The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 347: Buying Sons!

Sour sour noodles and pour a large spoon of cooked hens with a spicy chicken. It's delicious. It's a hundred times and a thousand times better than the expensive Miyazan colorful chicken that Lee Shepherd ate with Master Xiahou at Starry Academy.

Is it a familiar formula or a familiar flavor?

As long as Li Shepherd left Gangnam, he left his mother as long as he could and the soup as long as he could.

With a bite on it, Shepherd Li felt a tearful orbit.

I found myself growing up and maturing a lot when I was outside. But once you get back to your parents and family, you instantly become a child who will always be attached to them.

“Sheep herding, eat more.” Rocky looked lovingly at Li Shepherd's mouthful of noodle soup, constantly urging him to eat more, but he couldn't move his noodle soup in time.

“Mm-hmm." Li Shepherd nodded. "It's delicious. Mother, you eat some too. ”

“Good. Me too.” Rocky smiled. The day before, he was too sick to go to bed, and the moment he found out his son was back, he was shaking his mind. The son is the mother's biggest physical and mental pillar.

Li Yanman accidentally pushed the barbecue he had bought and whispered: “This is the barbecue from the Second Fatty's house in West City. It is said to be the century-old name of Heavenly Capital. I was in a long line when I went. ”

Rocky glanced at Li Yan and pushed the barbecue away. He said, "I haven't finished the noodle soup in my son's bowl. How can you let him eat the food he bought outside? Are those things healthy? Do you have any oil or water in my noodle soup? ”

“This," said Li Yanxiao. "Didn't you tell me to buy it? ”

“Put it down first. Wait for your son to eat two bowls of noodle soup before eating your barbecue. I made a big pot of noodle soup. He won't eat you? ”

Li Yan wanted to say something else. But when I saw the wife's eyes, I shut the fuck up.

Li Shepherd looked at the father with great sympathy. The father and son both looked at each other with a relative bitter smile.

Li Si came out after washing, grabbed a barbecue and stuffed it in his mouth. On both sides, he chewed it and said to his father Li Yan: “I love barbecue. Besides, Wang Er Fatty's barbecue is different from the rest of the family. It's not easy to get a father. This barbecue is delicious. ”

Li Yan was in a delightful mood and looked at his daughter with pity and said: “If you like it, eat more. I've lost weight lately. ”

“Thinner and better looking.” Li Ming swallowed the meatloaf in his mouth and made a cute expression, "How's it look? ”

Li Yanlian nodded. “It looks good. My daughter looks good. ”

Rocky put a bowl of hot noodle soup in front of Li Ming and said, “If it looks any better, give me this soup. ”

“I can't eat it.” Li misses the bitterness of his face. “Besides, watch out for my sister to come and pick me up later, we have to go to the thousand Buddha temples to pray for my brother. She didn't know that her brother had returned safely.”

“Thousand Buddha Temples?” Li Shepherd looked up at Li Ming and said: “Are you going to the Thousand Buddha Temple? ”

“Yeah.” Li Nodded. “It was set yesterday, for some unconscious man. But strangely enough, we were going to ask Buddha to bless your safe return. I didn't expect you to return safely that night. In that case, do you want to go to the Thousand Buddha Temple? Is this bodhisattva a spiritual test or not? ”


Lee missed a note on his head.

Rocky explained to Bodhisattva in panic, "There is no abomination in children's words. Children's words are unassailable. Kids talk nonsense, no wonder Bodhisattva. ”

Turning angrily to look at Li Ming, he said: “How can you talk nonsense? Of course, Bodhisattva was a spiritual test. She must have heard us, so she sent your brother back safely. Thousands of Buddha temples still go, have made sincere vows to Bodhisattva, how can you deceive Bodhisattva? ”

Li Ming covered his head with chopsticks and was very dissatisfied. At a glance, he laughed and laughed at a guy beside him. "I didn't say anything I couldn't. I'm just a little curious.”

Li Ming's eyes turned and said: “Besides, now that my brother is back, it must be the spirit of Buddha. So, does he need to come with us to the Thousand Buddha Temple and say thank you to Buddha? ”

Rocky was embarrassed and said, "Here's the point. Sheep shepherds should return safely, should go to the thousand Buddha temple on a column of incense and make a wish. Why don't you go with your sister to the Thousand Buddha Temple? ”

“It's inconvenient," said Li Yan, who remained silent. "The shepherd's identity is too sensitive and he has a death vendetta with the Choi family. I miss going to the Thousand Buddha Temple with the Miss Choi family. There are naturally people around to protect me. If the Choi family knew that the shepherd had returned, they would have hurt the killer. Weren't sheep herding dangerous again? ”

“Exactly.” Rocky was shocked and said, "Well, don't go. As long as we are sincerely grateful, Bodhisattva knows everything, he will understand our difficulties. Besides, think about the past and help your brother explain, so that Bodhisattva can feel our feelings. ”

Li Ming leaned aside and said: "If Bodhisattva knows everything, she can do anything. I hope that Bodhisattva will bless my brother in peace and security. ”

“Hey, you little girl." Rocky picked up the chopsticks and hit them again.

Li Ming quickly ran away and shouted: “You are so thin with each other. When my brother didn't come back, I was the most knowledgeable daughter in the whole world, so whatever you do, you follow me.” You've trained me so many times to beat someone up.

Rocky pointed to the noodle bowl on the table and said, "Sit down and eat. I can't finish what I did to you. ”

The family had just put the bowl down and there was the sound of the door knocking.

Li Si ran over to open the door and looked at Lu Qingming standing at the door. It was a respectful courtesy. “Good morning Uncle Lu, have you eaten yet? ”

Lu Qingming met Li Ming last time back, he really liked this beautiful smart little girl. And because of some special relationship, no one in the Lu Dynasty saw her as a maiden's daughter. Her status is almost the same as that of a Lady of the Lu Family.

“I've eaten.” Lu Qingming laughed and said. “How did you wake up so early today? Didn't you wake up when the sun came up? ”

“Uncle Lu made fun of me.” Li missed blushing, he said. She does have a bed habit. What pretty girl doesn't? But I didn't expect this to spread to Lu Qingming's ears.

“Hahaha” Lu Qingming was in a very good mood and said: “The bed is not a bad thing. Those two guys in my house like to get laid. I can't even wake up in the morning. ”

Upon hearing the movement outside, Li Yanroqi and Li Shepherd have been moved.

Although the Lu family is Master Lu's land, air and land, Lu Qingming is also a highly weighted person, just at a time when he is already a governor of the province, and if he goes on like this, his position may not be much lower than that of his own father.

Besides, whether they admit it or not, Lu Qingming is the biological father of Li Shepherd. This is where Li Yan and Rocky get most painfully involved.

Li Yan is now working in the Lu Dynasty. He belongs to a small pipeline under the big housekeeper and is also responsible for a big mess.

When the master arrived, he bowed down and said: "If you have anything to tell me, why did you come? ”

Li Yan was formerly Marv of Grandson Yo, and Rocky was a servant of Grandson Yo. At that time they called Lu Qingming and Daw Sun Yo Miss Young Master. When I came back, I kept my old name.

Lu Qingming quickly lifted Li Yan up and said with blame: “Li Yan, why are you getting so polite? We've been friends for decades. In the future, it will be proportional to friends, and these false courtesies will be spared. ”

Li Yanmune's silly smile did not know how to cope with Lu Qingming's initiative.

Besides, he was extremely confused. What happened to Lu Jia Young Master, the governor of a province, who came to knock on the door of his small courtyard early in the morning?

“He is a wooden man. Don't get to know him in general.” Rocky smiled. “Young Master, come in. Do you want a bowl of noodle soup? ”

“Noodle soup?” Lu Qingming asked curiously.

“Yes, my brother loves it.” Miss Li smiled and took over. “He loved pasta soup since he was a kid, and my mom woke up early last night and made it for him. ”

“Then have a bowl.” Lu Qingming smiled. “Sounds fresh and should taste good. ”

Li Yan and Rocky looked at each other, and the anxiety in their hearts became more intense.

Although the Lu family is not thin on them, when have the Lu family's masters come to their house to eat? If it gets out, I'm afraid they're going to be the object of countless envies and pull-ups at once.

They had a feeling that Lu Qingming was on his way to Shepherd Li and their son.

Are they ready to play cards?

“I'm going to heat up the noodle soup.” Rocky grinned at the anxiety in his heart.

Li Yan also wanted to discuss it with his wife, but Lu Qingming was beside him, and the owner of his family could only stay to receive him.

Lu Qingming went in and sat down and looked at Li Shepherd and said: "Did the shepherd sleep well last night? ”

“Sleep well.” Li Shepherd said with a smile. “I fell asleep lying in bed, and I woke up feeling refreshed. Still sleeps well at home. ”

“That's good.” Lu Qingming smiled. “I'll show you something later. You'll love it. ”

”" Uncle Lu, "said Shepherd Li, hurriedly refusing." Even though the elders gave it to you, you dared not resign, but you've already sent too many things.

Li Yan felt that his son was about to be bought.

And Lu Qingming must have the courage and financial resources to rob his son?