ball, the skill makes it heavier and more bouncing."
"Correct. I'm a treasure hunter, and there's a lot of magic equipment like this."
Adventurers and Explorers also search for treasure.
But the Adventurers aren't the main, and the Explorers are the dungeons.
Treasure hunters, on the other hand, go wherever there is treasure.
I hear the scope of action is very wide.
"How long have you been a treasure hunter?
"Since I was three.I've been searching everywhere for magic items. "
"There are so many exciting magic tools!But first, can you prevent this ball?
Mira enters the throwing motion.
I will edit [+5km] and change it to [+0.1km].
I grabbed the flying magic ball with one hand.
Ball, let me lighten it up.
"... really? My hands really must hurt because of the strength.One more shot!
I could have done the same, but now I'm going to destroy [Elasticity].
Don't play balls that are too heavy.
Don, bounced small and stopped on the ground.
"I made the ball heavier."
Mira, it's just like that.
If there is a lot of LP, I can do a lot of things.
She puts her hand on her forehead and laughs with joy.
"Ahahahahaha!Nor is so funny!I wasn't motivated because I thought I'd win the tournament anyway.But it's getting fun. "
Mira put the earrings on her palm and put them on her ear.
It's not just an earring.
[Spear Earring Rank A Spear Magic S Spear Manipulation Spear Manipulation Speed Thrust Stamina Consumption]
A magic item that temporarily empowers the Gear.
Though S is originally A, Mira's Magic Equipment Master is using it.
However, there are also negative skills.
When equipped, it reduces endurance.
I created [mental power consumption] here and gave it to Mira.
"Spear, I'll use this one I got recently."
Mira was proud to show that the shape of the spear was very simple and unspoiled.
What is peculiar is color.First, the pattern is dark black, and the blade part is a little lighter black.
[Spear Rank S Spatial Incision of Unequal Sky]
... wait, the weapon sounds familiar to me.
An alien spear is the name of a weapon that Master sold to someone.
"Well, it seems my dad bought it for 300 million from such a beautiful woman.At first I got angry thinking I was fooled, but when I tried it, I realized it was against the rules. "
"... that incredible beauty might be my master"
The master said he sold it because it was not strong.
But it's only about Master's standards.
In fact, he seems to be able to slay the rank S dashi space.
"Master is really amazing.But I can't believe Mr. Stoke sold his weapon... "
"... you're not lucky either.But including that, it's a match.Here we go!
Mira moved quickly.
It clears the gap at once and makes a punch when using a skilled spear.
I hold on with my sword, but I feel like I'm on time. [M]
From here, there will be a series of attacks like anger.
Occasionally, I also assaulted a thrust of incredible speed.
There's no doubt about [highway thrusting].
The hem of my clothes was poked several times, and I couldn't stand it and ran away with a backstep.
Fires [Purple Electric] at her when she tries to pursue her.
Ni 'er and she laugh.
"The shield of the mirror!
Polished by the shine, Mira gave out a round shield that reflected the opponent like a mirror.
I think the purple electricity hit it directly, and it bounced back and hit me.
The pain spread all over the body, but the damage was not deep.
[Lightning Resistance S] exerts its effect.
"I'm afraid of medium to long range magic."
"You really have a lot of good equipment.But holding a shield and holding a spear with one hand must be difficult. "
"Exactly. But I can fight like this."
That said, Mira slashed the empty space vertically.
A strange phenomenon occurred.
There was an elliptical hole in the space.
The hole is big enough for Mira to fit in.The back is dark and I can't see anything.
I'm going to make it more and more.
She runs around me in circles. [M]Slashing open the space with a spear.
Because the shoes are equipped with [Wataru Ten], it's pretty fast.
When she returned to her original position, Mira's breathing was disturbed.
"Hah, hah, this hole is connected, and people can actually get in and out."
"But I won't..."
"Yes, to do this!
Mira threw her spear into the hole with all her might.
I knew it! [Spear Manipulation]!
Now I'm surrounded by a number of empty holes. [M]
One of them, an alien spear, flew from the hole behind it.
I was almost there, but I was able to react.
But the spear disappeared again to be sucked into the hole.
"Hee, hee, hee...."
Mira is holding her shield and alert to my direct attack, but she is clearly tired.
The effect of exhaustion, the effect of negative skills.
The skills I've given you from here should also be effective.
So, pretending to be alert to the spear, she approached Mira so she wouldn't find out.
"... that? The spear doesn't come."
Then she flew right through Mira's back hole, just beside her face.
Crouched aggressively. I was surprised.That was close.
Let's set it up the next time.
"Actually, I'm in a hidden dungeon."
Heh, let's do it.
"Not as good as Mira, but I also have some fine magic equipment.That's why this attack is amazing. "
--Behind diagonally.
I put out the hegemon's shield and guard the spear.At the same time, using Falling Stone , the stone appeared a few meters above Mira's head.
"What is it!?
As expected, Mira quickly noticed and ran away.It was an unexpected move, so I threw away my shield and lost my distance at once in [shrinkage].
Strongly step in and wave the sword.
I will not slay Mira, who is terrified.Edging.
"Come on, aren't you going to slash it?
"I can't kill my friends.It would be helpful if you surrendered. "
Mira was weak and sat down on the spot.Remove the earrings while breathing roughly.
"I can always work a little harder.But I didn't have the strength. "
"When Stamina is gone, she often moves her body with mental strength and energy.That's why I just gave Mira the ability to weaken her mind. "
You gave up, Mira stood up without strength and raised her hands.
"This way.I'm losing! "
All right. It was tough, but we won three straight victories!