The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 75

1 dollar tip!Make this lucky guy happy for days!

After a long time, Situ Nan's memory was a little fuzzy, but after humming several times, he finally memorized him.

I didn't know that the person on the boat suddenly shouted: "Ah America..." So everyone on the boat boiled.

Situ Nan looked up and saw that the outstanding statue of Liberty, holding the torch of freedom, standing silently on the beach, overlooking the sea!

This is the place of one's own reincarnation!Situ Nan said silently.

Every time it seems to start from here, set sail and return.

Situ Nan put away the silently written lyrics and stuffed it into his pocket. When he disembarked, he couldn't help but glance back at the Virginia. There was a man drowning in his own world on the ship, pure and free, like a ship, the sea, and The piano is all he has.

And where is my world?Just underfoot!Situ Nan said to himself, this time he wanted more!

Chapter 52 Robes' Ambition

"Hi! Stoney!" Situ Nan was hugged enthusiastically by Robles as soon as he walked out of the dock.

It's been a long time since Situ Nan also missed this friend who used to make suggestions by his side, so it is rare that Situ Nan gave Robles a cheek kiss.

In Zhou Xingchi's words, it is sympathy and sympathy.

"Stoney, today I left a hundred and eighty-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-minute business today.

Robles exaggeratedly said that this playful tone didn't want to be American at all. It must have been badly influenced by someone. Poor talk is not a bad habit, but don't be mean to a man.

After his gags like this, Situ Nan seems to have returned to the time when the two were at Harvard a few years ago. They are close to Zhu, and they are black. After just a few months of getting along, Robles has learned Situ Nan. Style humor.

"I came to inspect the work today. If I didn't do a good job, I'll deduct your salary." Situ Nan suddenly scowled, but looking at Robes' disdainful eyes, he knew that the boss's might not shake in front of him. , Situ Nan was defeated in less than three seconds.

The two laughed.

"Get in the car!" Robles gave Situ Nan a lot of face today, driving himself as a driver.

Situ Nan took a look, this car is not bad, new Buick!The contour lines are relatively smooth, and the piano paint is better-looking than the one in Situ Nan's house, which is more in line with Situ Nan's taste.

"Let’s live in my house this time! Go and see my new house! The mansion you just bought is on Madison Avenue. You will like it." Roberts asked after getting on the bus, and he wanted Situ Nan to sit The long ship, from the west to New York, is probably tired!

"Okay! Let me open my eyes!" Situ Nan said.

He was not in a rush to work for a while, thinking that Madison Avenue was the place where the wealthiest people in New York lived. Even those with less than one million worth of money would be embarrassed to live there.

Situ Nan really never thought about buying a luxury house in New York!I have been to New York twice before. Situ Nan hasn't made a fortune yet, and he has no money to afford it, but the schedule is relatively tight, and he rushed back to the west without stopping.

But this time, it is estimated that it will take several months to live. Situ Nan was inspired by Robles and also had the desire to buy a house in New York.

Robles did not disappoint Situ Nan. The car stopped at No. 48 on Madison Avenue. In front of Situ Nan was a graceful and luxurious mansion. The copper-inlaid gate had lifelike patterns in it. The ancient Greek-style pillars are carefully crafted, with a wide field, fountains, statues, swimming pools, and everything else. The view here is wide and the door opens up to Madison Avenue. In addition, the people who live here are rich. , Can be described as a rare treasure.

Situ Nan looked at it and liked it secretly.Although his mansion in Los Angeles is not bad, it is obviously not as artistic as Robles.

The decoration inside is also exquisite and luxurious, typical of bourgeois corruption!

What made Situ Nan the most jealous was the art collections, especially the blue and white porcelain on the shelf!Situ Nan wished to hold him in his arms immediately.

What makes Situ Nan angry is that there is still a handwriting of an ancient Chinese master hanging in the room!

"Art treasure!" Situ Nan said with emotion.

The antique charm made Situ Nan feel like a cat scratching his heart. He decided to take these two treasures back anyway.If the treasures left by these ancestors fall into the hands of a foreigner like Robles, it is better to let me, a descendant of Yan Huang, get it.

These Chinese artworks were either plundered by foreigners from China, or bought at low prices from cultural relic dealers, and then smuggled and sold abroad, and finally entered the collections of the wealthy foreigners.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, I don't know how many Chinese cultural relics were lost abroad. This is a sad thing.

Situ Nan thought to himself as if he could also collect some Chinese cultural relics. Anyway, it is not bad for money. The things of the old ancestors are in the hands of his unscrupulous descendants, and there will be a day when they return to Zhao.But it's hard to say in the hands of others.

"Robos, I fell in love with these two gadgets, can you let me play for a while?" Situ Nan said with a greedy smile.

"No, no, Stonney, I bought this for a big price," Robles said, shaking his head like a rattle.

How could he not know Situ Nan's thoughts?Those art collections were all left by the former owner of this house. Robles didn't spend much when he bought them, but he was familiar with it. It really hurts to ask Robles to send these things to Situ Nan!

"Let's talk! You make a price!" Situ Nan looked like he was determined to win.Whether this person is a gentleman or not, a gentleman does not take advantage of others.

"Are you serious?" Robles looked at Situ Nan. In fact, it doesn't matter if you give these two artworks to Situ Nan. Everyone doesn't need the money, but Robles doesn't want Situ Nan to make it so easy. It's done.

He rolled his eyes, there is it!A thought came to him suddenly.

"Well! You can get them, but you have to agree to a plan with me!" Robles said pretentiously, "This is a big deal."

"How old?" Situ Nan asked.

Robles held out a finger.

"Okay! Ten million is ten million," Situ Nan said.

"No, it's 100 million dollars!" Robles said solemnly.

"What?" Situ Nan was taken aback, what does this guy want to do?Suddenly losing such a large sum of money?

Situ Nan knew that Robles would not do anything unsure. The business that Situ Nan handed over to Robles has always been well managed, earning more and losing less. Like in the past two years, Robles has put them in their hands. The assets have doubled or tripled.

The Hanniper Fund that Situ Nan handed over to Robles inflated from more than 100 million U.S. dollars to two or three billion U.S. dollars, but the stock price still has the potential to rise, and Situ Nan was still reluctant to cash out.

After the outbreak of the European War, the U.S. stock market fluctuated, leaving Situ Nan almost fishing in troubled waters. He made waves on the stock market and futures, speculating wildly, and took away 300 million US dollars from it.

This is more than astronomical figures. At that time, he almost fled, left New York, went to Houston, and finally returned to Los Angeles.

At that time, Robles Securities was not well established at this time. After Situ Nan left New York, a part of the money was reinvested in the stock market, buying steel, coal, railways, and gunpowder at low prices. The stocks of major companies such as oil, which are closely related to the war, have been spurred by the war and their stock prices have been rising.

These astronomical stocks were held by a secret fund, the Hannibal Fund, initially managed by Robles, but now they have returned to Situ Nan.

In the past two years, the efforts of Situ Nan and Robles have paid off very well.The military stocks held by the Hannibal Fund have soared like chicken blood, so Robes has more energy to engage in his favorite financial speculation business.

Despite earning a lot of money, this is not what Robles most wants to do, because the Hanniper Fund values ​​long-term benefits. It is investing in business, not speculative activities. The shares held by the Hannibal Fund have already It has been more than two years, but none of them have been sold to cash out.

Robles knew that Situ Nan was waiting for the opportunity for the United States to declare war before cashing out. Now it seems that the time is not far away.Engaging in financial business on Wall Street is more agile than ordinary people, especially international events, every move will affect the vibration of the stock market.

Most of those stocks were selected by Situ Nan, and Robles was just implementing Situ Nan's will, so proud people like him are more willing to do work that can fully reflect their own level.

What he enjoys is the passion of operating capital and making waves, so this time Robles is ready to do something earth-shattering.This matter, in Robles’ plan, could not do without Situ Nan, who would call him the big benefactor!

"Tell me about your plan?" Situ Nan calmed down. He wanted to know what kind of plan it was, and it would cost such a large sum of money. If it is really profitable, you might as well try again!

Situ Nan's first choice was to borrow from the bank. With his credit, he could lend a large sum of money. If it wasn't enough, he would cash out part of the stock.

As long as Occidental Petroleum is still there, Situ Nan can make a comeback even if he falls.What's more, in terms of vision, few in this world can surpass him.