The Immortal Wild God

The first thousand one hundred and sixty-eight chapters are extraordinary!

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When I heard this voice, Chen Wei was also a glimpse, just at this time, a stream of light appeared, directly in the face of Chen Wei, for a young man.

This person is the first door owner of God, the prototype of all beings, Bai Yuanyu!

"White caregivers want to shoot? He is not simple.

I saw Bai Yuanyu, Chen Wei immediately said.

"Oh, I hope, I am going to deal with him, I have absolute confidence."

Bai Yuanyu smiled, "And, I also need his strength, of course, during this time, I also need your help.

When I heard this, Chen Wei's eyes were also flashing. The next moment, "He is really important for you?"

"Well, my strength needs him."

When Bai Yuanyu, I heard this. Chen Wei was also a chappread. I nodded. "Well, since the white care method said, then I will not shoot again, but you need my help, no Know what help do you need? "

"It's very simple, lend your power to me.

Bai Yuanyu smiled at this time, "As long as you will lend the power to part, then I will be a strong enemy, and I have a big grasp.

"Is this? Good, no problem.

Chen Yu heard that this is also a point, and the body is shocking. The sound of the sound of the rumbling, the naked eye, the colorful energy of a shares came out from his body. In the moment, it took directly to Baoyu. In the body, then this made Bai Yuan Jade's strength began to rise at this moment, and a shares of a shares in an instant began to appear.

I felt that this is broken, immediately, the face of the gods' punishment is also changed, directly, "the breath of the big destruction!

This is the breath of our holy magic old ancestors!

And still a lot of the ancestors!

How can it be!

who are you!

A series of words spit out, the Baiyuan jade at this moment is showing a laugh, "there is no need to know so much, Shen Longjian, kill!


Drink, Dragon, I only saw a golden sword suddenly appeared in Baiyuan Yu's hand, the body of Bai Yuanyu is a shock, directly to the soul punishment, the god sword Directly!


Golden sword light broke out at this moment, directly rushed to this gods punishment, facing this hit, this gods punish the talents are also serious, directly vibrating the black golden swords in their palms, directly killing Go out!


The horrible space of the horrible space sounded, the naked eye, Bai Yuanyu's dragon sword light and the black golden sword light of this goddess punishment directly collided together, this has caused numerous space to tear, powerful sword light collision or even caused There are countless energy magnetic fields, let the world become chaotic.

Of course, in this kind of sword light, Bai Yuanyu's sword is in the wind, no matter how it said that Bai Yuan Yu is just a strong force that has just reached the gods, far more than the god soul punishment. The presence of God, naturally be suppressed.

Just in Bai Yuanyu's sword light is about to break out, suddenly, a horrible colorful energy broke out, and it was directly entered into Baiyuan jade in the moment. This will let Bai Yuanyu start boil. The momentous god dragon sword is strengthened, and the dragon is shocked. On the spot, the Sword of the Soul Judgment is broken!


Seeing this scene, the gods punishment is also cold, seeing to Chen Wei, Chen Hao is a laughter, and the fundamental is ignored, but the power is not stopped into Baiyuan Yucao.

"Chen Hao, at this moment, in fact, it is to observe the mysterious power in Baiyuan Yucao.

At this moment, the spirit of Chen Wei said, "Of course, this time you are in combination with his strength, so you will be observed, but I will be aware, but I can observe it for you.

"No, you are more unapprounded.

Chen Wei immediately, "You are not familiar with him after all, in case you let you observe his secrets, this will only make him feel that I don't trust him, I personally observe him now, he should be able to accept.

As soon as this is, the spirit is also stunned, and afterwards, "You said, I have no more to say, then you will observe it yourself.


Chen Zi Ying, the next moment, his level began to exist, directly penetrating into Baiyuan jade.

Page ... If the wind is raining, in Chen Wei's thoughts, the energy world in Baiyuan Yucao is very confusing.

This is not because Bai Yuan Yu is chaotic caused by the battle. This is the core instability of the energy world in Baoli, nature, which makes Chen Wei's eyebrows.

Chen Wei is now a top master. He naturally can see this chaotic world energy core. It is not to let a person can't make a man, and even will not let a longevity. This is born is a buryth. Short life performance.

Big, Bai Yuan Yuxi is not smooth, but also cultivated to this height, this is a matter of violation of ordinary executives.

The idea once again observed the past, and the breath of the breath of the gods in the palace flying quickly, very fast, Chen Wei is also bright.

"It turns out that Bai Yuanyu's energy is indeed very confusing, but this confusion is under a smooth state, but it is because of this chaotic energy, so it has opened Bai Yuan Yu's potential to make him This is still so fast, however, this risk is still there, that is, as long as Bai Yuan Yuxi is very serious, the core of this chaos is unbalanced, and the Baiyuan jade is undoubtedly.

It has probably understands the help and hidden dangers of this confusion energy in the mind.

"Master, you have to be careful.

At this moment, the sound of the ghosts suddenly sounded in Chen Wei.

"I can feel that there is a presence of you in the heart of the chaotic energy.

"Is it?"

After listening to this, Chen Wei is also a flash of eyes. "Then I have to see who is it is. Is it the most dangerous time I have seen before? I have been in Bai Yuan Yu, he once came out.

Thunder moves, Chen Wei's sense of sensing will start again, and it has been infiltrated again to the chaotic energy core. Of course, with penetration, Chen Wei's idea has begun to pass a sentence.

"In the interior, but the Shenglong Tianmie predecessors? The late generations Chen Hao, come and meet.

The discourse spit out, this energy core begins to fluctuate, but it has not responded.

Chen Hao is waiting patiently. He knows that as his thoughts continue to penetrate, even if this Holy Dragon Tong Dynasty does not want to come out, it will also come out and meet him.

Sure enough, just five breathing, with Chen Wei's thoughts and penetration, Chen Yuli can even feel the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred The sound sounded, the next moment, a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe, a middle-aged man with a head was flying out from the core of the energy, standing directly in the face of Chen Yuming!


Almost in this middle-aged man appeared in this moment, immediately Chen Hao's Yuan god began to fly and tremble, at this moment, Chen Wei felt that there was a huge pressure, it seems that he has been crushed!

It is good to play a role at this moment. In an instant, Chen Hao entered the irresistible, there was no uneven empty, and the pressure immediately disappeared.

"Oh, good kid, Chen Yum, you are not a general person, the last civilized Buddha power, actually can be so thoroughly, this hand, you are already in an invincible place, then you Just get some power, then your height will be extremely high.

Seeing Chen Wei's state, this dragonobe middle-aged person is also talking and talking to Chen Wei.

"The seniors praise.

When I heard this, Chen Wei also said that it is faint, "I can't change it in the past, I can't touch the future, only now is true, so I am really true.

"Haha, it's good, because it is the past, the future is now."

The middle-aged people of the dragon robe laughed, "Very good Chen Hao, you have mastered the true norms of Buddha Zong, it seems that your origin is really very unreasonable.

"My origin?"

Chen Zhengyou picks up, "I don't think I have any comment, I am just a general person.

"On the surface, yes, you are humble, extremely ordinary, but you can go to this step in just a short ten years, then you are ordinary, it is already uncommon.

The middle-aged people in the dragon robo laughed, "The ultimate is unfair, this is the ultimate, not only the end of the surface, ordinary to the ultimate, and an extraordinary manifestation, so I said that you are not simple, your future is very far, big I can't expect it.

"Yes? Maybe I am not simple.

Chen Wei nodded, "But these I don't care, I don't care, I just call the seniors, let the seniors come, the purpose is only one, that is, I want to ask a question.

"Oh? You said.

The Shenglong Tianti laughed, "I can say it, I will say it.

"Then I will directly, the predecessor is now in the soul of Bai Yuanyu, is there a one-day, to win my friend's house?"

Chen Wei directly.

"Oh, I want absolute freedom, absolute freedom, represents replies, not to win the house, retreat, the flesh is not own, this is on the road of cultivation, in the heart, will cause a big problem I don't like it, so I didn't think about to win him.

Saint Dragon Turk smiled.

"That why I often feel that I am no longer myself, the character changes?"

"That's because he is too weak.

The Shenglong Tiandi smiled again. "He learned the holy dragon devil I created, but I have been influenced. This can only explain that he is not good enough. If he is really a sense of mind, then he will not There is this performance, and I am here, nothing.

"Is it?"

"Yes, if you don't believe, you can explore it yourself. You are not to sacrifice God law? Abandon 100,000 years of vitality, you pay attention to what I did here, I did a little thing, or there Let's think about his mind, then don't use what you do, I will immediately go.

As soon as this is, Chen Wei is also a chappage. On the next moment, the body is shocked. The vitality of the rolling will be burned directly. The Xuanhuang gas stream began to infiltrate the chaos of the energy core and began to explore.

The beautiful words of the Shenglong Tianti said that Chen Yao came to the words of the mouth, he always believed in the conclusions of action, naturally to find out.