The Immortal Wild God

The 680th chapter shocks everyone!

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"It turns out.

Chen Wei also nodded, "But I didn't expect it, my teacher is so much for the legal body.

"Not only for the legal body, it is also for his disciples, at the same time, I said, the legal body has a mystery. He also wants to find that mystery.

The abyss old ancestors, "As for you, I tell you that this is a big robbery, you can't hide, very simple reason, you have 10,000, this is the holy magicar, and you also heard it. That day, Wei Wei is talking about, you have been listed as killing objects by the Holy Mozu.


Chen Wei nodded, "So I have not intended to hide.

"Well, then it is, I believe you can have this difficult relationship."

The abyss old ancestors said, "Of course, as an object of my optimistic, I always have to send you something.


The discourse said that the abyss old ancestorsquered a dinner stream, and then directly in front of Chen Wei.

"This group of grievances is the core power of the Xiaolian Ling Tomb, I will give you this power, it is equivalent to giving you the strength of the spiritual grievance, this power you want to use, it is Dealing with a lot of powerful enemies, especially the power of the Holy Devil, the Holy Magic, strong, and most of the energy, but the grievance power, the power of the holy magic is can't compress, and even corrosive effects I believe that you can control it.

"Since this is the predecessor, the younger generation is not satisfactory.

Chen Wei nodded directly, took this power, experienced this Tianwei Supreme circumference, plus this abyss old ancestor reminder, Chen Hao has clearly conflict in the legal world, in that conflict In the middle, how much strength can be, it is a little power, and natural Chen Hao is not refused.

When I saw Chen Wei, I was a little bit, "OK, I haven't said it, I'm going to return to the legal world as soon as possible.

"it is good.

Chen Wei held a fist, then the abyss old ancestors were moving, and they disappeared directly.

Looking at the abyss old ancestors disappeared, Chen Wei at this moment is also called, and he will take a breath.

"I really didn't expect that this time will experience so turning.

"Yeah, this abyss old ancestors, it is also enough to you.

The magic is also a way, "I first saw him for the first time. He wanted to take you, the second time, it was a matter of attacking this Dulongzong. At that time, he was different from you, now you are His friend, in this point, he is really optimistic, I understand this, because I am also very optimistic.

"Is this a praise?"

Chen Zhengyou happened.

"This is not a praise, just for the recognition of the facts, I wake up, I copened with you, I can't think of it in just a few years, I can't think of it more, you will grow more. To this extent, I can't think of your growth track, let alone the abyss old ancestors? "

Ling Devil said at this time, "he helped you, as a previous investment, optimistic about your future return.

"I can return me too.

Chen Hao is also a way, "But, it is all afterwards, and after the matter, no one knows, so, still grasp the present, hurry back.


Ling Devil, "This time, I will arrange the space channel. Although the hidden danger has been solved, but I will come to lay a few, after all, there is another big day, there is a master to check your breath, then it is trouble.

"Then come."

Chen Wei also nodded, after which the power of the magic is emerging, and it is directly fluctuating in the universe.

Soon, the space of Kerala sounded, the next moment, Chen Hao and the spirit and others will directly enter the channel.

All the way flying in the space channel, with Chen Wei's speed, after an hour, Chen Hao has already broken the space barrier and directly in the legal world.

When I arrived at the legal world, the aura of the call was coming over, which made Chen Wei's eyebrows, showing a smile on his face.

"Although the aura here does not have a big sky, just some low and other aura, but after all, the feeling here is different, because this is the place where I grow at me after all.

"This is the truth, I also feel this.

The spirit of the magic smile.

"Well, the next thing is going back to gain."

Chen Wei, a little head, the body once again, and there is countless space!

With Chen Wei's strength realm, the distance between the legal world is really not a distance. It is just a blink of an eye. Chen Wei arrived in God's door, the heart of the mountain.

"Well? How many people disciples?"

When I arrived in the quiet mountain, Chen Wei at this time was also a chappread. He is naturally a bit of insight. It is natural to see the core disciple of some Wan Fa, at this moment. The core disciples of these Wanfields, have a large part of the sense of feelings, seemingly observed at the quiet mountains.

"Sure enough, there is a situation.

Lingwei, "Go back and see it.


Chen Wei also nodded, and then the body moved, he went to the quiet heart.

At the same time, among the quiet palace, a young man is sitting in a lap within the vendor, this batch of young people are absurd, Liu Ruoyun, Sword, Zhang Yunmeng, and the wind of the spiritual world Spirit, Tianlongzi, Ai Yan, Yin Soul, more moon, moon cloud two sisters, etc., is the core friends of Chen Yumen to change the door, at this moment, their group of people is gloomy.

"Since Jiang Yun Yun broke through the two, our cultivation lives are getting more and more like, the last time I went out, actually by a few of the Jiangyun Yun, almost did not be caught by them. When it is a sword soul.

The sword shook his head at this time, "I lost some god sword swords, this is escaping.

"We are also, last time, after being harassed by Jiangyun Yun, if it is not that I have a king of the king, I am afraid that I will be insulting it by them.

Monthly Yun is also a face.

"It's not in this way.

At this time, I nod this, then I looked at Liu Ruoyun. "Liu Sister, what do you have?"

"The only way, it is waiting here to wait for Chen Wei and Xu broken two people.

Liu Ruoyun directly, "In addition to this, there is no other way, you also know that the heavens and people will reach the two, the status is not the same, and the people who have a heavy river are only influential. Pay attention to the two Jiangkyun, which is already recognized. It is not easy to die, not easy to die, not to say that the Jiangyun clouds that reach this realm are so young. The fighting power is still so horrible, and it is simple, he is now the first door heir to the gods. We are better than him, no matter whether it is strength, it is too far away, only Chen Hao brothers , Or Xu broken brother back.

When I heard these words, the people in the palace were nodded, but the sword was smirk at this moment. "The light is coming back, but it has to be a powerful return, at least, I have to reach the heavens, otherwise, or still It is difficult to resist the river cloud, or don't say Jiangyun Yun, it is hard to compete, you must know that there is also a sense of heaven, and it is improving in the inner position, and he also wants to deal with our.

"Don't be so pessimistic.

Zhang Yunmeng is a light road. "I believe that Chen Xiong only wants to come back, you can flip the situation, you will have a vision of the growth of the Chen Xiong, everyone is obvious, and when he is still a moon, you will dare to fight the hood and clouds of the heavens. At the same time, I will go all the way to now, let alone a lot of people have grown? "

As soon as this, the people in the palace are also spiritual, and they have nodded, and the sword is also a way. "Well, yes, I am out of loss, I should believe in Chen Wei.

"Oh, sword, you should believe me."

Suddenly, a discourse sounded, after a young man wearing Tsing Yi, there was a central center of the veteran, which is Chen Wei!

"Chen Wei!

You're back!

"You can be back!

When I saw Chen Wei suddenly appeared, everyone in the palace immediately stood up and showed a surprise look.

Chen Wei is already their main bones. Now the main heart is coming back, they are naturally unlabely tones.

"Chen Hao, you broke through what realm.

At this time, Liu Ruoyun directly took directly. "Jiang Yun Yun has brought the two important things in Qiankunmen. At the same time, he broke through him, even left the legal world, go to other Taiwanese virtual small world to fight, now he The small world of the dessert has been enough, and these small worlds of the world have been smashed by him. At the same time, they will have become a core disciple within the gods. It can be said that the current Jiangyun is extremely influential. The big, the door, the old, and some no matter what he.

"Oh, the people are two serious? This realm is nothing to me, because I have reached the two people, at the same time, I also killed many people who have two guys.

Chen Xia smiled, his palm was shocked, and suddenly a Xuanhuang's Guanghua rose from Chen Yizhen, which is the power of Chen Wei!

At the same time, a picture of this world is flashing, it is the master of people who kill in the Danying Dynasty!


My goodness!

Oh my God!

You actually break through the two people!

Also killed so many people!

"Chen Wei!

You are really a monster!

Seeing these pictures, these people in the palace are shocked, especially the wind, and the soul, the eyes are full of shock and surprises.

"it is good!

I don't want to come out again from the spiritual world, I want to follow him, it seems that he is really worthy of my follow!

This realm is the top existence in our spiritual world!

The wind is dark.

"it is good!

People who have been convinced, really is the strong in the strong, too talented!


Follow him, I am really worth it!

The fullness of the soul is also dark, and the look is excited. He is known that Chen Wei broke through the meaning of heaven, this is not the power of realm, the most important thing is Chen Wei's fighting power, and growing terror!

It is the same as that of the celestial, and it is only the existence of the heavens. At the same time, Chen Yizhang is only a Wanfa, after half a year, it is the two!