The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 9

"Thank you. This is the first time I heard your compliment!" Laura laughed playfully.

In fact, Laura is quite beautiful, with fair skin, not as rough as Western women's skin, but similar to the delicate skin of Eastern women.

Although there is no screw as charming as a bright rose, Laura belongs to the kind of very attractive beauty, restrained, and blue-hearted, giving people a sense of peace.

This was only the second time I met. I don't know why Situ Nan made such an evaluation of this two-faced woman.

"Really? It's just telling the truth." Situ Nandao, seeing Laura holding a stack of paper in her hand, which seemed to be musical notes, she couldn't help asking: "By the way, what are you holding in your hand? Is it a music score?"

"Yes. It's a pity that this song is not complete." Laura said regretfully.

Situ Nan took it over and took a look. It turned out to be the sheet music of "My Heart Is Eternal". Although there are some mistakes, it is rare that Laura wrote down 70% to 80% of it, and she can see that she has also studied music.

"It's this song! I want to help you complete it, okay?" Situ Nan has understood Laura's meaning, and it is rare for anyone to appreciate it. He is very happy to put the fragments in order.

Situ Nan took the pen and paper handed over by Laura, (she even prepared this!), corrected the wrong place in less than five minutes, and did not upload the remaining part.

"If you add a violin and a cello together, the effect will be better." Laura hummed the melody and said, "By the way, is you the author of this song? It's really amazing."

"It's not me. It was written by a man named James Cameron. But he is a prodigal and is dead." Situ Nan said.But Master Card really burns money when filming, and the audience is just like him!

"Oh. What a pity," Laura said.

Maybe it was too much pressure in the past two days. Now there is a chance to talk, so Situ Nan looked a little excited and talked a lot about music with Laura.

In fact, Laura is still a good chat friend, and she has only been in contact with her twice, but Situ Nan found that Laura is very warm and generous, straightforward and easy-going, and does not have the unruly and willful way of the rich lady.

"By the way, does this song still have words? Once I heard you sing it on the deck, it should be this melody, but unfortunately I didn't hear it clearly." Laura said with a smile, her blue eyes looking at Situ clear. south.

"You're right, it's a song with the filled-in words, but I only met you twice in total. When did you hear me singing?" Situ Nan asked curiously.

"You often play the harmonica below, and sometimes you sing a few words. I saw it on the deck above you, but you didn't notice it below. Hey." Laura said with some pride.

Situ Nan was about to say something when there was a marching music on the boat, which in Molly's words was like a charge cavalry-it was time for dinner.

"I'm leaving. Nice to talk to you. Remember that you owe me a lyrics." Laura raised her hand and smiled and was about to walk away.

"Hey, wait!" Situ Nan said quickly.

"Is there anything else?" Laura turned her head and found that Situ Nan seemed to hesitate.

"Hmm..." Situ Nan touched his nose and said, "It's actually nothing. Don't be too dead to sleep at night. If something happens, remember to run to the upper deck immediately."


"Don't ask why, let's talk about it if you have a chance! I have something to do, go and eat!" Seeing Laura's puzzled eyes, Situ Nan didn't bother to explain, turned and left.

As for the lyrics, maybe the two will never see each other again.

"This guy, it's the same again. Why does he leave without finishing talking every time." Laura was annoyed.

Chapter 9 Fate

After eating and taking over the shift, it was completely dark.

The weather is cold and the wind is bleak. There are no passengers on the deck in the mood to come out to stay tonight.The Titanic provides heating to every room, so passengers stay in the room to enjoy the warmth of the room.

The worst is the two guys on the watchtower. The wind will not take those two guys coldly tonight.But buddy, you have to be optimistic, don't be careless.

Situ Nan prayed secretly in his heart.

In the wee hours of the morning, Situ Nan had just given a pee and trembling several times in a row.When I came back, I saw two figures hugging each other below. One of them was a woman in white clothes. A man and a woman were kissing each other. Isn't this Jack and Rose?

Alas, Situ Nan suddenly remembered that there was a scene in the movie where the two watchmen above were busy watching other people make friends, but they forgot to look at the iceberg in front of them. As a result, the Titanic really hit the iceberg.

Situ Nan just looked up and heard a wretched laughter from above.

Sure enough, these two bastards, why don't they get involved!?Situ Nan felt a chill piercing through his spine and immediately shouted: "Lookout, look ahead!"

In the silent night, suddenly there was a cry from below, "Papa" as if something was broken.Observer A subconsciously followed the instructions of the voice below to look at the sea in front of him. In the dimness, he noticed that there were two table-sized objects not far from the bow of the ship. He took a closer look. Damn, it was really an iceberg!Watcher A immediately raised the alarm.

"Dangdang..." The second officer Murdoch finally answered the phone, and immediately came the hurried shout of the watchman above: "Iceberg, there is an iceberg in front."

"Pop!" Murdoch immediately unplugged the phone and shouted at the cab: "Turn left, turn left." Almost at the same time, First Officer Mu also shouted to turn left.

Mu saw that the iceberg was getting bigger and bigger, and the Titanic rushed past in the same direction. While the lights flickered, Mu rushed into the cab again. Even Murdoch’s coffee hits into the air, and Mu quickly clicked. The warning for immediate reversing was sent to the power compartment below. The well-trained sailor immediately turned off the throttle valve and released the high-pressure steam. Before the propeller stopped completely, the sailor immediately pressed the transmission switch and the huge crankshaft was in place. The steam began to reverse under the force of the steam, and the thrusters began to reverse, hoping to slow the Titanic's forward speed.

All this was done in a short time, and the British sailors are indeed well-trained!Now that the rudder was turned to the end, and the propeller was desperately backing up, Mu stood nervously by the railing in front of the cockpit and watched the Titanic deviate from its original direction with little difficulty.

"Hurry up, hurry up," Mu kept chanting.

"Bang!" With a fierce impact, the Titanic did not hit the iceberg head-on, but made a side collision with the iceberg. A huge block of ice was crushed and fell onto the deck of the Titanic.

What’s more serious is that the underwater part of the Titanic collided with the iceberg violently, like a sharp sickle passing by. Starting from the bow, the hull under the Titanic was opened with a 90-meter-long hole. Five watertight cabins were cut on the spot, and a large amount of sea water was continuously pouring into the cabin.

However, the specific situation is being confirmed, and the result will have to wait a while before it comes out.It took less than a minute from the discovery of the iceberg to the impact of 40 seconds, and now the Titanic has stopped, tightly against the iceberg, like a dead fish, yes, in the eyes of Situ Nan, it is like a death with scales off. Fish out.

"Hahaha! It really is like this!" Situ Nan smiled miserably, his white teeth reflected in the opaque light, which was unreasonable.

When Situ Nan returned to the driver's cab, he was hearing Mu instruct a sailor to record the time on the nautical log. When he saw Mu with a sweaty face, he was in shock and panic.

"Mu, why didn't you just crash into the iceberg? I have already told you to do so, but in the end you still gave the order to transfer the tuo. It's really God's will."

Situ Nan felt extremely distressed, everything happened so fast that everyone was caught off guard.

In such a short period of time, there is no room for hesitation at all. First Mate Mu is almost subconsciously operating, changing places, no one can do better.

Now Mu has closed all the waterproof cabins, it is up to God to decide whether to live or die.

Just when several people were looking at each other, Captain Smith came in: "What's the matter!"

"Iceberg, we hit the iceberg, I tried my best to turn the car and ordered the reverse, but the distance was too short, the boat still hit the iceberg." Mu replied nervously.

Captain Smith's face remained calm, but the gray beard moved slightly, and the old man tried his best to maintain his inner calmness.

In this regard, Situ Nan had to admire him, and saw that while he ordered all the engines to be turned off, he walked quickly to the side of the ship and took a look, and he knew what was going on.

"Find a maintenance worker and report the damage!" Smith ordered Mu.

After Mu walked away, Smith couldn't help but glance back at the iceberg next to the Titanic. The sea was constantly surging at the impact. You can imagine that the sea below is rushing into the ship desperately. It's leaning a little bit.

The problem is serious. Smith's heart sank and he felt painful. He regretted it very much. He had received the iceberg warning a long time ago. This kind of weather really can't drive so fast.

But he is the captain, the brain of a ship, everyone listens to him, he is the backbone of the ship, so you must not panic at this time.

The ship vibrated strongly, awakening the passengers' dreams.

The designer Andrew was tasting the wine, and suddenly felt a strong vibration, and the crystal chandelier on the ceiling was shaken.