The Inverted Dragon’s Scale

Chapter 695: Deceived Him!

“I can't help it. Why should we?” The purple-haired girl asked.

“If you can't help it, I'm afraid it's already broken.” The old man smiled and said, when she smiled, the wrinkles on her face like old bark spread, giving a sense of kindness and charity.

“Why don't we let more people defend us?” The Purple Haired Girl spoke out: “Tell the Nine Kingdoms of Shenzhou that they will send the most powerful fixers of the people to defend themselves against such words, so that this junction can be preserved. Demons do their best, and we can do our best. ”

“If you do as you say, I will inform the leaders of the Nine Kingdoms of Shenzhou, and they are all here, and this junction is guarded, but then what? ”

“Then why don't you just hold on? Anything else later? ”

The old smile, the cloudy pupils with the wisdom to see through the world.

She looked at the purple-haired girl with pity and said, "If you can't keep it, it might be better. At that time, people were enemies, and everyone would do their best because they knew that if they didn't try, even if the whole of Shenzhou were invaded by the demons, all the people would be food in the mouth of the demons. ”

“But the situation is that the junction has not yet been broken by the demons, and it does not seem to be broken for the time being, and no one even knows when it will be broken, whether it be the Royal Family of the Nine Kingdoms or those who are strong, they have their own interests, their own lives, the right to fight for profit, the time to defraud me is not enough, and who is willing to spend years like you and I at the bottom of this raging river? ”

“But this is about people dying."

“Everyone understands the principle. The Nine Kingdoms don't understand? Those who are strong don't understand?” The old man shook his head softly and sighed: “Ten thousand years ago, the Dragons had just helped the people defeat the abyss, deported them again to the Angry River, and then the two Dragons sealed it together. At that time, they killed Ganghu, and the monks were killed and wounded badly. ”

“On that occasion, the people were hurt and scared. So for many years to come, the people have a nine-nation convention, and every year the Nine Kingdoms send strong men to guard this Yin and Yang Gate, which is just beginning to be guarded alternately by the Nine Kingdoms, each for one year, and then one for nine years. ”

“Hundreds of years, and possibly thousands of years later, the Nine Kings discovered that the Gate of the Yin and Yang had been guarded for years and years, but the result had been steady rocks, with almost no signs of being broken and with the continuation of the war, the new Nine or more national forces appeared, and the Nine Nations Convention gradually lost its binding force. Some of the stronger members of the clan came to check it out and soon returned to their respective territories."

“Angry River Bottom, all year round, no sunshine, no environment, no fame, no profit, who will stay here all year round? ”

Lu Qi looked at the old man and asked, “How can you do that? ”

“Why can I do that?" The old man laughed softly, but his eyes were in a state of reflection. “When I first came in, I asked myself," How long can you last? Will you escape? But now I don't know how many years I've been in here, and I'm afraid I've forgotten all about it. ”

“Now I've forgotten what the answer is. Just thinking, since you've been in here for so many years, hold on a little longer and hold on a little longer. ”

The old lady looked at the purple-haired girl and said, “At my age, I wish I could stay here. You are young, and looking like a flower is the best age for a woman. Why did you come in here? ”

The purple-haired girl sighed for a moment, coldly saying: “The dust world is too irritating, people's hearts are too complicated, and sophisticated hiding here for a quiet time. It would be great to be able to help a little. ”

“But after all, it's a teenager's heart. I saw you in a state of meditation when you sat and practiced several times. What are you thinking? ”

“Think of your little lover? ”

The purple-haired girl glanced at the old man and said: "I have no lover. ”

“Ha-ha-ha, little girl, no offense. ”

The ice on the purple-haired girl's face gradually melted and said, "I don't suppose people like me will like anyone? ”

“How can that be?” The old man caressed the purple-haired girl's head with pity and said softly: “Though you are the mother of all nations, your life is still independent and you are at the best age of the girl. Which girl isn't pregnant? Which teenager has no affection? Isn't it natural that you have a human heart, a human nature, like a good teenager, and there will be countless beautiful teenagers like you? ”

“But” the purple-haired girl sighed softly, as if something bothered her was making her difficult to choose.

“What's the matter?” The old man asked with concern. “Though I have lived here all these years at the bottom of the Angry River, after all, I have seen many people and experienced many things that you can't solve, you can tell me, maybe I can give you some advice. ”

“He's a dragon.” The purple-haired girl said.

“What?” the old man said with a slight shock. "What are you talking about? He's a dragon? There are dragons in Shenzhou? ”

“Yes.” The purple-haired girl nodded seriously and said firmly, “He's a dragon. The dragon clan who switched bags.”

“You can't fix it either.” The purple-haired girl spoke out again. Under Shenzhou, no one can solve this dilemma.

“God made a fool of me.” The old man had been sighing for a long time and was obviously shocked by the news. “It's a natural trick. If there were dragons in Shenzhou, the Dragon Nation knew that the truth behind the Dragon Battle must be revenge. ”

“He knows," said the purple-haired maiden, "because he was the dragon king who survived the Dragon Slaughter War. No, it should be said that he sent a tear to a human juvenile. ”

“So you fell in love with that teenager?” The old man's eyes lit up and asked in silence.

“I don't know.” The purple-haired girl thought about it and shook her head and said, “I don't know what it's like to like. The Phoenix never liked anyone. ”

“Like is," Old Man thought seriously, saying, "Whatever he said, you're willing to listen. Whatever he does, you make a laugh. ”

“If you like that dragon teenager, and that dragon teenager likes you, it might be a blessing for Shenzhou."

“I lied to him.” The purple-haired girl said painfully. “That's why I prefer to hide here and guard the Yin and Yang Realm."