
Do you know what it means?

It is specifically used to describe this kind of people who have no ability and only know how to be tough with each other when encountering things!

A single cultivation base is strong, but others don’t know anything. Dou Da’s characters don’t know a basket of characters. Even if the pole is down, you don’t know that it is a word. Whenever you encounter a problem, you know that it can be solved by violence, even if he really suppresses everything. People, how many people will convince him?

On the face of it, people say that you are very good, but who can look down on such a person?

Like in those urban TV dramas, everyone blindly pursues money, respects the rich, and believes in the rich.

Like those movies and TV series of fantasy and fantasy, everyone blindly pursues power, respects the strong and regards power as their belief.

But how can the real world be so simple?

The real world is always the intersection of various factors.

It's just that too many things can be summed up in the word "strength".

For example, for those who are rich, people are richer than you, and live better than you. Can this be said to be "strength"?

of course can!

For another example, people’s cultivation is higher than you, their combat effectiveness is stronger than you, their realm is higher than you, and they live longer than you. Is this also "strength"?

This is even more strength!,

For example, the parents are more handsome than you, and the beautiful women around them are like clouds. They walk on the road, stand in the elevator, sit in the car, and greet them casually, and all the beautiful women respond. Is this "strength"?

Of course this is also "strength"!

It is undeniable that they are better than you, even better than you!

The word "strength" itself is a general concept, and people like those in the Mortal Realm now put this word on their lips when they have nothing to do.

But Su Yu feels that these people have problems with their thinking. It is not so much "strength" as it is "force".

It’s a bit too much, but that’s what it means anyway.

A balanced and correct world is naturally not "strength is respect" and "strength is supreme."

However, it is undeniable that it is indeed "strength is respected"!

To give the simplest example: look at the world, a big family like the Yan family, a family of cultivating families, they don’t have to worry about food and clothing, and they pursue cultivation.

Not to mention Chengxian Chengdi, they are also dedicated to the development of this huge family.

However, look at the ordinary people, they are desperately struggling on the line of food and clothing, working hard every day, and they can only barely make the day!

This is the gap!

this is the truth!

Because the Yan family is awesome and powerful!

People with strength naturally live well, no matter which era or world it is in, this is the same truth!

In fact, this is nothing in itself.

People who have the strength, naturally live well, this is nothing to say.

If the strength is the same, why do people have to work hard?

The point is, this kind of world where "strength is respected" is always a phrase, don't you think it is too utilitarian?

This is like some people blindly pursuing money, it is the same truth!

This in itself is a deformed social form!

In Mo Ming's eyes, these mortals are like this.

Maybe they haven't noticed anything by themselves, and some people can even accuse others from a moral high point.

However, in Mo Ming's eyes... they are all the same!

All the same!

Mo Ming has lived for nearly 40 million years. He often stood in the sky and watched this mortal world go from birth to development, to glory, and finally to decline.

This is like a cycle, he has seen too much of this cycle!

He is already numb!

In his eyes, many things are actually the same in essence.

See the essence through the appearance.

When everyone only focuses on the so-called "strength", then the world will gradually become distorted.

There is nothing wrong with worshiping strength and worshiping the strong.

This can motivate people to work hard, and it does not mean that they only motivate one person.

The birth of a strong man can trigger a group of people to work hard.

From a certain perspective, this can be considered a positive influence.

If you only look at it from this perspective, then this is indeed a good thing and can lead to positive energy.

However, as the saying goes, there must be a degree in everything, even in positive energy.

If the positive energy is too much, it becomes blind.


What to worship?

Worship, strength...

Once the right thing is distorted, it becomes the wrong thing.

Mo Ming has always felt that there are too many problems in this world, but...

Mo Ming doesn't want to change the world like those secondary two boys on TV.

Not only did he not want to change the world, he even wanted to laugh at it.

He is a person of the Extraordinary Realm, and when he came to the Mortal Realm, he was not shouldering a major mission with a sense of justice. He didn't have too much mood to do.

In fact, Mo Ming didn't think he could change anything.

Because when the right thing becomes wrong, it means that not just one person has the problem, but everyone has the problem.

And the most difficult thing in this world to change is not the world, but the human heart.

It is difficult to change a person's heart, let alone the heart of everyone in the world!

Mo Ming has always agreed with one sentence: God cannot save people, only themselves can save people.

Even if a god is willing to redeem a person, it is useless if a person's heart is not willing to accept it.

Mo Ming also tried to do the so-called "extradition" to guide a person before, but it was useless...

He wants to teach people how to fish, but those people only want "fish"...

This is the mortal world, the mortal world.

If this world is distorted, then only the people in this world can make changes and correct all their mistakes by themselves to have hope.

Mo Ming saw the distortion of this world, but he didn't want to be the one to correct this distortion.

Mo Ming is like this, there is a "cheap" energy in his bones!

Once he hasn't been "bad" for three days, he will feel sick all over.

Not only will he not stand up to help the world correct the distortion, but he will set off around the distortion, not for anything else, just to cheat others.

For nothing else, he feels comfortable because of cheating others!

He knew that under the situation where people in the mortal world are blindly pursuing the so-called cultivation strength, stepping up by himself will definitely not get good!

Who is Mo Ming?

An existence that has lived for nearly 40 million years, he is so clear about the hearts of the people!

Even if a certain perception is wrong, once everyone believes it, don't try to overthrow it.

There are too many things like this. When Mo Ming was in Heavenly Court, he used to watch TV when he was idle, and he often saw such plots.

What is a group of people trapped in a small space? There is an unexplainable force outside, and then one of them is talking about it, and adding a certain coincidence, it looks like a miracle, and then a group of people with the correct conception immediately Turned the rudder, and started talking with the gods.

Although it was only played on TV, Mo Ming had no doubts.

The most unimaginable thing in this world is the human heart!