The infinite journey starting from Net King

Chapter 30-Yusei Nanjo and Shinji Asano

You can search for the "Unlimited Journey from Wangwang to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Haha, is this guy Hanyu still the same as before?! He hasn't seen it before in the world at all." Tracebe Keigo, who had left Qingxue's door, let out a chuckle of disdain."You say yes! Huadi."

"Yes." Huadi Chonghong replied in a naive voice.

"Sure enough, Tezuka is the only opponent worthy of becoming this uncle." Tobe Keigo was very satisfied with Kachi Takahiro's answer.

The Shinzu Yushi behind Keigo Atobe looked at Keigo Atobe in front of him speechlessly, rudely throwing money at him.

Didn’t it end up not even entering the gate of Qingxue?And isn't your purpose of coming to Qingxue to teach Hanyu Takeha and Tezuka Kunimitsu a lesson?

Now it's just showing off the family's own financial resources and then leaving, what's the matter?It makes it seem that others don't know that your ruins are rich.

However, Ninzu Yushi would not say this sentence, after all, he is still being held by Huadi Chonghong!

"Tobe, can you let Huadi put me down first." Seeing that Keigo seemed to have forgotten himself, Shinzu Yushi said with difficulty.

"I said how I felt like I forgot something."

Atobe Keigo's words made Shinozoku Yushi a bit of tears, isn't he just so inexistent?

"Forget it, Huadi put her Shinobi down!"

"Yes, Atobe." After getting the order from Keigo Atobe, Takahiro Kaji put down Ninzu Yushi.

"Let's go! You must teach Hanyu a lesson!"


"A practice match with the ice emperor?!" After receiving the news from Hanyu Takeba, Ryuzaki Sumire looked at Hanyu Takeba in surprise.

Unlike the already declining Qingxue, the current Bingdi still has a national-level wealthy. Ryugasaki Sumire never expected that Hanyu Takeba would actually connect with the Bingdi Academy.

"It’s a practice match. Actually, it’s more appropriate to practice and stay together. Isn’t this just the holidays coming? It just so happens that we can also take this opportunity to learn about the strength of this year’s Ice Emperor. If we want to enter the national competition, Ice Emperor It's an enemy we have to step through anyway." Hanyu Bamboo Leaf answered calmly.

However, it is just what it looks like, the current Hanyu Bamboo Leaf is still in a state of being shaken by Keigo Atobe's qi.

Before that, Keigo Atobe was so angry that he directly smashed 5 million yen and asked Hanyu Takeba to bring Tezuka Kunimitsu to see him, but Hanyu Takeba still withstood the temptation.

After all, money is only a number for Keigo Atobe, and it is only a number for Hanyu Takeba.

But when Keigo Atobe changed to let the Qingxue school team go to the Ice Emperor Academy to practice, and after the board and lodging were all inclusive, Hanyu Bamboo Leaf could not resist. Although Hanyu’s family also had money, Hanyu Bamboo Leaf wanted to Hanyu Bamboo Leaf couldn't do it by throwing money at Ice Emperor Academy like Keigo Atobe.

Compared with the trench gate of Bingdi Academy, Qingxue is just like the author, a child in the mountains. You must know that Bingdi Academy has professional training equipment, trainers, nutritionists...1234 novel www.1234xs. com

As for Qingxue... not to mention it.

"Well, Hanyu, what you said is right, this is indeed a good opportunity to understand the strength of the Ice Emperor." Ryugasaki Sumire nodded and said.

The Kanto region has three places to enter the national competition, and these three places can almost be said to have been awarded by the three middle schools of Lihai University, Bingdi, and Shanbuki.

If Qingxue wants to enter the national competition, then it is bound to be pulled down from these three teams, and the practice match with Yamabuki has been confirmed, so it is not a bad idea to take this opportunity to understand the strength of some ice emperors.

"Then Hanyu, who do you want to take to participate in this training camp?" Ryugasaki Sumire asked Hanyu Bamboo Leaf.

Although the tennis club of Qingxue is incomparable with Bingdi's tennis, there are more than fifty people. If the entire tennis club is taken to Bingdi Academy for some practice and accommodation, it will be the same for the entire Qingxue tennis club. a good thing.

However, Ryugasaki Sumire couldn't easily make this decision. After all, not everyone can take the tennis road. Even in the school team of the youth school, Ryugasaki Sumire seems to be able to take the tennis road. There are only a few of them.

Although Ryugasaki Sumire also hopes that Qingxue's tennis club can become better, but Ryugasaki Sumire also has to consider the future of the students. It is impossible to waste other students' time because of the tennis club.

"Kunimitsu Tezuka, Shusuke Fuji, Takashi Kawamura, Yudai Yamato..." For the candidates who participated in the practice staying with the Ice Emperor Academy this time, Takeha Hanyu already had an idea. Like Sumire Ryuzaki, Takeba Hanyu Ye is only going to let those who participated in the U17 selection in the original book participate in this practice room.

Needless hope is the most harmful. Without talent and talent, it is just a waste of time to work hard. Success is 99% of sweat plus 1% of talent, and this 1% of talent is far more than 99% of sweat. More important.

"If Nanjo-senpai, Asano-senpai, or other members of the tennis club also want to stay together from participating in this practice session, then go there together." However, Hanyu Takeha has no monopoly, but will choose. Give it to themselves.

"I understand." Ryugasaki Sumire nodded and said."I will arrange it."

"Then Coach Ryugasaki, this time I will participate in the practice stay and practice match with Yamabuki, so I will trouble you to bother."

"This is what I should do."


"Asano, are you going to participate in this meeting?" Nanjo Yusheng asked Shinji Asano.

As the only three third-year members of the school team, Yuuu Nanjo and Shinji Asano have the best friendship.

"I am going to participate. With Hanyu and the others, maybe this year our youth school can really win the national championship. As a senior, I can't hold Hanyu and the juniors behind! This is also my last tennis career. Say goodbye!" Shinji Asano said seriously.

"Farewell to tennis?!" Nanjo Yusheng opened his eyes wide.

"Nanjo, after I entered high school, I was going to give up tennis. Nanjo, you know, we are all people without talents, not to mention Hanyu and the geniuses, even Eiji and Oishi, we can only chase now Follow their footsteps. Instead of hitting the tennis ball with a bloody head, it's better to give up." Shinji Asano said with some pain.

Hearing what Shinji Asano said, Nanjo Yusei also fell into silence, because Nanjo Yusei understood that Shinji Asano was telling the truth.