The Human Emperor
Chapter 893: second defensive line!
With Wang Chong's order, tens of thousands of craftsmen dense and numb ant like, riding the carriage, quickly arrived at the defensive line east of the city, stove fire bear, black smoke rolling, earthquake steel noise, a huge steel city module, by these craftsmen quickly knocked into the east of the earth, a strand of steel juice poured down, quickly fixed these steel walls on the east of the earth.
- Wang Zhong was prepared for the city of Juros today for more than two months, and all the founders of Zhongtu Shenzhou, including Sword Shop, received Wang Zhong's bicycle. Countless steel modules, transported day and night to the wounds, in order to be prepared for today's scene.
Modular construction is completely different from ordinary defensive line construction, the biggest advantage of which is speed.
Behind the hundreds of thousands of Xidu guards, it was still empty, but it was ordered by Wang Chong, but for a moment, a straight, long, steel wall quickly appeared on the earth, building a hard line of defense for the hundreds of thousands of armies.
Just like building a nine-length steel city overnight, this miraculous thing can only be done on Wang's hands.
Smoke rolls, tens of thousands of craftsmen are still pouring, perfecting this second "iron and steel defense line”, and it is a little while before completion. On the other hand, hundreds of thousands of troops were quickly mobilized as ordered by Wang Chong.
“Come on, come on, come on! ”
In front of the first steel defense line, Chen Bin was wearing a heavenly meteorite armor, holding a Uzi steel sword, and ordered constantly. The whole army of crossbows, 3,000 crossbows, more than 15,000 people in total, clearly divided, rapidly divided into two parts, 7500 stationed, quickly boarded the tall and tall carriers, manipulated 1,500 crossbows on top of them, lined up in three teams of 500 people each, aiming at 500 steel walls from high altitudes.
Cavalry storm, these steel walls are the best barrier and blockage. If the cannibals want to rush over, they can only disperse the formation and follow the crevices of Steel City. And that's where the crossbow kills the most.
And while more than 1,500 crossbowmen were rapidly defending themselves, one of the more than 100,000 western armies, a famous walking shield with a large shield, quickly arrived in front of the first steel line, row after row, row after row, pointed at all the empty gears. Throughout the process, along with the large and small Brahma, they were mobilized.
The soldiers and horses of Big and Big Brody are not as elite as the army of Big Tang. In this era of cavalry masculinity, Big and Big Brody have little presence. But their gunmen and spears are extremely elite, equipped with spears that are much more elite than any other force.
This is also why Wang Chung is a mercenary horse from Big and Big Brody. With Big and Big Brody's spears cooperating with Datang's shields, it is almost perfect cooperation. Such defense lines are also extremely deterrent, just as they restrain the cavalry.
Buzz, big earthquake, big and small Broadway horses and Xixi, as well as Wang Dignity's infantry, shield soldiers complete the defense, while the King of the Gunk rides a palm-red tall horse and leads the fierce Gunks, as well as mercenary horses from other western regions, into position.
“No one can retreat without my command, disobedient, chop! ”
King of the Gunk starred, and Lingley's eyes swept past a big army of food blocking the steel city and watching the black tide ahead. Around him, all the Gonks were straight, lined up in a square, a fierce, warlike bear. Big Food and Big Tang, this is a lion elephant fight.
In this struggle, everyone needs to state their position and make their own choices.
Without a doubt, the Gonks chose Big Tang.
“Come on! Even if he dies today, there's no regret! ”
The King of the Gonk looked snowy, the big black cape behind him hunted, and a strong aura burned on him like a flame. The King of the Gonk belongs to a handful of powerful men in the holy martial arts, even more powerful than the current Great Divine Master Li Jiye.
The King of the Gonk is proud, and in the West, he never lowers his head. But now, the famous King of Gonks has lowered his head for the king.
Once humble, the Gonks, known as the "dirty boars”, were finally able to wash away the shame from their bodies. The king of the Gonks was only able to die in return for helping himself, Datang and Wang Chong!
“Come on! Let's fight...”
The King of the Gonk cruelly pinched the axe of the savage god in his hand, and his whole body was boiling.
“Bong Lung Lung! ”
As the King of the Gonk prepared for the Death War, hundreds of thousands of armies were rapidly mobilized on the other side. Looking down from the sky, just in the vast area in front of the city of Jurossi, hundreds of thousands of Datang's Xianxi reinforcements are like running rivers and rivers, looking fierce, but not disturbed, all the teams in parallel, hidden a certain law.
Only Wang Chong can move hundreds of thousands of troops in an orderly and rapid manner in a short period of time, such as by keeping his fingers free of any confusion.
When tens of thousands of craftsmen quickly built the second steel wall defensive line in the eastern part of the city of Jurossi, the 1500 team of crossbowmen quickly moved behind the second defensive gap. At the same time, the Qianxidu Guard, the Annan Du Guard, and the Chapel guards and horses…, the entire Qianxi Reinforcement Army quickly mobilized more than 80% of its heavy troops in the direction of the Us Tibetans.
With infantry, gunmen, shieldmen, and crossbow squads of sniping, stopping more than 200,000 big food armies, delaying time, buying opportunities for armies in other directions, and then with more than 80% of the strength, firstly eliminating the weaker Us Tibetans in the east, then removing the overhead, focusing on fighting the big cannibals, each destroying, this is the strategy Wang has developed in the electro-optic fires, which is also the best way to get rid of the belly and suffer enemies.
“Li Jiye, come with me. ”
The wind whistled, Wang flung over the white hoof, the light flashed in his eyes, immediately a green smoke, passing the second steel defense line, towards the plain east of the city of Ross.
“Follow my orders! ”
Without saying anything, Li Jiye waved, led 5,000 wounded iron rides, leaped out of the army and followed Wang Chong's direction.
Huangsha rolled and the smoke was scattered. In the eyes of countless people, Wang rushed to the east in the direction of Us Tibetans.
On the high wall of the city of Poros, several Ansidu guardian generals, looking in the direction of Wang flushing away, a worried, subconscious look toward Ansi Metropolitan Gao Xianzhi on the wall next to the northeast corner of the city.
“No problem, let him go. ”
Gao Xianzhi looked at the 5,000 Wounded Iron Ride, and his eyes glistened, faintly.
“Moreover, this time was originally his late man...”
Gao Xianzhi was in the military for many years. He knew the forces of all sides. As soon as the white yak black bottom battle flag appeared, Gao Xianzhi knew that it was Daqin Ruozan - Wang Chung's long-standing enemy in the southwest. Although one of the most prestigious generals on this continent is the wisdom of the Us Tibetan Ali kingdom and one is Ansi Metropolitan Protector, Gao Xianzhi has never seen Daqin Ruozan.
In contrast, Wang Rushing out is more appropriate than him.
“Boom! Boom! ”
Just as Wang rushed Marchi out, the turbulence of the distant earth was also becoming more and more powerful, gradually reaching the ultimate. In the distance, behind a hill, the smoke rolls like a fog, in that fog sea, thousands of war horses suddenly swoop out, in the faint morning light of the East, like ghosts stepping out of the underworld.
Knock, a crying baby whistle, hundreds of vultures covering the sky, coming out of the rear of the army, and circling in the sky uncertain.
And in the shadow cast by the vultures, in the center of the Tibetan iron riding, a white yak black-bottomed battle flag swept in the wind, under the black battle flag, slowly climbing to the top of the hill with the elegant figure wearing a robe.
Seeing tens of thousands of fireplaces spraying smoky flames and dense numbness, tens of thousands of busy craftsmen, and a rapidly forming steel line in front of the city, everyone changed their face. When the crowd broke into Ross City 18 miles away, the Chinese should not have been prepared at all, but when the crowd reached near Ross City, the Chinese quickly built a line of defense for the steel wall at an unimaginable speed.
So close, in such a short time, it turned into a great wall of steel, which stunned all Us Tibetans and left them unprepared.
“Big Minister! ”
A pair of eyes looked toward Daqin Ruozan in the middle, waiting for Daqin Ruozan's decision.
The Iron Cycling Army, rushing for thousands of miles, is designed to make the opponent suddenly defensive and successfully attack the opponent, but now the opponent is ready and all the advantages are gone.
“Mister, what do we do now? He's adjusting too fast, and those steel cities seem to be building faster than ever. ”
At this time, the horseshoe, a tall figure came from the rear and looked at Wang Shou slowly walking from afar, revealing a slight sense of apprehension in his eyes.
Daqin Ruozan did not speak, just looked at the figure on the plain, his eyebrows slowly wrinkled.
He was found eighteen miles from the city of Poros by Wang Chong, but at the speed of the iron ride, when Wang Chong received the news, he had broken at least fourteen miles. Plus the time for second confirmation and reaction, when Wang Zhong really confirmed their identity, more than 70,000 soldiers and horses had reached within ten miles.
At such a close distance, Daqin Ruozhan thought that when he arrived, at least he would cause chaos in Wang Chong's army, but everything in front of him was the opposite of Daqin Ruozhan's imagination.
In such a short period of time, it will be possible to complete the change of defense of more than 100,000 troops. Among the generals known to Daqin Ruozhan, only Wang Chong will be able to do so.