The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
Fifty stories. You're gonna eat anything.
Magic eater that suddenly appeared in the village. I don't have a mouth on my face, but instead I had a big mouth with fangs in my bloated belly.
There was such a thing as [magic eating] in my skills that I expected to eat magic in that belly.
So I face, Emma arms, and Luna targets her legs with magic and guns - each breathing together and firing an attack at the same time.
You don't have time to activate your skills with this, do you? That's what I thought. I want to hit myself.
"... wow"
"Yeah, disgusting..."
Just before the magic hit me, my mouth appeared in every part of my body and swallowed up the magic.
And he's got a strange laugh... I'm scared that bubbles are gushing out of the corner of my stomach.
"Tiger Maru, are you worried about something?
"It's slight, but like more viciousness. It's just my feeling..."
"You mean you're stronger? Wait a minute - ho, it's true, you're up to a level!?
It was eighty earlier, and now it's eighty one. Mr. Luna wrinkles between her eyebrows.
"Whenever you absorb magic, will it become stronger?" "It's possible..."
"What are you going to do, Nor? Fight like this?
There's no point in Emma coming up with an anxious look. We haven't found a single effective attack. Given that I'm going to go bandit exorcism, I may not want to be forced to fight and get hurt either.
"Once, let's leave. I mean, let's do it."
"Then get in."
We get on Tiger Maru's back and get out of the village once. The Magic Eater is coming after me, so I maintained a degree of speed that I couldn't keep up with.
A few kilometers from the village, I discovered another miscellaneous fish demon, so I'll hunt it down and put the body down.
Eater, the eater, ate the bones of the corpse looking delicious as they bogged.
Prepare additional demonic bodies. As we approach to be sucked into it, we return to the village in that gap.
Because I was obsessed with eating, I never followed you this time.
"Whatever, it was really creepy."
"Right. There won't be anything I can't defeat, but it's not a good time. It could come back, and what's going on?"
If even the bandits don't have their men back, they might send another one.
If you don't alert them, the ambush won't succeed, and I want to avoid that.
When I'm lost, Tiger Maru gives me one thought.
"Shall we keep an eye on this village of mine? When he comes, you can do the same thing as you did earlier. Or if you pull beyond our limits, you won't win. '
"Beyond the limit is damage to Tiger Maru himself?
"I want you to avoid that. I don't want you to shred your life."
'Right. Then let's do the same.'
"Okay, so in the meantime, we're gonna come back and take down the bandits."
Let's hope he doesn't come back here satisfied with his demon earlier. We told the village chiefs about the situation and immediately the three of us left for the bandit Ajito.
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When I got to the foot of the mountain that Zennin taught me, the area was already dark. The moonlight alone is harsh, and I would normally want it around the lantern.
But we have a [night's eye], so we go for Ajito without getting lost.
Few demons, either. Just proceed with caution because there are many pebbles, poor scaffolding, and some slopes are tight cousins.
"... There it is. I guess that one."
Flat near the top, there was an old hall surrounded by trees. Pretty big though it makes you feel old, it's a splendid two-story building.
You think the nobles of human disbelief used to live there? The lights are on at the entrance, and there are two men in possession of spears.
Are you drinking? Well, are you distracted because few people come at me like this? As far as we're concerned, thank you.
We consult in the shade of a remote tree.
"Hey, Nor, do you want me to watch you down?
"It's about twelve o'clock now. Just in case, we'll wait a little longer."
"Whoa. Looks like those watchmen are drunk, and it's easier if you crush them on your own."
I'd expect that, too. Even if we don't get that far, we'll be able to take them down with ease.
The problem is the behavior since we went inside. I'll set the stage here. Mr. Luna will come up with a suggestion.
"Are there many of those that are captured, the daughter of the village chief? Then I guess it's the hands that split up."
"I was thinking, too. It gets tough when you shield them. Break up with those taking down bandits and those rescuing hostages. Would you like two or one?"
"Yes, yes, then I'd rather be with Nor."
"That's settled. Then let's say I take down the enemy while I search for the hostages."
"I think Mr. Luna would be fine, but be careful"
"My gun goes well with the ambush. No problem."
"No, fainting......"
"Oh... I did... let's be careful"
Luna is the owner of a physique that faints and bickens when she uses too many magic guns. It's good when you have company to follow, but it's tough when you bicum bicum alone.
Once the policy is in place, we go belly-up and wait for the night to deepen further.
Glad to see the watch, we're both going to sleep now with more drunkenness going around. You keep your guard down.
"It's time to go"
"I'll do the right"
Then I'll take the one on the left.
Move between the trees and I'll come closer to watching. [M] Mr. Luna doesn't do that. Because of the long range, you don't have to move the field. Envy.
Zugun - Dohiu -.
My [stone bullet] and her [energy shot] were shot at about the same time. There was also a good time for the enemy to lose his mind.
The three of us gently open the heavy door. By the way, we sneak up the hallway where the carpet that we peeled was laid.
There are many rooms on the ground floor. There are just no people in the hallway. I wonder if he's asleep. When I come in front of the stairs, I hear nasty laughter coming from upstairs.
Maybe a few of them are getting together and drinking.
Lord Knoll, I'm going to look for the first floor.
"Copy that. We're going up."
"Be careful, Mr. Luna."
Wave small and we act differently. Gently go up the stairs with Emma. All of a sudden it's happening.
There's a footstep coming from the hallway upstairs, approaching us.
"Duh, what do we do?
"The footsteps... you're alone. Let's ambush them all at once. I'll block your mouth. Emma's hungry. Please."
"Leave it to me."
As we cut up the stairs, there is a wall to the left and right, with a hallway a little further to the side. Structure just like t. So we put our backs on the wall near the stairs and kill our breath.
"Phew Phew Phew Phew ♪ I'm the strongest, the strongest, the strongest ~"
I leap out and block my mouth with my hands against the man who came around the nose.
Short, small, temperamental voice and Emma slaps her fist into the belly of a bandit. Now he faints...... he doesn't. Conscious.
"Is that it? I guess it was a little too weak. Yes."
When I added an extra blow, I was now properly unconscious. Well, I was in a hurry for a moment, Emma.
"Eh heh, sorry"
I forgive you for being so cute. Tie tight with the rope that brought the bandit's hands and feet, so that when he wakes up, he can't move.
"This kind of undercover operation is kind of exciting."
"Aren't you even excited?
"Did you find out? When you were a kid, you used to go exploring with Nor. Remember when some situations sneak into a bandit's house?
Hmm, my memory is vague. I remember playing with retrieving the treasure because of its wolf-like habitat.
The one who breaks into a house with a neighbor's dog, eats one treat and comes back. I'm an asshole now. And he said he didn't succeed once.
"Early childhood play is helping. You two weren't wasted playing."
"That's just, like, forced, but come on"
"Uh, hey, well, let's keep it going."
"Right. Maybe this guy's here for the bathroom. Let's do the noisy ones over there next."
"Whoa! Let's go."
I follow behind Emma, who walks the upstairs hallway bravely and resolutely.
Well, is there a boss in there making a scene? Regardless of his men, the boss seems to be exceptionally strong, so I have to come closer.