The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 77

"Then why don't you go to the British? Morgan kept the price down. The British are already in a hurry. We can buy some US Treasury bonds from them at a slightly higher price. I believe they will not refuse." Nan suggested.

"Isn't this a trivial matter? Take food from Morgan's gang of predators and offend them all at once. This matter must be careful."

Robes felt a little hesitant. He didn't think about what Situ Nan said, but now that Robes Securities is not strong enough to fight against the bankers on Wall Street.

This piece of fat is really greedy, and Robles is really reluctant to give up easily.

"Do you really want to do it? Is it too irrational to offend those Morgan?"

Robes asked.

"I understand what you mean. This matter is not as complicated as you think. Morgan and the others want to keep the price down, of course, but they even want to get U.S. Treasury bonds in the hands of the British. Our little bit will not affect them. But talk to them beforehand. No matter what you say, it can be regarded as opening a gap for them from the British!

Think about it, after the British sold us part of the U.S. Treasury bonds, this was far from enough. Naturally, they would sell it to Morgans, and Morgans would trade with the British.

Our appearance is just a foreplay or catalyst for their trading.Don't think too much.You have forgotten the rules of survival on Wall Street.The hand is fast and the hand is slow, starving to death the timid, supporting the courageous."

Situ Nan cheered Robes.

"Okay!" Robles nodded.

Situ Nan said what he felt, Situ Nan's must have just pushed him at the end.

I can drink some soup with Morgan, but I might as well pounce on myself to tear a piece of meat and eat to be full. The wolfish Robles has his eyes and made a plan to make a decision.

Situ Nan knew that the United States would join the war in a while, and that the US government would issue more war bonds. Haven't these bonds been handed over to Wall Street banks to sell to the American people?

Time is tight and there is a lot of meat. I believe Morgan and the others would not mind the small piece of meat Robles snatched from them.

At the same time, this is another good opportunity for Robles Securities to hold money!

This is not an ordinary business, it is about the destiny of the country.

This is a golden opportunity.The stage of the Americas is a bit too small for Wall Street or the White House.

Only money is God on Wall Street!The bankers’ decisions are enough to influence the policies of the White House, and sometimes the president has to succumb to the power of Wall Street. This tradition has been around for a long time.

Situ Nan was intrigued by Robles, and this opportunity should not be missed.

Then the two stayed in the room all day.It took less than three to five months to complete this matter, and it was impossible to do it completely with two people. In order to be able to feed themselves in the next fattening, Robes Securities had to urgently recruit a group of brokers.

Regardless of his past and present, Situ Nan is no stranger to Wall Street, and he is now qualified to have a place there.

As the major shareholder of Robles Securities, Situ Nan has entered his company for the first time!

Robles Securities is located at 18 Wall Street, Manhattan, New York City. The entire 25-story building, more than 10,000 square meters, was bought by Robles.Surrounded by major financial institutions in the United States, very close to the New York Stock Exchange, JP Morgan Chase, Citibank and other major banks are nearby, in addition to a large number of small and medium-sized financial companies, Situ Nan just saw at the door The famous Merrill Lynch Securities in the past is right across from Robles Securities!

Like Robles Securities, Merrill Lynch was only established in 1914, but he did not have a wealthy Stuart behind him like Robles Securities, so the scale was still small and not enough to compete with Robles Securities. On par.

With the spoiler of Situ Nan, it is hard to say whether the Merrill Lynch in front of him can become a world-class super-large investment bank like in the previous life, at least Robes Securities will always hold him down.

Situ Nan knows that Merrill Lynch has always been known for excellent financial management in his previous life. If this is the case in this life, maybe suggesting that Robles find an opportunity to swallow him?

The myth of capital is played on Wall Street every day. This is a game that makes people's heart beat faster and adrenaline soars.

Someone loses and some wins, some jumps off the building and some eat meat. To put it bluntly, it is a super casino, and everyone depends on their ability.

The financial market is full of conspiracies and traps. If you are not careful, you will lose your fortune. Every institution here cannot be underestimated, so you must be cautious enough to stay here every day.

Due to the limitation of construction technology, the floors of Wall Street are not high at present, generally 20 or 30 floors. They are not as high as the skyscrapers of dozens or hundreds of floors as seen by Situ Nan in the previous life. However, they stand on the top floor of the Robles Securities Building The office has a bird's eye view of Wall Street, and there is pride in my heart.

"This feeling is great!" Situ Nan exclaimed.

His office is opposite Robles' office. Although Situ Nan rarely comes, as the company's behind-the-scenes boss, his office is naturally magnificent.

"After feeling, we are going to have a meeting! The executives of the company have not met your big boss yet!" Robles joked that he couldn't repay the trust Situ Nan gave him and he could only work hard to run this business. The company, let him become a giant on Wall Street, this is also Robes's wish.

Human energy is limited. Even an omnipotent person can't do everything well. Compared with financial speculation, Situ Nan still prefers to engage in business down-to-earth. After the business is successful, Situ Nan's next goal is a commercial bank.

Commercial Banks Commercial banks are businesses operating in currency with the main business of operating industrial and commercial deposits and lending, and the purpose of obtaining profits.It is different from a speculative institution such as Robles Securities.

At present, most financial institutions in the United States, such as J.P. Morgan, Citigroup, etc., are engaged in speculative business, and they also have commercial banks under their umbrella. They form a financial system of their own. Until the financial crisis in 1929, Roosevelt introduced policies to prohibit commercial banks from participating in finance. Speculation.Morgan and Rockefeller had to operate their commercial banks independently.

Robles Securities also does not have its own commercial bank.Apart from Situ Nan, his source of funds, he was also other investors on Wall Street.Unlike Citibank, which has huge branches to absorb large amounts of deposits.

Because of Situ Nan's push, Robles became the chairman and president of Robles Securities.Most of the financial affairs were handed over to Robes by Situ Nan, and the name of a chairman seemed nothing to Situ Nan.

If he wants to show the limelight, he doesn’t have to grab the hat from Robles, because after the successful speculation, Situ Nan plans to set up a commercial bank, mainly used as a settlement center for his own industries, just like Rockefeller’s Citibank As the clearing center of Mobil, it is so awesome!

Now Situ Nan just wants to transfer financial speculation to Robles, and he will be mainly responsible for investment in oil and other industrial fields in the future.

However, the company's major decisions still need to be decided by Situ Nan, like this time the US Treasury Bond Robles can't be the master alone, so he has to discuss with Situ Nan before making a decision.

Chapter 54 Analyst Graham and Trader Jesse

At the high-level meeting of Robes Securities, the seniors of Robes Securities finally met Situ Nan, the big boss behind the company.

"Everyone, this gentleman next to me is our company's major shareholder, Mr. Stoneny William!" At the beginning, Robles pointed at Situ Nan who was sitting on his left.

"Wow!" The ground thundered!

There were more than ten senior officials of Robles Securities who attended this meeting. They were already surprised that Robles was young. At a young age, in his twenties, he controlled a room that was in the upper middle and upper levels of Wall Street. The securities company in China is already quite remarkable. Regarding the source of Robes’ huge amount of funds, some senior brokers are speculating whether Robes comes from a hidden family in Europe.

In the past two years, under the leadership of Robles, the company has been developing well, one after another successfully conquered these proud guys, and they gradually ignored Robes’ age.

They did not expect that there was a Stuart younger than Robles hiding behind the company.

Oh my god, is this still alive?

People are better than people, better than dead people!

At the beginning, many people secretly sighed, but they didn't show much excitement on their faces. Everyone is an old man, and the self-control is still very strong. Which guy who can mix on Wall Street is not a human?

In fact, not only Stuart, Robles, but most of the senior management of Robles Securities are young people. They come from prestigious schools and have been engaged in the financial business on Wall Street for at least ten or eight years, and more than thirty years have passed. Helpers are generally promoted to the middle or high-level of the company, with rich experience and contacts. If it is not for the good conditions, and the strength and good development momentum of Robles Securities, Robles can’t attract such industry elites. Too!

Situ Nan stood up, nodded and smiled slightly, which is considered to have met.The surprise in everyone's eyes, Situ Nan has long been used to it.Then Robes continued the company's senior management.

Speaking of which, there are really a few big bosses hidden inside!

Benjamin Graham, known as the "Godfather of Wall Street", is one of them.

Benjamin Graham was born in London on May 9, 1894.When he was a baby, he moved to New York with his parents following the American gold rush.Graham's early education was completed at Brooklyn Middle School.When he was studying at Brooklyn Middle School, he not only had a strong interest in literature and history, but also an extraordinary love for mathematics.He likes the rigorous logic and inevitable result shown in mathematics, and this logical reason is always the most lacking in the financial investment market characterized by blindness and impulse.

After graduating from Brooklyn Middle School, Graham was admitted to Columbia University to continue his studies.Although he had to live under the pressure of survival during his studies at Columbia University, he had to work part-time to maintain his life and pay high tuition fees, but he calmly faced the ups and downs of life and under the guidance of a group of excellent mentors, he took a deeper look. Lie into books and learning, and constantly draw nourishment from knowledge.

In 1914, Graham graduated from Columbia University with honors and second place in the class.But in order to improve the family's financial situation, Graham needed to find a better-paying job. For this reason, he gave up the opportunity to stay in school and started to enter Wall Street with the recommendation of Principal Kabel.

However, he did not enter the Newberg-Henderson-Lauber company that made him famous like history, nor did he meet Newberg, who was kind to him. Instead, he entered Wall Street by mistake. The new Robles Securities.