The Immortal Wild God

The seventh chapter of the seventh chapter is completely

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At this moment, there is a mysterious dragon, and a black shadow stands on the Ran Runting of cultivation, and the eyes are constantly changing.

This black body, in this Xuanlong gourd, there is no abrupt feeling, it seems that this is the same as this, the same thing, while cultivating Lan Runting is not a half-point.

In these few performances, the identity of this black shadow has been determined, it is a mulberry spirit of swearing.

"It seems that she must cultivate a powerful magic. Otherwise, there will be no such horrible absorption, I am absorbed by the goddess to be swallowed by her, but it is more than this. The important thing is that this woman's gas transport is too difficult to measure, on the surface, this woman is cultivated to the seven potential of heaven, then it is difficult to make progress, need a heaven, but in me, this woman's sky machine, There are too many things, more, I can't predict how much, it seems that this woman's air transport is never seen on the surface, it must be a huge fluctuation fluctuation, and then the Holy Devil is born. All the world is a change in gas, maybe she can fly a sky, and now, I can help her in advance, leave a backhand, need her help after the day, can also be said words.

A series of thoughts crossed this black shadow, then the eyes of this black shadow were also set down, and they intend to help Lan Runting.

He is the spirit of the mysterious gourd. It is the spirit of the real artifact. It has extremely horrible intensive power and insight. Value, nature is also choosing help.


The palm of the palm is, the countless spirit of the gourd, which seems to be summoned, and starts to fly, the next moment, in the next moment, I will get into the body of Lan Royiting!



With this terrorist energy into the body, Lan Ruiting's body has built a thunder's power, and the moment of these Thunder's power will oscillate the space in Xuanlong, the space. Space began to have twisted!

"I actually broke through the triple!

Similarly, Lan Ruoying at this moment also opened his eyes, looked at his strength, and his face was unbelievable.

"According to my calculation, I have to break through the triple, at least half a year, but I have just pour it in a large number of spirits, which is directly broken, this is why?"

"Don't be curious.

At this moment, there was also a sound of black shadow, "I don't have to worry about it." I just want to worry, I am injecting your body, for it to help you, let you Breakthrough early.

"You are ... Dragon Erlen Dragon Erlen Dragon!

I heard this voice, and I feel the huge wattle of this voice. Lan Royiting at this moment is also a word, and then said.

"Yes, it is me.

Dragon's Ling is also a light road. "I am very simple, I am very simple, I feel your potential, I feel that your future achievements will not be small, so I will help you today, for the future, in a certain time, can you help me.

"It turns out that the senior of the Xuanlong instrument is relieved, since the predecessors have helped me, there must be their best to help.

Lan Ruo Pavilion is also directly holding boxing at the moment.

"Oh, good, next, you continue to consolidate the realm."

The Dragon's Ling is also laughed. "I can also have the power of the chaotic situation.

"Thank you for your predecessors!"

When you hear this, Lan Ruoying nodded immediately. He sat down next time and started to consolidate the realm.

She is unclear that this Dragon's Ling is from what is the future of her future. It is not important to her. It is really important. It is the benefits of reality, and the Dragon's instrument will help her break through the realm. , Then she will naturally be polite, the future thing, will be said later.

At the beginning of the Lan Ruoying to consolidate the realm within the swaying of the gourd, at this moment, in the palace in the depths of the Queen Palace, Jiang Yun Yun and Lei Zhenge also stood in the center of this palace.



It's almost a moment of standing here, and there is a broken voice, and it is close to the world, it is a world-year-old man who is wearing a cyan robe. In the center of the palace, on his body, the colorful light is constantly flashing, every time, it will change the scene of countless mountain rivers, the star Sun and Moon, majestic!

This middle-aged person is the current head of Qiankunmen, Lu Qiankun!

"See the head!

"Jiangyun Yun, see Master!

Seeing Lu Yunkun appeared, Jiang Yun Yun and Lei Zhen empty at the moment also said, directly bent down, Lu Qiankun is a hand, directly let the body of the two automatically stand.

"This time, you have come to me, I have already made all, this time, it is really very serious. I didn't think that Chen Xiao is so fast. Sure enough, I haven't wrong, this kid is a The variable is a variety of variables, it is really a climate, and it is very difficult to clean up.

"Yes, his own achievements and progress don't look, the light is a Ten Demon Tower in him, which has determined his overwhelming advantage, although I am very unhappy, but I must admit, I It is now impossible to talk to him equally.

Jiang Yun Yun is also nodded, and it has been screaming in his eyes.

"The state of the Tower of the Wanchao, how?"

Lu Qiankun is a flash, straight, "According to me, it seems to be very weak now, if you are a little, you will do it directly, or put him down, then you are flipping.

"There is no chance, it is weak, but its power, there is also the extent of four bramsartments, I only have to fight against him, let alone, it also hides a very horrible explosive force. I can't say this power, but my night stars will feel dramally when I feel, it seems to be torn.

Jiangyun Yun shakes his head, "Also, he also has the color of Taikoo 's myth, and the love of the monsters, the demon world, and even the three old ancestors of the gods are the guests of the guest, I can't do it. , You can't do it.

"Well, this is also the fact that it is the existence of the Taikoo 's myth, this existence is weak, and even if it is too dead, it is very dangerous.

Lu Qiankun nodded, "But considering this, your current situation is really difficult to get the ultimate, in the gods, you don't have the qualifications of this kid, how are you planning?"

"Broken boat, let go.

Jiangyun Yunxiang is cold, spit out eight words, next moment, he will swear, directly on the ground, to the road to Lukun.

"Land forever, you have said before, I am your half disciple, I have never denyed, I didn't admit it, that is because I also have the bondage of God's identity, I want to take into account the high level of God. But now, I have been unfustrated by them. I have brought the influence of them. If I don't say it, I just start to press me just because Chen Wei's rise, I will not accept, I also Not willing, so I don't plan to get angry in the gods, I want to be the disciple of the land of the land, become the people of Qiankun, and then dying for Qiankun!

A series of words spit out, the land in the temple and Lei Zhen empty are all glimpse, and the next time two will show a smile.

"Haha, smoke cloud, you do this is too right, and it is also very reasonable, God changed to you, why do you have to make him? Choose we, because of the choice of it, because no matter whether it is from resources , Or strength, they are not more than us, and we have a means of contact with the gods here, in other words, we are here, you are really returned, you can grow here!

Lei Zhen empty laughed.

"Oh, good, smoke cloud, you get up, in fact, you don't have to say, I have long used you as my pro-disciple, otherwise, I will cultivate you so, do you even let you enter the swaying gourd? Of course, I have not forced you to make a choice, that's because I know that you are very difficult, but I have always believed that you will make this correct choice, and the facts have proved, you didn't let me down, It is happy.

In the moment, Lu Yunkun was also laughed. After the next moment, he helped the Jiangbo Yun. "From now on, you are the truly pro-disciple of my land, and your identity has also become the hidden world of Qiankun.

"Xie Shizun!

Jiang Yun Yun is also a big drink again, and the heart is also a clear, he knows, his plan is successful.

"Your identity has been admitted, and I can tell you that the top of the whole Qiankun door has been admitted, but this now can't be open, because you have a certain influence in the gods, still have a certain influence. There are many masters to support you, this is the opportunity to deal with them, which is also a chance to kill Chen Wei.

On this time, "I think you will not waste this opportunity."

"of course not!

Especially the opportunity to kill Chen Wei!

This is too important for me. I can't wait to eat his meat now, drink his blood!

Jiang Yun Yun is also a low saying. The eyes are full of complarges. "However, if you want to mind, the facts are in fact, the masters, I really don't understand, how much this kid has improved so fast, this is how long, five years!

In just five years, he went from the moon to this point, flipped through the history of the martial arts, I couldn't find this kind of person!

Doesn't he really have a day? "

"About this, I really don't know, I have calculated, but there is no hair, including the hidden world of the main elements, and it is, but he also can't make it, it can only make a established fact It is the gas transport of this kid, it will become stronger and stronger.

Lu Qiankun's eyes are no longer, but it is not only your opponent, but it is our heartbeat. After all, we and his battle is too much, it is not resolved, good, about him Things, Hidden House main Yuan Zhen deficiency has passed the special approach to the martial art of the gods. If you must use the ability of the gods, you should find this small child, and the second arrival is our weakness attack. when.

"The existence of the upper industry wants us to find a way? This is really a good thing!

Jiang Yun Yun is also bright, just after it will turn, "Master, disciples have a request.


"Ask the teacher to see the way, let me enter the gods, or got the spiritual resources of the gods, only to get this kind of resource, I can progress quickly, I have the possibility of super-super Chen Wei, and as long as the master is willing to help me, So everything in the world, I will send it to Qiankun.

Jiangyun cloud directly.