The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 301

"There is also the port. The Sydney Harbour will be expanded, and the scale of the future will be several times larger than it is now. The terminal is also a good choice. By the way, I also heard that outside the Sydney Harbour, the government is also planning to focus on the development of Darling Harbour. It is a newly developed port. Although it is not clear that it is suitable to be developed, it certainly has great potential." Cook said.

port?Situ Nan suddenly thought that California Shipping Company does not operate shipping in North America and Asia?The trade between the United States and Asia is getting more and more busy, and Sydney is one of the main ports for the South Pacific route. It coincides with the expansion of the Sydney port. Investment in the port is also appropriate.

"Very well! You have a good grasp of the situation in Sydney, and it has aroused my desire to spend money." Situ Nan smiled, took out the checkbook, and signed another $1 million check.

"This is US$1 million. I entrust you with full authority to deal with this investment. You should buy the wharf in Sydney. It is best to buy all the land to be developed." Situ Nan smiled and handed the check to Cook.

"I won't let you down, wait for my good news." Cook believed himself and decisively accepted the check from Situ Nan.He looked at the number above and found that there was an extra 100,000, so he asked: "Mr. William, you wrote an extra 100,000."

"Since you are so optimistic about this investment, let's just play together. I lent you $100,000, and interest is calculated. From today, you are the second largest shareholder of the Australian Investment and Development Corporation." Situ Nan looked at Cook appreciatively. Cook's ability is really strong, not only with superhuman vision, but also hardworking.It is impossible to be so familiar with the dynamics of Sydney without a lot of hard work.

"Australian Investment and Development Corporation? The second largest shareholder?" Cook was a little stunned.

"Yes. Wasn’t I going to let you register a land trading company? Originally, I only wanted to buy some land in Australia, but after listening to you, I have a new idea. To be honest, the consortium will be in the future. There will be many investments in Australia, which involve complicated land transactions, and it is best to be operated by a land transaction company that we control. So I decided to set up an Australian Development Company. And you are my partner now. Haha." Situ Nan looked at Cook encouragingly.

"This..." Cook took the check in his hand and suddenly felt that the light piece of paper in his hand was heavy.Looking at Situ Nan's sincere smile, Cook felt indescribable gratitude.Although US$100,000 is not a big deal for Situ Nan, it is a huge sum of money for Cook. Moreover, Situ Nan completely regards Cook as a partner rather than an employee who screams at will. This value is Cook I have never experienced it.

"This..." Cook's face flushed red, and his breathing became heavy.Although he tried his best to keep himself calm, the ambition aroused by Situ Nan was swelling and could not be suppressed anyway.

"For the time being, you will work with the Australian Development Company. I will find someone to assist you later. Of course, the company’s shareholders are not only me and you. In the future, Wells Fargo, California Shipping Company and other companies will also have certain Shares. Let’s talk about this first. The specifics will depend on the investment of the consortium in Australia and the role of the Australian Development Corporation."

Situ Nan explained, let Cook understand the role that the Australian development company is about to assume.

To be Situ Nan's partner is like a pie in the sky for him.Cook will naturally not refuse such a good thing.

He knew from Situ Nan's words that the Wells Fargo Bank he worked for was actually a member of a large consortium. In addition to Wells Fargo Bank, the consortium also has other large enterprises.

Looking at Situ Nan's confident expression, it seemed that a single word could determine the affairs of several large companies, and Cook became a little more afraid of Situ Nan's admiration.He faintly realized that if he could successfully complete the task assigned by Situ Nan, he would definitely rise to an unimaginable height.

Situ Nan had been paying attention to Cook's expression, and he had guessed something about Cook's thoughts.Although Australia is not the focus of the William Consortium, even if it fails, it will not be too impressed, but Situ Nan still looks forward to Cook's performance.

As the saying goes, if you want a horse to run, you must fill it first.Many of Situ Nan's investments in Australia have to be handled by Cook, so he naturally wants to give Cook a little incentive.

After Cook left, Situ Nan and Dennis, president of Wells Fargo Bank?Fargo contacted and told him about his investment plan in Australia, and suggested that Wells Fargo headquarters give more support to Sydney.

In addition to Wells Fargo Bank, California Shipping Company also received Situ Nan's telegram, and they all readily supported Situ Nan's decision, especially regarding the terminal. California Shipping Company is the biggest beneficiary and there is no reason to oppose it.

Since Australia is at the node of Sino-US trade and the United States, investment in Australia is also inseparable from the participation of Meihua Trading Company.

In the telegram sent to Yao Hongmin, Situ Nan said in a brisk tone: "Western Australia has more people and fewer people, and Meihua will go quickly."

Sydney also has a Chinatown, but it is very small. Adhering to the Australian government's consistent White Australia policy, there is no room for the Chinese to develop in Southeast Australia.

Situ Nan Cao Cao took a glance at the corner of Chinatown and left Sydney to Melbourne, another big city in Australia no less than Sydney.…

After the US fleet "visited" Jakarta, the Dutch colonial government relaxed a lot of restrictions on US-funded enterprises.Yao Hongmin stays in Jakarta, and is discussing with Huang Zhonghan to buy a stake in Huang Zhonghan Bank.

After receiving the telegram from Situ Nan, he couldn't help but smile wryly: "I haven't gotten things done in Java yet, Situ Nan has found me a job again. I really worked hard. Look."

"Oh?" Huang Zhonghan looked at the telegram and asked in confusion, "Western Australia? Meihua is going to enter Western Australia?"

"Yeah!" Yao Hongmin nodded and explained, "He told me about Australia, saying that Western Australia has things that he likes. And the white power there is very weak, suggesting that I organize Chinese immigration to Western Australia. Alas, this guy, Even if you know what he thinks, you follow a lot of his footsteps."

Yao Hongmin sighed, but still a little proud.

Is there something that Situ Nan likes?Huang Zhonghan was shocked in his heart. These days, he knew a lot about Situ Nan. Things that can be called the favorite of Situ Nan must be very rich.

"Can you give Huang Jia Ginseng a copy?" Huang Zhonghan looked at Yao Hongmin eagerly.

"No problem. Just brother, didn't you just say that you lack funds to invest in sugar factories? Why..." Yao Hongmin asked casually.

"It's a lack of money, but this time I also want to try with you the feeling of colonizing on white land." Huang Zhonghan smiled, with a firm attitude, it seems that he is determined to board the thief ship of Meihua.

Chapter 63-Situ Nan's Eye on Australia

Huang Zhonghan wants to participate in the development of Western Australia, and Situ Nan naturally welcomes it.Although Western Australia lacks water, the land is not as suitable for farming and grazing as Eastern Australia, but this is not difficult for the Chinese.A hardworking Chinese farmer, he can grow crops even in the desert.

Apart from Huang Zhonghan, Situ Nan felt that more Chinese businessmen should be encouraged to invest in the development of Western Australia.Land is not for the Chinese to earn a living.Even if some lucky guys develop in the future, have a wealth of money, and have a deep fascination with land, they will buy land and houses whenever they have spare money. They are still farmers in their bones, but they are richer.This sign also exists in Situ Nan. Otherwise, how could he see that land prices in Australia are cheap and buy land like crazy?

As for the Chinese businessmen who invest money in factories to expand reproduction, it's just that most Chinese businessmen prefer to invest in land.Since these wealthy locals are rich, why not guide them to invest in Western Australia?

Although it's a little far away, it's cheaper, and it can also fulfill many Chinese businessmen's big landlord dreams.If they can't take care of the land themselves, they can send their nephews and brother-in-laws and other cronies to Western Australia to help them take care of them, and they can also help them farming from the domestic hired family. Who doesn't have three sisters and six wives?

Of course, ordinary Chinese businessmen are unlikely to buy large-scale properties in Western Australia, but it is different if Meihua Company comes forward.The Meihua Company bought the land and then sold it to the wealthy merchants in Nanyang.

Situ Nan called this model of land acquisition by Meihua, and Chinese businessmen followed up and developed it.He believes that this model is highly enforceable. As long as someone takes the lead, raising tens of millions of funds from Chinese businessmen in Nanyang will not be a problem.

Through the telegram, Situ Nan took photos of his thoughts to Yao Hongmin, eloquently spreading hundreds of words, and most people can't afford such an expensive telegram.

"Hey! Look, we haven't negotiated a charter yet. Situ has already thought it through." Yao Hongmin smiled at Huang Zhonghan. "It's like doing things with a boss like Situ Nan. It's so violent. If you don't work hard, you can't keep up with him. pace."

"Meihua took the land, and Chinese businessmen followed up and developed it. That's a good point." Huang Zhonghan praised."Know that you are busy, my brother, let me arrange this! I know the bosses of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, and I want to promote it. I guess everyone is interested."

"Brother Huang can take on this matter, it is best. I will arrange the company to cooperate with you."

Seeing Huang Zhonghan took the initiative to undertake the task of developing Western Australia, Yao Hongmin was happy.As the cooperation deepens, as an ally of the United States and China, the Huang family will also take on more and more tasks.Otherwise, only the Meihua company, no matter how strong it is, can't cope with such a big stall.

The development of Western Australia is a model of the combination of Meihua's international marketing capabilities and Nanyang Chinese business capital.After Yao Hongmin and Huang Zhonghan finalized the general plan, they began to contact the Chinese businessmen in Nanyang to promote "Western Australia has a lot of people, but the Chinese go quickly."

After learning that Huang Zhonghan's family would spend one million yuan to purchase 100,000 mu of land in Western Australia, those Chinese families could not sit still.

Meihua’s operations in Western Australia have not yet officially started. The Li Yuanshan family, Zhang Bishi’s family in Ben Thanh, Singapore’s Lu You family, Hu Guolian’s family, Manila’s Li Qingquan family, etc. have all been moved by the wind, and successively sent funds to Meihua’s On account.Or tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, although not like Huang Zhonghan's spending millions, but also enthusiastic.In their words, even if you don't believe that Western Australia is really so good, you can't help but believe in Meihua Company!

With the deepening of the cooperation with Meihua Company, these Chinese businessmen not only learned about the strength of Meihua Company, but also knew the efforts made by Zhi Gong Party for the Nanyang Chinese.Whether it is the inspiration of the spirit or the combination of interests, one must admit the fact that Meihua and the Chinese in Nanyang are getting closer and closer, and the entire Chinese resources in Nanyang have begun to revolve around Meihua.

The one who felt this most quickly was that the Nanyang Revolutionary Party. Their representatives noticed that the attitude of the Chinese businessmen in Nanyang has undergone some subtle changes. It seems that they no longer regard the Revolutionary Party as the savior of the Chinese. Therefore, the funds raised from Nanyang are also increasing. The less.

This is a digression, please click here.

Only poor people realize the importance of money!Of the six continents in Australia, Western Australia in the west is the poorest. The local government’s desire for funds is no less than the pervert’s desire for pornographic women. Therefore, Situ Nan is not worried that the investment of Meihua and Jinshan Mining in Western Australia will be affected by those in the east. Damn White Australiaist obstruction.

Situ Nan just set a strategy for developing Western Australia. As for how to operate, just give Yao Hongmin a click and ignore it. I believe that after so many years, Meihua can apply Nanyang's successful experience to Western Australia....

Melbourne is also a city that has risen due to port trade. During the busy port of Melbourne, the flags of various countries are hung on the ships. They bring tourists and commodities from all over the world, and also spread the name of Melbourne all over the world.

It's a bit lighter than the commercial flavor of Sydney, but more British.In Melbourne, Victorian buildings can be seen everywhere, and it is said that the scale is second only to London, England.

Melbourne is fragrant with birds and flowers, and the green rate is high. The whole city is like a big garden.As the capital of Australia, Melbourne has always been deeply impressed by the United Kingdom. It has a strong British culture. At the same time, it has the openness and clarity of the Australian mainland, not as gloomy and depressing as the British mainland.

Melbourne's climate is more refreshing than Sydney. After experiencing the heat of the tropical climate in Nanyang, I came to the refreshing and comfortable Melbourne. The environment is good. Situ Nan liked this city when he first saw Melbourne.

"I think if there is a chance to spend a holiday in Australia in the future, the first choice should be Melbourne instead of Sydney. You see how clear the water is here, how blue the sky is, how fresh the air is, and the sun is warm and not poisonous. The green flowers on the streets really miss our Beverly Hills!" Situ Nanzan said.

"My dear, it's been more than half a year since I came out this trip. I start to miss Los Angeles and our school." Laura leaned in Situ Nan's arms and said softly.

Their son, Andy, didn't understand what his parents said, but he clapped and yelled excitedly when he saw the beautiful view of Melbourne, and Laura struggled in her arms.

"It's really annoying guy, he's going to crawl on the ground again." Situ Nan put Andy on the floor, and the little guy crawled forward excitedly.