The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
2 Stories Intense Skill Set
In the dungeon, he unexpectedly presented a normal appearance.
The brick walls are equipped with sparkling potatoes at equal intervals. Thanks to this, I have no trouble securing my sight.
The passage seems to be maze, and looks pretty lost.
"Let's move on without freaking out"
It was when I took a step forward. The gate behind me closes.
Wow, I'm surprised... I was just getting back on my mind.
"... brave man, here we come... waiting on two levels..............................................................................................................................................................."
Heh? Suddenly, a female voice rang from the back. I couldn't hear the last one because my voice swept away.
It wouldn't be a trap, would it?
I set up my sword and proceeded, turning to the right, and I hardened. [M]
"Oh no... you're lying...?
What I encountered was a golden glittering slime.
It's an oval jelly demon about thirty centimeters across, but it's usually water or light green.
Some of them are red, but rare in this region.
And when it comes to gold, it almost doesn't exist on this continent.
Why are you in a place like this, and three of them?
It seems to be medium belligerent and has spit yellow liquid on it. The one who gets sick when it takes.
I shun and wave down my sword. [M] I can't deny the slight hipster feeling, but I was able to break both ways.
Defeat the other two with similar procedures. Slime is also considered the weakest demon in the basics. Something happened to me.
... That's hot.
I feel like I'm overflowing with power from all over my body. Isn't this a pretty good level? Let's have it appraised later.
By the way, I am a five-level miscellaneous fish.
"I wonder if I can still eat the golden slime"
Slime also serves as food after being defeated. Because the flavor varies considerably depending on what you have eaten, so much so that there are slime ranches.
I take one of the halved jellies and go gappy.
It's like honey.
But with a more elegant flavour...
Unexpectedly three or four bites.
I noticed I was eating a whole bunch of them.
"I shouldn't, I need to take it to Mother and Alice too"
Father... there's that thing and no. Place two golden slimes in the bag.
Gold is precious because of its weak breeding power. It's going to be a lot of money if I sell it.
There were many sources of such gold. Three or four, I give up retrieval. [M] The bag is simply heavy.
I found the stairs, so I went downstairs.
'... chi... chi... chi... chi...'
That voice again.
I can't ignore it even though it might be a trap.
There were several small rooms with doors on the second floor, but they were led into one of them.
A skinny gray-haired woman hung in a chain in the middle of the room.
There are round holes in the walls on all sides, from which the chain stretches. She is badly debilitated.
"Alive, right?
I approach carefully and speak from a few meters away. I could see a blue-white face, but my age is unknown. The only thing is, if you're in good health, you'd be rusty and beautiful.
"... come on, once in a while..."
That's what I'm going to tell you in a plundered voice. I don't think he's dead, this guy.
I touched her head bravely. [M]
Talking or telepathy? In an instant, what she wants to tell flows into her head like an avalanche.
Olivia Servant
Super super super first-rate adventurer (true?
It seems like a woman who was very active in this country two hundred years ago. After discovering this dungeon by accident on the way through the walk and searching solo for a way to get in, I took a hint at the ancient language of the stone tablet that was behind the cave and deciphered it solo and broke in here.
Well, it wasn't like you weren't here before.
I'm with the second intruder.
Now, this Mr. Olivia, when he defeated the demon that was in this room, the trap was activated and he went into this state.
Amazingly, that means they've been captured for two hundred years... It's a frightening story.
"I largely understand the situation. I'm going to cut the chain now."
'No, no, because this is a kind of curse. I won't do anything extra!
That's why I'm going straight to the prefix to see if the pipe's connected. It's very healthy and smooth pronunciation.
I just can't move one finger with no expression in person as usual, like my spirit and flesh are separated.
"This is a special kind of death chain curse. If I slaughter him, Olivia will die. '
"Then why did you call me?
"I've been searching for someone to talk to and keep sending my voice knowing it was useless. Then you're really here! Teardrop's Excitement '
Didn't you recognize I was here for the call? Then do that every day for two hundred years...
"By the way, you're a prospect."
"It's Nor. The reason I'm here is because I want to be strong."
I also told him that I had received this information. As usual, she would not drop one eyelid, but her chanting voice was a whisperer.
"You're just fine! Olivia's skills. I was going to give them to someone. I don't need it anymore, Nor. I'll give it to you. I'm sorry, will you stick your head together?
"Is that so?"
Fit forehead while thrilled. Now something hot in my body pushed me like a tsunami. It's like blood rolling.
"Pampers! Oops - Olivia's skills were passed down to you by [transfer] -. Some of them didn't work, but all of them were strong! Now I die in peace. Sayonara ~ '
"Wait, wait, you can't die yet!
'Yes, I won't die. It's a joke. I'm not going to briefly explain my skills.'
The ability to be openly explained was just outrageous.
[Skill Creation]
Free to create skills. However, creativity consumes vitality (LP). Consumption varies depending on the skill, but is high when it is original.
[Skill Grant]
Ability to impart skills created in creation to others and objects. The required LP varies depending on the skill and opponent you grant.
[Edit Skill]
I can edit my skills, others, things, etc. However, it consumes LP. Consumption may vary depending on the edit.
[LP conversion]
If the following actions are taken, the LP increases accordingly:
· Take a meal that feels delicious from the heart
· flirting with attractive heterosexuals
· Satisfy monetary and material greed
· Other, satisfying desires (including offspring prosperity)
LP floats in the back of the brain as a number when you think about it.
Creating, granting and editing.
It's all I've never heard of. Is it a unique skill?
"The three creative grant editors are pretty strong! LP saving is a must, but hey. '
"This is another way to save LP."
"Olivia lived happily ever after. It was a life where I lived, ate good food, and had a lot of fun with good men."
"That was light, wasn't it?"
"I can't deny it! But Nor do you hoard. [M] You can't hoard it to save it! Isn't that funny? '
"No, especially."
'Ugh.... how much LP do you have right now for now?
The number '550' comes to my mind when I think about it.
'I knew it was less. I wonder if I can build strong skills with that. But let's try something. "
"What if it goes to zero?
"I'm gonna die."
Say it first, that's the important thing.
"If I were a man who ran out of LPs, you'd be a murderer."
'You're not such a man. Knoll, you knock on the stone bridge and you don't end up crossing the type. "
"Oops, did I guess? Aha, let's create something anyway. It's the first one. How about a stone bullet?
"I'll try"
[Stone Bullet] Be willing to create.
"Necessary LP: 50," so I'll try to create it.
Let's see if it's ready to use.
Dopun! Dogago!
A stone about twenty centimeters in diameter was fired and hit the wall.
"Skills come in so easily, I can't believe it"
'Hey, that's so convenient. By the way, are you feeling all right?
"Hey, Dal, let's go."
"Go home and take the day off. And definitely come back here again! I'll teach you a lot. The condition is to call Olivia a master '
"Master, thank you for your continued support"
"Something heavy!
"My master seems to have a light ass, so this is about as good as it gets."
"Nor, you vomit poisonously..."
"I'll be back."
Sometimes his vitality was shredded, and he honestly escaped the dungeon.
On the way back to the house, stop by the church and ask the old man I know, Grandpa Dal, to test his abilities.
"What's going to happen, Nor!? I've never even seen it before, and you were level five.
My level jumped to twenty.
The golden slime tastes good in two ways.