The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 192

He knew he was a little hasty.But in any case, he will not give up!

Is it a joke?Ye Wang Ye?

Although in reality he can only watch one step and implement it step by step according to the plan, Situ Nan still told Chu Fu in advance to prepare him.

People are forced out!

Chu Fu was silent, he was digesting Situ Nan's words, and then nodded heavily.

"Okay, don't think about it so much. I said that a bit early just now, and I just picked up the strokes!

But there is one thing you should pay attention to. Whether it is a member of a security company or a Chinese worker from China, you should find a way to get them to become a local citizen.It is best to become a Puerto Rican citizen or obtain local residency.Situ Nan said, he almost forgot about it just now.

"Naturalization?" Chu Fu's face suddenly became bitter, "Isn't this bad? The security team is good to say, after all, the company provides them with generous treatment, and many people have moved their families from China. But those from China The workers who come are..."

"What's wrong? We can at least be protected by our plantation. If they all come back after earning a few years of hard money, then how can we keep the land firmly in our hands."

Isn't this in vain?And you think that now that the mainland is so chaotic and the people don’t have a living, there will be more and more people going to work abroad in the future, beyond your imagination.

If they do not take root in the local area, no matter how much we put in it, we will be in vain. If we want to occupy a piece of land, we can only use our people to digest it, otherwise it will be nothing."

Situ Nan explained, "Don't worry! This matter is actually not difficult. In a word, I use force to seduce it and lure it. After a few years, I will contract or sell the land to them, but I don’t believe they won’t. stay?"

Situ Nan said confidently, but he was not very sure in his heart, but if others could, Situ Nan could not show suspicion.

He naturally knew that this was a very difficult thing.The Chinese pay attention to the relocation of their homeland, the fallen leaves return to their roots, and they will not leave their homes until they cannot survive.

Even if he became famous in his party, he still wanted to return to his hometown, I don't know if I want to come back to show off or have other ideas. In short, this is a very unique nation.These thoughts that have been rooted in people's blood for generations are also extremely annoying for Situ Nan, even though he himself was influenced by these thoughts.

But the reality is very cruel. Instead of being driven out of the ocean passively and numbly like in history, it is better to take the initiative and plan some Chinese people to go abroad. At least in any case, it is better than the historical situation.

Situ Nan himself didn't want to fight for hegemony. He just wanted to find a small place for the wandering Han people.

In this way, when he leaves this world, in addition to earning money he can't imagine and enjoying the treatment of a master, he can also do something that he can be proud of.

In fact, most of the Chinese who later moved to the BP Fruit Company in Cuba and other Central and American regions could not go back because the situation did not allow them to go back, so they had to settle down obediently.

As for why a large number of Puerto Rico citizens had to be naturalized, Chu Fu swallowed it to his lips. After this in-depth discussion, he knew that Situ Nan could naturally tell him something, and he didn't need to ask more.

This question is really difficult for Situ Nan to answer.Because a few years later, Puerto Rico merged into the United States, and local residents automatically became American citizens.

Situ Nan's naturalization of the Chinese into Puerto Rico was just a speculation, because he was not sure that if the Chinese were not able to establish a foothold in Southeast Asia in the future, the damn Chinese Exclusion Act might not be abolished without pain until World War II.

This was naturally not the result Situ Nan wanted.In other words, citizenship in Puerto Rico is also an insurance.

Well, although it is a bit flattering to say that, but... it can only be so.

"Come on! Just in order to prevent you from being rejected in Alice Island, the scene that ended up in Cuba will repeat itself! Brother!"

Situ Nan said passionately.

When Situ Nan was so provoked, Chu Fu felt a little eager to move, but when he reached his lips, he became a heavy Taixi-"Hey-remember what I told you last night? I need your support! Although killed It's not too difficult for me to die, but I want to bankrupt him and ruin him! Doesn't he care about these things?"

Chu Fu said depressedly.Only after finishing this matter, he had no worries and devoted himself to Situ Nan's plan.

I knew it would be like this!

Situ Nan thought."If you don't come to me, I will also tell you about this. I have already ordered a people, he will fully support you. But don't be too hasty, the other party's background is not small."

Situ Nan said earnestly.

"Yeah!" Chu Fu nodded, but he was grateful.

Chapter 169 Take Them Back!

"Honey, you ransacked Havana?"

Situ Nan saw Fang Lang and Zhong Jie following Laura, everyone carrying a large bag of things, and couldn't help asking in surprise.

"Huh, I'm exhausted! Stoneney, you didn't know that I went shopping today and found that the things here are so great.

Cigars, coffee, rum, and other specialties are much cheaper than those in the United States.Ha ha!"

Laura shook her chest with a lady's fan, a fine layer of sweat leaking out from time to time on her forehead.

"It seems that the harvest is really good!" Situ Nan said with a smile, took out a handkerchief and gently wiped her face.

The three of the other wolves turned their heads and said: "Thanks! Take a good rest! Let's set off together tonight."

"Okay." Fang Lang put his things on the ground and went out with Zhong Jie and the others.

The three of them have been arranged to board the William, and Situ Nan plans to take them to Los Angeles.

After all, he was born as a dry sailor. Although he was "abducted" to Cuba and planted sugarcane for several years, he still had some skills in running a boat.

Zhong Jie and Li Bing are a bit older, and Situ Nan expects that it will be difficult for them to achieve much in the future, so when they return to Los Angeles, they plan to arrange some easy work for them.

As for Fang Lang, although he was a few years older than Situ Nan, he was less than thirty. He still had a certain degree of plasticity, his brains were flexible, and he was also upright. Situ Nan was going to train him to become a captain.

They were all cigars. Looking at Fang Lang, the large pile of cigars they carried back was piled like a hill in the room.

Situ Nan couldn't help but be surprised: "Wow! Why did you buy so many cigars? Do you use them as a meal?"

"These are great cigars! Nowhere else is this authentic. They cost me $20,000!"

I bought it for you, and gave some to Andrew.His favorite is Cuban cigars."Laura replied.

"Yes, Andrew will like it." Situ Nan echoed.I thought, these cigars should be given away!Otherwise, if you eliminate them all by yourself, it is estimated that these cigars have not finished smoking, and you will have no lungs!

Situ Nan didn't have much preference for cigarettes and cigars and didn't smoke often. Just as he was thinking about how to dispose of these cigars in his heart, he was struck deeper by Laura's next words.

"Of course, I also ordered five hundred cases of the best rum and two tons of good coffee. These are enough for us to use for a few years!"

"Then you don't have to buy so much, right?"

"Since it's here, why not buy more? Anyway, we have the William, and no matter how many things we can carry."

Laura said naturally.

Oh, that was the idea!

What a prodigal daughter!It is said that women are shopaholics, especially rich women who don't take money seriously.

Others drove to sweep the goods, but the one in front of them was driving the boat to sweep the goods. It's too exaggerated!?

Situ Nan had no courage to find out how much she had spent, but it was definitely not a small amount.

But these things are almost all bought by myself, thinking of this, I can't help but feel moved, although Situ Nan has never lacked these things.