The infinite journey starting from Net King

Chapter 47 Echizen Nanako (recommendation ticket requested)

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Although the practice together this time made Bingdi aware of the threat of Qingxue and entered the era of large-scale training in advance, it was not without benefits for Qingxue.

After returning from the Ice Emperor, the Kikumaru Eiji and others, who felt the strength of the Ice Emperor, also became more hardworking. In this state, Hanyu Bamboo Leaf’s 2.0 version of the training program was fully implemented in every school. On the team members.

Although there is still a certain gap between Bingdi and Bingdi, after all, they have paid a lot of money.


"Tezuka, why is Coach Ryuzaki not here today?" Hanyu Takeba, who had just returned from the teaching office, walked slowly towards the tennis club and asked Tezuka Kunomitsu who was supervising the training of others.

After returning from the ice emperor, Ryuzaki Sumire's training for Fuer Zhousuke and others can be said to be tighter, almost like living in the tennis club. Suddenly, Ryusaki Sumire did not appear on the net. On the edge of the court, Hanyu Bamboo Leaf felt a little uncomfortable.

Among the youth schools, the only one with independent training power is Hanyu Takeha, and the other is Tezuka Kunomi. As for Fujisuke, given the character of Fujisuke, Hanyu still feels that he should not let Fujisuke. It's too easy, maybe pressing and pressing, the help suddenly broke out within two weeks?

Can Hanyu Takeba count on Fuer Zhousuke, himself and Kunimitsu Tezuka to fight the original Tachikai Big Three?In addition to supervision, Kunimitsu Tezuka is enough. Fuershusuke's character is not as rigid as Kunimitsu Tezuka.

In case, the second Zhousuke also fished like himself, so that Tezuka Kunomitsu had an opinion, and then Tezuka Kunomitsu would go on strike. Where can I find such a hard-working right-hand man now?

However, when the strength of Shuichiro Oishi and Sadaharu Oishi rises next year, someone will come to share the work of Kunimitsu Tezuka. Thinking of this, Takeha Hanyu can't help feeling that he has such an excellent minister, and he is really young. Blessed!

"Coach Ryugasaki went to visit an old friend of hers!" Tezuka Kunomitsu said lightly.

However, Kunimitsu Tezuka’s gaze has been watching the Fujitsu help them in the field, and he did not look at Hanyu Bamboo Leaf. In Tezuka Kunomitsu’s eyes, he has time to look at Hanyu Bamboo Leaf. It’s better to spend Fujitsu to help them. It's good.

"Is it surprising that Coach Ryugasaki Sumire still has friends?" Hanyu Takeba said, touching his chin.

If it weren't for the fact that Ryugasaki Sumire had a granddaughter, people would believe that Ryugasaki Sumire is a granddaughter.

"By the way, Tezuka, do you know when the match between us and Yamabuki will start? Coach Ryugasaki has forgotten about it, right?" After a few words from Ryuzaki Sumire, Hanyu Takeba continued to confront Handzuka. Guoguang asked.

After getting an S-rank lottery from the ice emperor's body, Takeba Hanyu was a little hopeful that after defeating Yamabuki, what reward the system could give himself.

After hearing these words from Hanyu Bamboo Leaf, Tezuka Kunomi finally turned his body and looked at Hanyu Bamboo Leaf blankly.

"What's the matter, Tezuka?" Hanyu Zhuye stared at Tezuka Kunomi with some hairy eyes, and gave a dry smile unnaturally.

"Minister Hanyu, have you forgotten that tomorrow is the date for our game against Yamabuki Junior High?!"

"Really? Maybe Coach Ryugasaki forgot to tell me, right?!" Hanyu Takeba said with some erratic eyes.

"Yesterday, coach Ryugasaki also specially notified us, Minister Hanyu." Tezuka Kunomi directly exposed Hanyu Takeba's lies without mercy.

Looking at the face in front of him with a cold face, like a piece of Tezuka Kunimitsu who hasn't melted the ice for ten thousand years, Hanyu Takeba felt that Tezuka Kunimitsu was not cute at all. He was the head of the tennis club. Is he so faceless?

"This... By the way, Tezuka, do you know who the friend that Coach Ryugasaki was looking for is?" Hanyu Takeba, who couldn't find any excuses, changed the topic very bluntly.

However, Kunimitsu Tezuka glanced at Hanyu Bamboo Leaf, but did not pay attention to Hanyu Bamboo Leaf, and continued to supervise Fujisuke and the others.

This made Hanyu Takeba breathed a sigh of relief. Except for Keigo Onbe, who was fond of the opponent Tsuka Kunimitsu, Tezuka Kunimitsu's expression that no stranger should enter is a kind of pressure for others.


"Uncle, are you there?"

"It's Nanako, did your aunt ask you to come to me?" After hearing Echizen Nanako's voice, Echizen Minamijiro tucked the swimsuit weekly into his sleeve and walked out quickly.

"Long time no see, Minamijiro." Looking at the Echizen Minamijiro in front of him, Ryuzaki Sumire who was behind Echizen Nanako actively greeted Echizen Minamijiro.

"Cut, it turned out to be you, old woman." After seeing Ryuzaki Sumire, Echizen Minajiro put his hands on his head and said lazily.

However, when Echizen Minamijiro was on his back, Echizen Minamijiro's swimsuit weekly hidden in his cuff suddenly fell to the ground.

"You kid, if it's still the same as before, it hasn't changed at all?!" Ryugasaki Sumire said to Echizen Minamijiro who was picking up the swimsuit weekly in a hurry.

Not only Ryuzaki Sumire, Echizen Nanako also saw the hot model on the cover of Swimsuit Weekly.

However, compared to Echizen Nanako, whose cheeks were slightly flushed, Ryugasaki Sumire looked much more indifferent. After all, Ryugasaki Sumire's age, this kind of thing, Ryusaki Sumire has long been commonplace.

"You old woman, what do you know?!" Echizen Minajiro said angrily, making a fool of himself in front of his niece.

"Huh? I mean you are already a little old, and your favorite taste has not changed! Minami Jiro, it seems that I should have returned all the magazines that were confiscated from you before." Ryuzaki Sumire calmly Said.

"You old woman, you still have the face to say this. Do you know how long I had to save before I can buy a magazine?!" It's okay not to say that Ryusaki Sumire, Echizen Minamijiro became more and more serious when he heard Ryusaki Sumire Got excited.

The magazines that he regarded as treasures were taken one after another by the evil old woman in front of him.

"If you want, I can return all those things to you now. After all, those things take up some space, but are you sure you say these things in front of your niece? Minami Jiro."

"No, Nanako, your uncle, I have never bought those things before. It's all this old woman talking nonsense." Hearing Ryuzaki Sumire's words, Echizen Minamijiro quickly defended."And you must never tell your aunt about this kind of thing."

Echizen Nanako ignored Echizen Minamijiro's words and ran out with her head down.