Who was Mo Ming before?

That was the first young man in the Yan family!

It's the Yan family's first little waste!

It is the biggest asshole in the Yan family!


Anyway, as long as you add any negative words after the four words "Yan Jia No. 1", it will describe "Mo Ming".

No one might believe this.

After all, outside the Yan family, in Yunzhou City, "Mo Ming" still behaved very bullishly, but who would have thought that within the Yan family, he would be so useless, that he would be such an identity, would be so popular. look down?

But these are facts. In fact, those “firsts” are far from truly describing the situation of “Moming”.

Cowardly and incompetent, he is bullied at will, and he has no strength in himself. He grows up so big and is still hanging on the second heaven of moving blood. He can neither rise nor want to rise...

It was as if all the negative words in the world could be used on him.

Such people, among these peers of the Yan family, are completely the target of casual bullying.


Note that it is "but"!

That's just the past, the former "Moming"!

Go back and think about what kind of person is Mo Ming now?

I won’t say much else, just talk about what he did recently-Mo Ming defeated Yan Qingming!

Who is Yan Qingming?

It was the second day of the Yan family's juvenile generation, who claimed to be the second only to Yan Qingcheng in talent at the age of eighteen.

Note that it's just "talent", that is, the suitability for cultivation, not the real cultivation state.

Regardless of whether this is true or not, whether it has been verified or not, at least it is ranked like this on the young talent list.

And Mo Ming defeated Yan Qingming with a younger age and stronger strength. What does this mean?

This shows that Mo Ming's talent must be higher than Yan Qingming, otherwise why can you improve so fast?

Therefore, Mo Ming logically replaced Yan Qingming in the Yan family's juniors, and became the second only to Yan Qingcheng on the list of talents at the age of eighteen-the Yan family's juniors were young the next day!

By the way, take a closer look, how did Mo Ming defeat Yan Qingming?

Isn't it...very watery?It felt that Yan Qingming was blown away in a daze.

Most importantly, it only took less than two months from when Mo Ming was bullied by others to when Mo Ming defeated Yan Qingming.

In two months, from the first little waste of the Yan family to the second genius of the Yan family, this change can almost be said to be "earth-shaking"!

what is this concept?

It's a scumbag with stable grades and the bottom of the school. I didn't see how to study. As a result, in the monthly exam two months later, I took the second place in the total correction number and became second only to the first beauty student. The presence!

Do you think your reversal is too fast, too huge?

In two months, I went from the bottom to the bottom of the school and stepped to the positive second in one step. If you say there is no tricky in your grades, no one believes it!

Don't say the students don't believe it, even the head teacher, the dean, and the principal don't believe it!

Believe you a ghost!

If you don’t believe it, you will definitely be dissatisfied. When that happens, someone will come out with accusations like "he copied", "he cheated"...

As for a scumbag who is the last student in the school, whose answer can be copied to the second in the whole school, no one cares.

how to say……

In fact, this is human!

Some people think that you are better than them, and they start all kinds of speculations and slander you, even if they say nothing, they don't care.

In their eyes, apart from discrediting others and not allowing others to surpass themselves, nothing else matters!

What doctrines, justice, ethics, etc. have anything to do with them?These things are fictitious and can't match their rankings!

In fact, there are many such people in reality.

Mo Ming remembered that when he was going to school in the heavens, he was basically around tenth in the class in normal exams, and he would not find out what was bad, and what was good would not be better. It belonged to the kind of insufficiency, more than enough. The situation.

Some people think that this ranking is quite good. There are forty or fifty people in a class, and the top ten is very good, but those who really stand in this position understand that this ranking hurts...

First to be able to pass this ranking, it shows that it is indeed hard to study, and a lot of time is spent on studying, but the upper reaches can not reach those really awesome schoolmasters, in this position, every step forward Great effort is required.

However, your hard work may not be rewarded, because you are working hard and others are working hard, and they are ranked higher than you, indicating that they must be better than you. This will only make the gap bigger and bigger. Overtaking, one word-difficult!

But you can't overtake the car, and you have to spend a lot of time working hard. As a result, you are not happy in learning, and you are not happy in playing...

Moreover, generally speaking, there is a chain of contempt in this ranking, basically the top four people look down on the people behind...

But how do I put it...

Things are not absolute, and the test results are the same. Even those top ten schoolmasters can’t work hard forever. There are always times when they can’t slack off. Even if you can’t overtake, they will not be able to hold down the accelerator. when.

On several occasions, Mo Ming really even overtakes several cars, and as a result...the class is frying...

This kind of thing can happen even in places like the Heaven Realm, let alone the Mortal Realm, let alone the children of the Yan family!

In fact, if these children of the Yan family were convinced by Mo Ming's current achievements, then Mo Ming would be surprised.

Young people are dissatisfied. They will certainly feel uncomfortable when they see you are better than them.

And if you are a person who has been bullied by them and stepped under their feet, and suddenly you are forced to step on them, they will not only feel uncomfortable, they will be unbalanced!

In fact, this is nothing, Mo Ming can understand them.

Let alone them, even Mo Ming would feel unbalanced when he stood in their position.

Wocao, why does Laozi work so hard to practice so hard that you will step on your feet instead?

If you are a genius, if you are a hardworking person, but you are the No. 1 little boy in the Yan family, the No. 1 little boy in the Yan family, and the grass, you stepped on your head, wouldn’t it? Say we are not as good as waste wood?

Are you kidding me?what?!

Geniuses are all arrogant, people have arrogant capital, why should you be trampled under your feet by an unlearned little dude?

This is just like a scumbag who never learns and never listens to get out of class and never reviews after class is admitted to the world's first university. Shouldn't those people who study hard and fail the exam should jump off the building?