The Jade Emperor Told Me to Live-stream!

Chapter 206 Maybe This Is A Disease

Mo Ming clearly remembered that the class meeting was held three years after graduating from university, and it was also the only class meeting among university students.

It's quite embarrassing to say.

It's not that everyone is estranged from each other, but because from the moment everyone arrives at the hotel, everyone has clearly realized that they are no longer the same.

As the saying goes: the rich and the poor are basically two different species.

Yes, poor people work hard every day, for the house, for the car, and for the support of the family. They can even get up at four o'clock in the morning and cycle to work, and they can even work overtime every night until 12 o'clock in the evening before going home for dinner.

The rich, however, can sit back and relax every day, driving to the company at eight or nine in the morning and driving home at five or six in the afternoon.

What do the poor eat every day?

What do the rich eat every day?

What do the poor wear every day?

What do the rich wear every day?

What do the poor people wear?

What does the rich man wear?

The poor are three hundred and sixty-five days a year, which is almost two points and one line, but what about the rich?

If the lifestyle is used as the definition of the division between species, it is true that the rich and the poor are no longer the same species.

When discussing gatherings before, many people were very excited and couldn't wait to share their lives with good sisters or good brothers whom they had not seen for many years.

As a result, after arriving at the hotel, many people did not have the liveliness and intimacy of being in the group, and even those who had a good relationship in the group did not sit at the same wine table.

Classmates who have not achieved much are sitting at the same table with classmates who have difficulties in life, and classmates who have achieved success are at the same table with classmates who are living in wealth.

It's just that if they can really get along with each other like this, it would be fine, but some people are always restless.

Just like the female classmate who showed off her wealth in the TV series, there are not no such people in reality. On the contrary, there are still a lot of them.

Mo Ming vaguely remembered that the atmosphere among his classmates was very embarrassing.

Originally, that table was put together on a temporary basis. Many people are more willing to sit with their good friends and sisters, but when the people around them develop, they will stay away and take the initiative to distance themselves.

However, the other students were not familiar with it, and it was only embarrassing to force it on a wine table.

At the beginning, the old squad leader in college would deliberately bring a few topics to activate the atmosphere, but in the end, even he himself shook his head and sighed, drinking alone.

At that moment, the laughter of the rich classmates at the table next to them became the biggest irony to them!

By the way, at this time, a classmate came over and deliberately showed himself.

The most desperate thing is that none of their classmates can stand up to refute anything...

Boys are no better than girls. Many boys have been fighting outside for a few years, and even if they have suffered and exhausted, they would not say a word. How could they be willing to watch others show off their wealth in front of them?

Boys are not like those women in TV dramas, when they see someone around them take out a valuable item, they will all rush to watch.

The show off of that classmate was like a needle piercing deeply into the hearts of all the classmates at that table.

At that time, the classmates took pictures. When Mo Ming later missed his classmates several times, he took out the pictures of the classmates. Some people laughed happily, but more people laughed reluctantly.

Alas, actually speaking, sometimes Mo Ming misses those classmates a lot. That was all tens of millions of years ago. It seems that his last classmate died 32 million years ago...

Although when we were alive, there were estrangements and even conflicts between each other, but after they really passed away, Mo Ming couldn't help but miss the time together...

To be honest, Mo Ming didn't sit with those "rich classmates" at the time. If he sat with those rich classmates, hehe...

He can guarantee that the wealthy classmates can't eat a piece of meat!

In fact, to be honest, Mo Ming didn't sit with those "rich classmates" at the time. If he sat with those rich classmates, hehe...

He can guarantee that the wealthy classmates can't eat a piece of meat!

In the past, on TV dramas, I often saw many college students who had graduated for many years, and even junior high school and high school students held class reunions every year, which always seemed warm and happy.

Everyone once read the same book in a class. Some people even live together under one roof. They are not family members, but they have the feelings of family members.

After years of separation, seeing each other again is like reuniting with old family members, brothers and sisters.

But, after all, that is just a TV series, a form of artistic expression, and reality is just reality.

People in reality are not really that simple. Everyone has everyone's mind. Once everyone was on the same starting line, some people won the championship and some people won the last place.

The person who took the last one naturally has no face to talk to the classmate who has won the championship, and the one who has won the championship will not bother to say anything to the last one.

It's like everyone said that they were pretending to be compelling. After the results came, I found out that you are all really pretending.

Of course, the deceased is dead, and it's meaningless to say this.

Anyway, Li is such a reason. Today, seeing these Yan family children clearly dissatisfied with him, wanting to resist, but not daring to resist, Mo Ming couldn't help thinking more about the past.

These family children now have a kind of rebellious psychology. Mo Ming is forcing them to pay money again and again. After they have been persecuted many times, they no longer want to give Mo Ming money. This is a kind of rebellious psychology, wanting to go against Mo Ming. The meaning of wanting to rebel against Mo Ming’s oppression.

However, they dare not resist!


Because they are afraid of Mo Ming!

Because they can't beat Mo Ming!

Because they are afraid that Mo Ming will hit them!

In a word, it is "Mo Ming is too awesome"!

This is a means to pretend!

It is a means of showing one's compulsion through others' attitude towards oneself!

I have to say that Mo Ming has really reached the realm of proficiency in pretending to be true!

He wants to pretend, no one can stop him!

He wanted to pretend to be coerced, and other people entered his routine without knowing it!

In fact, sometimes even Mo Ming feels that he is nasty, and he doesn’t know why. When he sees other people wanting to go crazy in front of him, but he doesn’t dare to go crazy at himself, he can’t help but scream. !

how to say……

Maybe this is also a disease!