The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 89

"This is my partner, the big boss of Robles Securities Company, Stoney William." Robles introduced.

"Hello, Mr. Morgan. I have heard of your name a long time ago, especially the old Mr. Morgan, who is the idol of American bankers!" This is Situ Nan's tribute to the Morgan family.

"Call me Jack! My friends call me that." Little Morgan said enthusiastically, taking a sharp look at Situ Nan.

"Well, you can also call me Stoneney, what my friends call me too." Situ Nan said.

"Wine or coffee?" Little Morgan asked. He rang the bell and the servant came in with a drink.

A portrait of Old Morgan hangs in the living room. In the portrait, the unangered and prestigious old man looks very similar to Morgan in front of him. He has a high nose, wide face, and piercing eyes, almost printed by a single print. The father and son are equally tall. , Strong, although Situ Nan is also 1.8 meters tall, but in terms of physique, he is really inferior to this bearish little Morgan.

"This is my dad! He is a great man!" Little Morgan said of his father with a look of admiration.

Judging from the portrait, Little Morgan is a little bit different from his old man. Little Morgan did not inherit his old man's rosacea, and his facial contours were softer.

Judging from the appearance, there is a bit of a bluish taste.

This is also related to aura. A person’s aura is not inborn, but formed through continuous accumulation. The more accomplished characters, the more abundant their experience, and the more they are used to big winds and waves, the more they will inadvertently reveal themselves. Extraordinary momentum.

Calculating carefully, it has been less than four years since the death of Mo in 1913. As the new leader in charge of Morgan's empire, Little Morgan's momentum cannot be underestimated.

Although he was already middle-aged when he took office, it is not something everyone can do to control a group of proud soldiers under the Morgan Empire.

Fortunately, the smart little Morgan has learned to share power. Compared with his arbitrary and grumpy Lao Tzu, the little Morgan who lacks prestige is more gentle. He respects and reuses the Morgan family partners in exchange for the recognition and approval of those old men. stand by.

After taking the charge of Morgan, Jack adopted a wise self-protection approach. He did what Pierpont would never do-delegate power to Davidson, Lamont and others, and take charge of the overall situation with a dashing attitude.

He was not influenced by his father's hot temper or personality, nor did he feel threats from his talented peers. He was proud of his solid protagonist position.

The alliance of interests that learns to share is solid. Although his father, Morgan, is not as talented in speculation as his father, Morgan is stronger than Morgan in terms of popular insights.

In the past few years, Morgan’s talent and sincerity have touched Thomas Davidson, the veteran of the Morgan Empire, Tom Lamont, etc., with the assistance of Davidson who is good at communication and Lamont who is good at operating banks. Most of the time Things can be solved without Morgan's hands.This is also a kind of vertical arching!

Little Morgan follows the ancestral motto, has been very low-key, does not like to deal with people, soft on the outside and strong on the inside, so most Americans think this family is very mysterious.

It was the first time that Situ Nan had seen someone who was talking about the Morgan family. It was false to say that he was not nervous. In his past and present life, the word Morgan was like a big mountain pressing in Situ Nan's heart.

But after so many things, Situ Nan’s nerves have been cultivated strong enough, and people who have experienced too many deaths will have less awe of the things that the world is awed, so even in the face of the famous Morgan, he quickly stabilized. The mentality and attitude became neither humble nor overbearing.

But Morgan's next words surprised Situ Nan, and he almost jumped up.

"Stoney William, Englishman, has Chinese descent, well, he looks handsome." Morgan teased, and then said, "I came to the United States in 1912, and after a short stay in the east, I went to California. He was there. The first oil well, and then the oil field was separately auctioned through auctions to form the California Petroleum Company. Then, it profited greatly from the oil speculation in Texas, and in just a few years, a large-scale company emerged. Oil company. Although he did not hold a position in an oil company, the development of the company has always been under his remote control. Am I right?"

Morgan looked at Situ Nan with a smile.Although few people know that Occidental Petroleum is behind Situ Nan, it is not a secret to people of Morgan's level.

This is a smiling tiger!As fierce as a wolf, and fateful like Xiaoqiang, so the opponent has a headache.

Situ Nan secretly warned himself to be careful not to be deceived by his superficial kindness.

You know, last year this guy fought unarmed with the gangsters, and he survived two shots!

What a ruthless character!

Billionaire, the emperor of Wall Street fought with a penniless anarchist and shot twice?Not every piece of jade has the courage to collide with a tile!If this is spread, the whole world will be a sensation.

This made Morgan's loss of face only spread in a small area. Now Morgan is in the upper hand. Situ Nan really has no courage to tease Morgan's sadness, so he can only slander in his heart.

Why didn't God open his eyes, the bullet hit the nasty guy in front of him in the chest, and he would shoot through it, not hurting him!

It is true that good people do not live long, bad people live for thousands of years!

If there were no Morgans on Wall Street, maybe I could still fish in troubled waters now!You know this guy is a single pass for several generations.

At the same time, Situ Nan also secretly warned in his heart that he must pay attention to safety. If he is accidentally shot that day by someone who does not have long eyes, wouldn't the foundation he created so hard have been cheaper for the American people?

The richer the person, the smaller the courage, because he is afraid of losing so much he has, Situ Nan is no exception, so no one but God can take his life.Situ Nan vowed secretly in his heart.

Morgan didn't know what Situ Nan was thinking, if he could hear Situ Nan's voice in his heart, he would really think he was himself!

Since being touched into the house by an anarchist last year and shot, what Jack Morgan said at the time, brave, brave, brave... but he didn't want to write him a brave word even on his chest. Dare to come again and have a wonderful real-life fight with a certain gangster who has fierce action but very shit marksmanship!

Although many people know this, Jack Morgan patted his chest and said that he was brave when everyone mentioned it, but in fact he has almost stayed in the palace he built with great care in recent years. When going out in the limelight, it is almost "raised in a deep boudoir".

It is also very rare for Situ Nan and Robles to see him.

"Yes. There is no denying that my luck is good." Since Situ Nan has been upset by others, it is better to admit it frankly.

In response to changes, he waited for Morgan to hear what Morgan said.

"To be able to dig so many oil fields at once, this kind of luck is even the envy of that guy. But this is not the main reason that arouses my interest. What impresses me is that in the stock market turmoil of 1914, you passed Shorting the stock market took away a lot of money, but it caused me a lot of trouble."

Morgan's eyes narrowed a little, and the faint expression on his face seemed to be talking about something insignificant.

If you push yourself and give the young man in front of you a little help, I guess the guy who sells oil will feel uneasy!

Morgan thought triumphantly.There is only one oil seller in the United States who can compete with the Morgan family.

When Morgan's words reached Robes and Situ Nan's ears, there was an outrageous wave!

Situ Nan's cold sweat broke out, and he always thought that he had done it very cautiously.

In late July 1914, Wall Street was shrouded in hysteria. People were misled and worried that trade on both sides of the Atlantic would collapse and the recession would intensify.

Americans believe that they cannot survive without European capital.Therefore, they fear that the gold in New York will be taken away and stored in London.

On July 29, after the Tsar mobilized more than 1 million Russian troops, all European markets were closed.

Overseas investors hurriedly realized securities through New York. Since the economic panic in 1907, the New York stock exchange market has never experienced such a sharp plunge in one day.

Situ Nan had anticipated this a long time ago, so he and Robles went short the US stock market during this period, and then went long after the US stock market stabilized, buying large quantities at ultra-low prices.

After going back and forth, they swept away 300 million US dollars from the stock market in a short period of time. They have always thought it was something that was unknowingly, except for the two of them, nobody knew about it.

But I didn't expect Morgan to be spotted at this moment, why not be alarmed?

Robles swallowed hard, and immediately calmed down after facing each other with Situ Nan.

If you don't know what you can do!

Situ Nan never hoped that he would be able to hide it from everyone. He just prolonged the time until he became strong, and he would have enough strength to face even the disgraceful place.

Besides, he only played cards in the rules of the game. As long as he didn't pay a thousand, even Morgan could not easily deal with himself.

Thinking of this, Situ Nan's heart stabilized, his face returned to calm, and he smiled and waited for Morgan to follow.

Chapter 65 Big Tail Wolf

Although the wanton shorting of the stock market has left countless investors at a loss and is somewhat immoral, it is not illegal at all in the market. Whether it is the Rothschild family in Europe or the Morgan family in the United States, they all do the same thing, regardless of the United States. As soon as the stock market had anything to do, Wall Street turned to Morgan for help. The Morgan family also organized New York bankers to rescue the market many times, and they all succeeded.