The Journey of the Overlord

The Overlord's Journey Chapter 136.

Az-Dakha spoke up.

"Since the end of my trial, I no longer know where I should go, and now that I have promised to live well with the Sovereign, I do not know how I should live, and I do not know what to do with my endless life, which is why I have wandered around in this world, and after seeing this world through, I still cannot find a place suitable for my existence, this one The world is too fragile, so fragile that I dare not go walking too hard."

"Therefore, I chose to sleep, and if she had not awakened me, I fear that my slumber would have continued on for who knows how long."

"So, now that you have awakened, what are you going to do? Are we going to stay asleep again? Do you continue to sleep even if this world is destroyed?"

Sazekos then asked.

"If Your Excellency Az-Dakha does not intend to continue to slumber, why don't you join us demons and become our Demon King, we are here where you belong."

"And the matter of how you should live, although I don't know what your trials are, Your Excellency, but if I understand you correctly, your Sovereign's agreement with you is for you to live the way you are happy and not have to carry anything to live with, which is to live well."

Az-Dakha was somewhat moved, his six red jade pupils slowly closing and the golden streaks on the 'evil' banner behind him lighting up again.

"I know, but because I know, it is difficult to do."

Opening his six eyes once more, Az-Dakha gazed into the underworld sky.

"Once upon a time, what I did was to destroy everything I saw, to show my fangs indiscriminately to all the creatures of the world, old men, women, and children alike, and to fight the gods head-on, never backing down."

"To make everything in the world good, while I am evil alone, an 'absolute evil'! In order that mankind may be able to destroy not itself for the sake of the good, but by me, or that I may be crushed."

All present were moved by this will, for it was not a will that could be done by any man.

"But now... The trial is over, and while there is evil in the world, there is no lack of my 'absolute evil', and I am no longer qualified to call myself 'absolute evil', so I feel confused, and as for the demon king, that sort of thing, I have absolutely no interest in it, and I reject your proposal to ."

After saying that, Az-Dakha no longer paid attention to everyone present and turned directly.

"Although I have declined your invitation, I still thank you, this is the underworld, and I who cannot find a place to return to in the human world will try to see if I can find it in the underworld."

Having said that, he left, and Orpheus left with him because he was sitting on his shoulder, not knowing whether it was because Az Dakaha was too lazy to care about her, or for some other reason, after that, there appeared in the records of the Underworld about [Demon Dragon of Destruction] Az Dakaha and [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus hanging out together, and wherever they appeared, both of them appeared as [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus with a smile on his face sitting on [Demon Dragon of Destruction] Az Dakaha's shoulder, and then disappeared in such a manner.

Last push of the month: "My Teacher is Troubled!

I'm Huo Ji. What can I do for you?

"Re: The Otherworldly Life from Scratch.

"An apprentice who lives offline can't be an idiot!

"Earth, The Amazing Adventures of Hodges.


"Sensei-sensei! I'd like to see the original Dragonfall!"

"All right!"

Then Huo Ji smacked a giant dragon to death for eighteen slaps. What a deranged mind!

In passing, I also pulled out a 40m long knife and stabbed the other one, very reasonable! (fog)

Chapter 16: The Main Character Arrives

Hyoudou Issei is very distressed lately.

He was a normal high school student, living a single life of dreaming of Opie all day long, but suddenly one day he was confessed by a beautiful girl, so he had a beautiful girlfriend, but the beautiful girlfriend was actually a fallen angel and came to kill himself.

So he was killed.

After he was killed, he came back to life and became a demon, and he had a master, but this master was the one that Kazushige Hyodo wanted.

After becoming a demon, Kazushige Hyodo began to live the life of a demon, handing out flyers and running businesses, but during one of these businesses he met a nun, Aisha Alger, who was framed by an exorcist and then killed by a fallen angel, but fortunately she was saved by her master, Liesl, and became a demon just like himself.

It was a peaceful life that began to fluctuate greatly after becoming a demon, but Ichimaru Hyodo didn't hate it because there were many beautiful girls in the supernatural research department to which he belonged as a demon, and most importantly, his own minister, Llyas, and his senior sister, Juno Himejima, all had huge Opies, which was just too happy.

A few days ago, a yellow-haired man suddenly came and said he was Minister Liesl's fiancé, and it was obvious that Minister Liesl was reluctant to be his fiancée, but he insisted that he was his fiancée, and he looked extremely tough, so Minister Liesl suggested using a ranking game to determine whether or not to get married.

"Ah... The minister said he wants special training, who knows what special training will be."

As usual, Hyogo Issei was walking bored on his way to school, he was going to do some kind of special training in a few days, so Hyogo Issei was thinking about what special training was and what kind of special training was needed to defeat that yellow hair.

"Dad! I want this!"

There was a sweet loli sound coming from the side, but it was just ordinary to Yicheng's ears, Yicheng liked Opie, huge Opie, not loli, of course if it was childishly huge, or huge loli, it was acceptable!

Curiously, I turned my head to look at the dessert shop on the side of the road.

In front of the dessert shop was a middle-aged man standing there, while on his shoulder sat a very cute little black-haired girl, wearing a black gothic dress and a pair of black shoes, sitting on the man's shoulder swinging his bare little legs, holding the man's neck with one hand, and pointing at a dessert in the dessert shop with a wistful face.

The middle-aged man, on the other hand, had a blank face, but with his red eyes, he looked fierce, and his body was especially strong, looking like he should be almost 2 meters tall, wearing a strange outfit, like a robe, white trousers, the top half of his body was naked, showing all his muscles, and then that robe was something like a red cloak on the back, with a strange pattern on it. Then there was a very sleek and even reflective bald head, the whole thing gave the impression of being very heavy and an Arabian style.

After the little girl kicked her little legs and pointed to the dessert shop next to her and spoke, the middle-aged man stopped to look and without speaking, took the little girl directly into the dessert shop.

"Strange father and daughter, so big, still carrying on the shoulder, a little overindulged, although very cute, and kitten like very cute, but unfortunately not huge ~ breasts, and looks like a foreigner, even in Japan dressed like that, engaged in like cosplay."

After watching the strange father-daughter combo walk into the dessert shop, Issei sputtered and turned around to continue on his way to school.

"Did you meet anyone just now, Issei?"

A strangely shaped blood-red hand armor with emeralds suddenly appeared on Issei's left arm and emitted a voice that appeared low and majestic.

"Draeger! How did you get out!"

One Cheng looked at his left hand in amazement, this belongs to his divine artifact, one of the God extinguishing tools [Red Dragon Emperor's Cage Hand], is a very powerful divine artifact, which hosts the soul of one of the two heavenly dragons [Red Dragon Emperor] Dreger, who was killed by Az-Dakha, after Dreger was killed by Az-Dakha, God speaks its soul from the body to take out and seal it in, because of the existence of Dreger, [Red Dragon Emperor's Cage Hand] has the ability to multiply unlimited power, theoretically can be the user's power multiplied to the point where a punch can kill the gods and demons.

But unfortunately, the number of times he could multiply was very limited, so the increase in power was very little, otherwise he wouldn't have been upset about not being able to beat that yellow hair, this special training Yi Cheng was going to train himself ruthlessly, so that he could multiply even more to defeat the other side!

"I just felt two particularly powerful scents while I was sleeping, and they were familiar, as if I've seen them somewhere before, so I asked if you've met someone."

In response to Issei's question, Dreger answered truthfully.

"A particularly powerful scent? I didn't meet anyone ah, angels, demons, fallen angels didn't meet anyone, I just met a group of father and daughter who went to the dessert shop to buy dessert, you can't say that father and daughter are the powerful breath you're talking about."

Issei also answered truthfully.

"Is it possible that you're mistaken, Dreger? Can you feel it now?"


Dreger fell silent for a moment.

"Well, one of them feels a lot like that guy, and the other one looks a lot like the guy who killed me, but father and daughter, that's probably impossible, I think I'm mistaken."

"Hey, hey, Dreger, you still haven't told me how you died, even Minister Lias said you were especially strong from what you said, but if you're that strong, why did you die, and now you're saying that the guy who killed you, which guy was able to kill a guy as strong as you."

Issei was curious about the guy who killed him that Dreger had said, what kind of being could kill the powerful Dreger?

"I don't know much about that guy either, at first I thought that guy was the three-headed dragon that just threw around hair books, but it wasn't, I was the one who attacked first and was killed with a punch, along with Arupion, and I only got to know that guy a little bit when I met a few hosts after being sealed into the artifact."

Issei still didn't understand much about the guy Dreger was talking about, but it felt strong.

"Never mind, I just don't know who it is, I'd better hurry to school now, you go back first Dreger."


The red gauntlet disappeared, and Issei continued on to the school.