The Jade Emperor Told Me to Live-stream!

Chapter 208-The Devil Holding a Steel Fork

Now these teenagers from the Yan family can see that Mo Ming has been planned from the beginning, and they have been arranged from the beginning.

First, it kills two birds with one stone, asking them to help drain the wallets of those who hadn't left their hands before, and then fatten them themselves.

Then, I came to kill them again...



This routine!

Full of routines!

You said you didn't plan it before, and no one believes it!

Now these young people from the Yan family are really afraid of Mo Ming, and they are now afraid of Mo Ming speaking!

Because before that, as long as Mo Ming speaks, they will be finished...

So, now that Mo Ming opened his mouth, everyone panicked.

They waited for two seconds...

"What am I trying to say?"

Behind the table, Mo Ming scratched his head, his eyes filled with confusion...

The teenagers who were waiting for the following were all speechless at the time. Really, are you really playing with us?

What do you want to say, why don't you ask us?

This is not the first time Mo Ming has said this. At the first time, everyone really believed that you might have forgotten what you wanted to say.

The second time, everyone thought you might be amnesia.

But for the third time, you still play this routine...

That can only say, either you are a fool, or you treat us as a fool!

To be honest, these family children are a little skeptical now, is this Mo Ming simply torturing them?

In fact, it’s no wonder they think this way. Now is an era of pretending to be the most popular element in this era.

This "all people" is not limited to the heavens, in fact, people in the mortals also like to pretend.

In the past, the Jade Emperor told Mo Ming that when he was asked to come to the mortal realm, Mo Ming was still the boss of his reluctance. He felt that these mortal realms were too tired to live. Every day, besides cultivation, it was cultivation, as if cultivation could be used for food.

However, after he really understands it now, Mo Ming knows that the lives of mortals are also colorful. For example, after they have achieved some achievements, they will come to others all day to pretend to be...

Just like the Yan family teenagers in front of them, these people are not really achievements, they just have a good relationship with the other genius teenagers in the Yan family, but this is enough to make them behave very well among their peers. Has status and is very powerful.

Then, they like to pretend to be forceful in front of others. They will pretend to be forceful in front of anyone they think they can move, just like the previous "Mo Ming"...

For another example, what is the name of Han...Han Danqing, what he said about the alchemy master, and so on, is pretty awesome, but Mo Ming thinks that his alchemy techniques are just like that...

In Mo Ming's nearly 40 million years of experience, there are more people with advanced alchemy skills than the old man. You can't count them. He doesn't know what happened. That old man can be called "the master of alchemy." "Is it because the alchemy technology of this era is too backward, or is it because the people in the Yunzhou realm have little knowledge or are they?

But people are very pretending to be forced, hiding in a valley, and enclosing a plot of land by themselves, saying that it is their own, not allowing others to enter, not allowing others to peep, looks like a worldly expert, who wants to find him To make a pill, you have to beg him...

Another example is Yan Buping, the current owner of the Yan family.

At the beginning, when Mo Ming saw this unevenness, he felt that this product was a suitable choice for the owner of the house, and what kind of "Patriarch", "Master", "Master" and "Holy Lord" Mo Ming had seen before. "It's almost the same.

However, later, he discovered Wo Cao, this guy is the Yan family's favorite person to pretend!

When Mo Ming and Yan Qingming competed in the ring, you can see how many scenes that Yan Buping played on the stage, and then there was irony in his eyes, and sneer in words...

Nima, there are not as many performances of the two on the martial arts stage plus him alone!

Of course, there are many more...

In just two months, Mo Ming felt that he had understood deeply and integrated into this world of pretending all the people!

But how do I put it...

In the past, there were so many immortals in the heavens pretending to be compelling, and so many mortals in the mortal world were pretending to be compelling.

These people in the mortal realm may not know, but in the heavens, many gods are actually very annoying, but they are very afraid of it...

If you don't pretend to be forced, once you pretend to be forced, it's almost endless!

Just like today, the routines one after another, one by one, the pits are almost even the gully of the city. Just thinking about it makes people desperate. Nowadays, many gods in the heaven don’t know what’s going on. When Mo Ming speaks, they can’t bear it. Live a headache!

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that this sheep wool keeps catching that sheep. He is like an obsessive-compulsive disorder. If he doesn't give that sheep bald skin, he will feel uncomfortable all over!

In the past, these young people from the Yan family didn’t know, and they thought that although Mo Ming had become awesome, his temperament should not have changed much, not to mention that he would let them squeeze like before, but it should not be too much. kind.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with their thinking. Generally speaking, if a person has been bullied by another group for a long time, they will only have two reactions:

One broke out in bullying!

People are limited. Although some people may look like a dog with nodding and bowing, they still have a string in their hearts.

Every time they are bullied, there will be a little bit of resentment in their hearts. Once this resentment accumulates deep enough, it will break the string in their hearts, leaving them on the verge of collapse and madness. And this kind of person Once it breaks out, the consequences will be terrible.

Because in their hearts, living is not the most important thing, their own dignity is the most important, you insult them, trample on their dignity time and time again, the anger and resentment in their hearts will ignite their souls.

In order to retaliate, they can do anything.

And the second is to endure silently like the previous "Mo Ming"...

If a person has been bullied by a group of people for a long time, and he does not dare to resist, he will gradually fear these people in his heart. Even if he has enough strength in the future, he will still be afraid when he sees these people.

This is because fear of these people has become an instinct for him.

It is precisely because of this that these young people in the Yan family think that although Mo Ming has grown in strength now, his personality should not change too much, and that he can pass it away with a little money.

However, the facts now show that Mo Ming is no longer the "Mo Ming" before!

If Mo Ming in the past was an inferior human who let them bully, then Mo Ming now is a little devil with a steel fork in his hand and wings on his back!