The Immortal Wild God

The eighth hundred is one chapter correct and wrong

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"My son, there is a leader of my family, what is really going to abandon at any time.

A series of thoughts have passed the mind of Lin's master, which makes the Lord's face to show brutal sneer.

Just then, Lin Jia's eyes flashed. "However, this small child's proposal is really attractive, the legal body is the mysterious world, there is the inheritance of the gods, there are countless secrets, the legal day, the legend is also in the devil Very powerful, the secret leaving of the Tianguo, is definitely a lot of baby, do not look at it, even if it can't see the sky, the legal is also the place where the Holy Mo is born, and the chaos started this place. In the first time, it is also good, so this kid, I really can't kill, I will use his place, and now I should do it most, or find materials, refining out nine Jiu Chengyi gods, after the lack of this kid, talk about other cooperation.

It is also a series of ideas to build the mind of the forest, and the body of the next moment is also a moving, directly disappearing in their own courtyard.

At the same time, in the remote cave house of the Wan Neitry, Chen Hao sent him the attention of Herringing, but also loosened.

"This is just temporary.

The spirit of the magic, "He is now fascinated by your gods, but he will find you, even, even, he can refine the ninety-nine nine Big array.

"He can't stand it.

Chen Wei smiled and smiled. "The gods, first, there is a very high masterpiece of the spell. After that, it is necessary to match the combination of the ninety-nine people's gods, which is the nine nine. One supreme father, this is not, then he can't refine.

After listening to this, the spirit of the spirit is bright, but his gaze is dignified. "He can't find it out of this is a good thing, but once he found a refining, he will definitely come back again, and this time will not very slow.

"So, you have to grasp the treatment of time, and then grasp the time becomes strong.

Chen Hao.

"It seems that it is really time.

Ling Devil is also nod. "In this case, then I will help you, I will first take the Liu.


After the discourse, the bloody power of the spirits entered the back of Chen Wei, a pulling, a middle-aged person who was sealed by a mysterious gas stream, and it was a Lin family's Liu Song.



Liu Song college appeared in the outside world, saw Chen Wei's face, but also on the spot, the body shocking, it seems that I want to rush to Chen Wei, but the key moment, the spirit is directly related, standing in front of Liu Lead, raising hands. One palm shot!



It can be seen that Liu Tong leads to the head of the head, and even if Liu Tong leads people, they are rotated. After a few turns, Liu Tong leads the body is the heavy squad, and the blood is full of blood!

"Exchange the Dafa Blade of the Tu.

The spirit of the magic said, "Let it, you will live, don't make it, you will die, and will die very pain.

"You want to think!

When I heard the magic, Liu Tong collected on the spot, and then gave it to Chen Wei, "Chen Wei!

You just talked about the conditions with our Lin's house, not hurting us, but now but in turn!

Our housekeeper will not let you go!

"It's really stupid.

The spirit of the devil shook his head, suddenly burning a rolling bloody magic, spread to the body of Liu Tong leader, which made Liu Tang also a horrible, Yuan god is not stopped The twisted roll, obviously painful to the extreme.

After a while, the spirit of the gods raised their hands, stopped the bloody magic fire, and then grabbed Liu Zong to come. "What do you think you are? However, a guard leader of the Lin family, even your realm is tall, powerful, But in the eyes of Linjia, it is just a dog, don't forget, your surname Liu, not surnamed Lin, do you really think that your owner will give you what? "

As soon as this, Liu Tong leads the body of the gods of the gods, and he has a heart, he has any confutment, but he did not say anything.

He knows that these words say that the words said, it is correct, his surname Liu, he is not surnamed Lin, just this one, it is impossible to get the sky.

After a long time, Liu Tong is cold and cold. "Even if I am just a dog of Lin Jia, I don't pay attention to it, I will give up, but this doesn't mean that I will bow to you, and I can tell you, Lin Hao I will kill you, Lin Jia is can't kill you, and you will kill you.

"Since it is a dog, you have to bow, no matter who's dog, because the dog is a dog, people are people, so this head, you must have low today.

Chen Wei is also a light road. "As for Lin Jia's master killing me, he is thinking, but he doesn't have this ability, I have a little understandable, it seems to be the number of universe is too unique, but this martial art will Because a Lin master is a big way to me? The first to pack the owner is true, I have given the part of his gods in the gods, that is not the mysterious breath that can be blocked, once The virtual person knows that Lin Jia is secretly mastered the power of the gods, and the Lin family will be targeted by them.

"But the final extinguishing party will also check your head!"

"Oh, when is it? At that time, what is my realm? If you are destroying the virtuality, I can't resist it, then I don't give the gods to them, anyway, they can't grasp the core things, and I can also take the opportunity to ask some things. For example, the people who have a relationship with Lin family, they have to die.

Chen Hao smiled and said, "Do you think that the destroyment will deal with me?"

A series of words spit out, which makes Liu Leading and pale.

"Now, it is time to choose."

The spirit is also cold and cold, "" Is the old man who will make you the Dafa Blade, or continue to be afflicted? "

When I heard this, Liu Tong's gaze started to change.

"Oh, why bother to talk to him?"

At this moment, Chen Wei suddenly sounded a voice, "I burn him directly with the sage, he must withstand this pain.

"Oh? Kong Xuan, is you?"

When I heard this, Chen Wei was also bright, and the palm of his hand, and the Xuanwu Mailor had appeared in the Dongfu, which has passed the voice of Kong Xuan.

"It's me, the owner.

Kong Xuan at this time, "I am now stable in Huibaoge, and I am in a large number of wealth in the Pavilion, now I can manipulate the baby, add up two hundred billion and semi-stone, then I will control the gathering of nine yuan. When he is smooth, you can get an eight billion, or even the trillion half-God stone is not a problem!

"Very good!

very good!

Chen Yu heard that the news was also nod. "Then continue to do this, be sure to maximize the benefits, I will give you enough time.


Kong Xuan also passed a voice, "The master, I have already deducted a part of the Qianyuan Dan, which is the quality of the high-level queen, I can now transfer to the owner through the space channel, the owner can use the holy magic That Liu Lead, he couldn't work, and he could not die, and he can afford the most horrible pain.

After listening to this, Liu Tongzhi, who was grabbed by the spirit, a shock, the spirit of the magic is also laughing, directly, "this method is good.

"Well, then ..."

"I give!

Suddenly, when Chen Wei was about to agree, Liu Song received a big drink, "You don't want to be Dafa!

I give you!

I also give you other scholars!

"Your other scholars are not worth mentioning in my opinion, only this Dafa Blade is good.

When Chen Xia said, "In this case, then you will get together to give me, play the pattern, I can make your painless use language.

Liu Tong college is also trembled at this moment, and it has been a force. I saw this scene. Chen Yao was cold and smiled. After the Xuanwu Turtle Road, "Kong Xuan, what do you need to help?"

"No, I am just reporting.

Kong Xuan's voice came out, "The movement of the owner, I have been inductive. If I need me, I will help the owner in the first time, the owner is dangerous, I need help, I also feel, but I will go. It is also unable to solve the problem, but it will become dragged, so there is no action.

"Well, you are doing very well.

Chen Wei, "If you come true, then it is really trouble, keep it later.


Confucius will sound.


Chen Yao was a flash, palm of his hand, and a simple stone piece came to his hand.

"This thing is what I found from the Journey to the Pavilion of Jijiu, only this, the secret of your side can have this thing, or something similar?"

"What? No.

Kong Xuan replied, "This thing I have seen in the secret library of Joe Pavilion before, but I don't know what this is, I haven't been I doofficial. Mords don't know what this is?"

"This is a mysterious fragment, and according to value, it is similar to my thong.

Chen Hao.


Actually so precious!

When I heard this, Kong Xuan immediately exclaimed, "I will do everything to find everything!

"Well, you can find the best, you can't find it, don't barely."

Chen Wei, "Remember, safety first, wealth second, go."


Kong Xuan once again responded again, and then the breath of the Xuanwu Turtle has disappeared. At the same time, Chen Wei has also appeared a black blade.

Seeing this black blade, Chen Wei also nodded, then facing the spirit, "Let him.

"Calculate your knowledge.

The spirit is also cold and cold. After the palm of the palm, I put him down. This made that Liu Leading is also a body vibration, but then I spit out a sigh of relief, directly.

"I am willing to be loyal to you.

After listening to this, Chen Yumi stunned, after it was a smile, "You have made a correct choice, but the correct choice, but appear on the wrong time, so this is wrong.

After that, Liu Tong leaders will not come up with self-owners.