The Jade Emperor Told Me to Live-stream!

Chapter 204 Rebellious Heart Originated from Pretending

In fact, if you look closely, the plot of this episode is very... fantasy!

It's not like a normal urban love drama at all!

What is an urban TV series?

It is a TV series depicting real city life. There should be the troubles of the real city, rather than just giving the heroine so much money...

Some people say that money is not everything.

Sorry, Mo Ming wants to say "Money is indeed not omnipotent, but money is omnipotent"!

Just talk about the heroine, why don't you even look at a two million necklace, then you must be very rich, since you are so rich, do you have so much trouble?

You don’t have so many worries, do you have so many stories?

You don’t have a story, so why are you the protagonist?If you don’t play the protagonist, why this script doesn’t hold true?

In fact, Mo Ming can also understand that perhaps the screenwriter who wrote this plot has experienced this kind of thing.

I was shown off at the classmate meeting. I was very upset when I watched others pretend to be coerced. I wanted to reverse pretend to be forced, but I couldn’t help it. I could only watch my classmates pretend to leave...

So, he wrote this paragraph, and then attached a picture of his imagination-the heroine's necklace worth two million.

In reality, who can take out a necklace worth two million casually?

Two million necklaces are crawling all over the floor, right?

Pick it up, right?

This is not fantasy, what is this?


Mo Ming still wants to say: Although the show is not very good, but the heroine's pretense is beautiful!

As far as the matter is concerned, there is no so-called right or wrong in this classmate meeting. On the other hand, isn't the cause of this incident caused by that classmate's cries?If she doesn't bleak, wouldn't it be all right?

Rebellious psychology, rebellious psychology, what is "rebellious psychology"?

The one who resisted was the one who did the wrong thing!

Just like these Yan family children want to resist Mo Ming now, it is because Mo Ming repeatedly and again oppresses them, forcing them to pay, these Yan family children are almost unable to bear it...

In fact, to be honest, this kind of thing is really not an unrealistic subject matter, this kind of thing is really too common.

Mo Ming has experienced this kind of thing before...

After graduating from university for many years, I suddenly suggested that everyone gather together without knowing who it was. After all preparations were made, everyone came to the hotel on the same day.

However, it is ridiculous that everyone is self-aware, and those who have not achieved much after graduation or who have a bad life will take the initiative to get together, and those who have achieved great achievements and have accumulated a lot of wealth will also get together. .

In the group of classmates, everyone chatted enthusiastically. Everyone pushed their cups on the wine table, as if the relationship was really good. However, their respective moods were already reflected in the seats.

Students who have had a harder life will not take the initiative to clink glasses with those who have accumulated a lot of wealth, and those who have achieved some achievements will not take the initiative to drink with their students who have not achieved much.

In fact, the ordinary, unachievable classmates here are also a kind of rebellious psychology, just like the heroine.

However, TV dramas are just TV dramas after all. No matter how realistic it is, it is an art film and television drama after all. It is originally based on reality and sublimated to reality. It is impossible to perform according to everything in reality.

Just as when the female classmate showed off her wealth, the seemingly harmless white lotus heroine was able to come up with a connection worth two million.

In reality, it is impossible for most people to own such a necklace. Basically, it can be said that in reality, even if most people are dissatisfied with this kind of thing, they have no choice but to stay away awkwardly.

Even the former brothers and sisters have become strangers in the face of this estrangement.

Whether it is the dissatisfaction that arises when being squeezed by others, or the jealousy that arises when seeing others show off their wealth... these are actually a kind of rebellious psychology!

The same rebellious psychology, except that the heroine in the TV series "reversed" and successfully stepped on the female classmate who showed off her wealth to pretend to be a perfect force.

But in reality, the rebellious psychology can't be reversed...

No matter what era and what world, there will always be more poor people than rich people. Even if everyone is rich, there are also millionaires, multimillionaires, and billionaires, and those billionaires will be the top of the pyramid. .

And "strength" is the capital that determines whether this rebellious psychology can be reversed!

The strength of the ordinary world refers to "money", and the strength of the cultivation world refers to the realm of cultivation.

Different from the "rebellious psychology" of adolescent children, the rebellious psychology mentioned here is not limited to adolescent children, it is common for normal people.

It is an anger towards others, a negative emotion towards others, a mentality of wanting to rebel against each other and unwilling to obey the other person.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this kind of rebellious psychology is actually a person's pretending desire!

This kind of desire is hidden in people's hearts, maybe even they don't know it, but when they feel that they are forced to be pretended to be taken away by others, this kind of desire will suddenly come out, wanting to oppose the other person. Pretend!

If you can reverse it, then you are pretending to be successful and stepping on the opponent's upper position, but if you can’t reverse it, hehe, that’s the one being pretended...

Just like these teenagers of the Yan family, after being forced by Mo Ming to pay money again and again, their psychology began to change and they no longer wanted to pay, and even wanted to bargain with Mo Ming.

Just like the heroine in that TV series, other classmates obeyed under the halo of wealth when they saw others showing off their wealth. Only the heroine was in other places and dismissed it, even in order to give himself a compelling status. Hypocritical means to demolish the other party's station without a trace.

Just like Mo Ming’s ordinary classmates, they will stay away from those accomplished classmates...

The difference is that some people can be "rebellious", but some people can't be "rebellious"...

It was like the classmate meeting Mo Ming had experienced.

Mo Ming has lived for nearly 40 million years, and he has forgotten many things in the past. This is a natural law, and neither gods nor humans can violate it.

(No one can remember anything for 40 million years...)

However, Mo Ming still remembered that classmate meeting.

Mo Ming remembered how lively the group of classmates who had been quiet for almost three years when no one spoke when someone proposed a class reunion!

Everyone was excited, everyone was happy and laughed, even people who hadn't been seen for several years came out and bubbling, but the result...