The Jade Emperor Told Me to Live-stream!

Chapter 202 Jealousy Shows There Is Still Saving

Mominte looked down on things like "money is something outside of the body" or "money is not the most important."

The reason is very simple. You say that money is not important. Don't make money if you have the ability!

You say that money is not important, don't go to work every day if you have the ability!

You say that money is not important. If you have the ability to lie at home every day, if you have the ability, you have degenerated all your limbs!

Tian Tian Jing pulls the calf and spreads this kind of desireless thoughts to others. In fact, their own desires are stronger than anyone else. They persuade others to have no desires and desires, and then put other people's money into their own pockets!

There are such people everywhere. From childhood, some classmates spread negative thoughts to others on the surface, persuading others not to study hard, and then behind their backs they work harder than anyone else, doing something that hurts others and disadvantages themselves.

After growing up, there will still be people around me who persuade others not to care about money, but in fact they can work hard for money.

Mo Ming has always felt that those who persuade others not to care about "money" are, to put it bluntly, a person whose thinking is too ideal, or can be called "naive"!

It's not realistic at all!

In this era, what can you do without money?

Don't say it's the heaven, just say that in this mortal world, when you have money, you are an uncle, and when you don't have money, how can you count as a wool?Even if you are a cultivator, if you don't have money, you can't do anything!

Otherwise, why even those high-ranking handed down families, those hermit sects still have to retain a foundation in the mundane world?

That is to make money for them!

No money, let's play the egg!

People live all their lives and work hard all their lives. Isn't that just for the word "money"?

How do you live without money?

No money, what do you buy for food?

No money, what do you buy and drink?

No money, what did you buy for it?

No money, what do you buy for clothes?


Therefore, Mo Ming has always felt that money is not only not as "unimportant" as some nonsense people say, but it is also very important. It is a person who has to work hard for it all his life!

When a person is a child, most of the time is in school. What does school do?Some people say that it is for educating people and enlightenment, but Mo Ming thinks it is not. At least it has not been since the high school. The high school is for the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination is for the college entrance examination, and the college entrance examination is for the work.

Therefore, Mo Ming feels that all of a person's learning after entering high school is for future work.

And what does an adult do most of the day?

All working!

So, it can be said that a person works most of the time in his life, and what is the work for?

When in school, teachers like to say that it is for your own ideals.

When in the post, the boss likes to say that it is for your own future.

False words!

Empty talk!

Big talk!

Mo Ming always feels that those who say such things are hypocritical!After all, isn't it just for the word "money"?

How can you die if you tell the truth?

Now those people say that money is something outside of the body, that money is not the most important thing, and that they want others to give up money, that is basically denying a person's life!

This is simply to make a person divorced from reality, live in fantasy, and be awkward. This is really anti-human and anti-reality!

Money is indeed very, very important. With money, you can do 98% of the things in the world, but without money...

Haha, you can't even do 5% of things, you can say unceremoniously that you can't do anything without money!

Being rich is indeed something to be proud of and something to be proud of, but this is not a reason for you to show off and scream in front of others!

There is a saying that “wealth is not exposed”.

You said you have money, do you live in a big villa, drive a supercar, and take Patek Philippe? You have so much money to go to heaven. Actually, it’s nothing. It’s your business if you have money. No one prevents you from being rich. It will not prevent you from being rich, and the gods will not prevent you from being rich!


Attention is but!

Don't deliberately scream in front of others!

Some people have a little money, or spent a lot of money to buy something, they can't help but take it out and scream in front of others.

It's like those young people who didn't know where they got the money to buy an iPhone, and they got it to the school to scream in front of their classmates.

It's like being afraid that others won't know, won't envy, jealous, hate yourself...

Don't believe it, some people have this mentality, that's just such a pervert!

Just like the female classmate showing off her wealth in the TV series.

Don't always think that being jealous of others is a good thing. In fact, being jealous of others can easily cause trouble for yourself!

"The money is not exposed" is reasonable!

And once something goes wrong, it's probably not something money can settle!

So, you can be rich, but don't be so deliberately in front of others, it will only make you look stupid, immature, and nasty!

If you have a little money, you can't wait to let people all over the world know it. However, people who are really rich don't need to scream at all. People around you will know at a glance.

Turtle, understand?

What is a "turtle"?

This is the terrapin!

It's just that this person shouldn't have money, he just suddenly got money through other methods, like some kind of money picked up on the road, or other sudden wealth, which made him suddenly rich.

However, he is still a poor ghost in essence!

His knowledge, experience, insights, thoughts, and way of thinking are still the poor ghosts of the past, but he desperately wants others to recognize his current rich status!

So spend money with big hands, spend money with big feet, as if he spends money for others to see!

Mo Ming also admitted that sometimes he is especially envious of those rich people, what's wrong with the local turtle?Turtles are also rich, and there are people in this world who want to be Turtles!

I am a turtle, I am happy!

He doesn't even want to be a turtle!

But, this is nothing!

Mo Ming always felt that envy and jealousy of others is better than himself. This is a normal psychology. At least that also shows that he is a bit self-motivated and has a desire to struggle.

If a person is indifferent when he sees the people around him showing off his wealth, it can only explain two problems:

One, this man is really rich!

Second, this man is really salted!

Just like cheating on an exam, it means that the child still wants to learn well and has a little bit of help. If the child knows that he hasn’t studied and cannot do well in the exam, and is still indifferent, then the child is really not saved.

Therefore, Mo Ming doesn't think there is anything wrong with being jealous of other people's money. He even thinks that being slightly jealous can promote a person's self-motivatedness!