The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 335

Within a few days, there really was a lot of domestic public opinion criticizing Woodrow in the newspaper?Wilson's voice opposed him sacrificing China's Shandong interests in order to satisfy Japan."

Wu Chaoshu recalled.

He didn't expect that things would change gratifyingly.American public opinion unanimously criticized Wilson and put great pressure on him.At that time, Wu Chaoshu was very excited, thinking he would...

"Only in the end, Wilson still couldn't help us. We exchanged our Shandong for Japan's agreement to join the League of Nations. Alas, that night, Gu Weijun and I drank a lot of alcohol and became drunk. He told me a lot and mentioned Stoneney? The name William. He also said that someone would not make Wilson feel better and would scold Wilson for bloody heads. I sounded very confused at the time and gradually forgot."

Wu Chaoshu sighed.Every time he sees the outrageous Chinese outside the Palace of Versailles in Paris, he always feels uncomfortable.

The word shame is deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone in the diplomatic corps.

"Yes! The nature of the world is weak and strong, and weak countries have no diplomacy. Only people who have personal experience will deeply rush to the tingling feeling." Wu Tingfang also said with emotion.He thought of a person-Li Hongzhang!

"The most hateful thing is that those scumbags in Beijing sent a telegram to ask the delegation to sign the agreement? But who would dare to sign such a document?" Wu Chaoshu was angrily.

In fact, after the diplomatic failure of the Paris Peace Conference, most of the members of the delegation were not treated by the Beijing government, and many people were criticized.

The father and son were relatively speechless. After calming down, Wu Tingfang asked, "What does this have to do with Situ Nan?"

"Or yes or no. I heard Gu Weijun tell me in private that Situ Nan had been exerting pressure on the American diplomatic corps and had exerted a lot of effort from it.

It's just that he is a wealthy businessman and he doesn't like to show up, so he is not known.He also guessed, Stone?William went out from China to the wealthy family living in seclusion in the United States.Anyway, Gu Weijun said so, I believe it too, what about Stoneney?William is really the kind of rich man."

Wu Chaoshu said.

"Isn't there a large number of voices against Woodrow? Wilson in the United States? After the Republicans control the Congress, they are preparing to raise a case of no confidence regarding Woodrow? Wilson's poor performance at the Paris Peace Conference!"

Want to say Woodrow?Wu Chaoshu felt very happy in Wilson's embarrassed situation. Although the reason was not very good, he thought so.

He didn't know that not only Situ Nan instructed the Los Angeles Times, but the New York Times and other big newspapers kept attacking Woodrow?Wilson's terrible diplomacy, and he also supports the Republican Party that controls the Congress to demolish the White House. Let Woodrow?Wilson was embarrassed.

German voters hate Woodrow?Wilson, Irish voters don’t like Woodrow either?Wilson, and the western states controlled by the William Consortium are also trying their best to attack Woodrow?Wilson, let him almost become synonymous with failure.

Situ Nan also received good news, is Woodrow?Wilson had a stroke and is almost finished!So no more annoying policies will be introduced, and it indicates that the good times for the consortium are coming.

In any case, the big capitalists will not allow another president who continues his antitrust stance.

The mystery that happened thousands of miles away in the United States is a little far away from the Wu family and his son.

"A re-isolated United States is not a good thing for China! Without the containment of the United States, Japan's aggression here is even more unscrupulous." Wu Tingfang sighed, not gloating like his son.

Unlike a large group of pro-Japanese sects in the Kuomintang, Wu Tingfang is a pro-American sect, as is Wu Chaoshu. This is naturally related to the beauty of their father and son studying abroad.They believe that the high-level members of the Kuomintang are too close to the Japanese, and they are not sure that it will cause catastrophe in the future.

Chapter 93

"Well. It is ironic that Americans will not join the League of Nations designed by Woodrow Wilson. This is Woodrow Wilson's failure." Wu Chaoshu smiled.

"Does this have anything to do with Situ Nan who we are discussing?" Wu Tingfang said with an angry smile.

"Is it right?" Wu Chaoshu smiled.

The father and son are in the same mind and often digress. They don't know where they are going.

"Dad! Situ Nan is not easy! He said he is a businessman, but if he has a certain amount of money, he has great power. And I think Situ Nan is that kind of person!"

Wu Chaoshu resolutely said.

Wu Tingfang was silent.

Hearing what his son said, he realized that he had just turned down Situ Meideng too hasty.Maybe the young man Situ Nanzhen brought any changes?Maybe they still have hidden strengths?

Well, the relationship with Zhi Gongdang has to be managed, but he just rejected the other party, and the only chance to mend it is for Wu Chaoshu to go.

"Tomorrow I have to visit Situ Mansion."

"Tomorrow you have to visit Situ Mansion."

The father and son said in unison, and then smiled knowingly.

The car passed through the noisy urban area and was on the way back. Situ Nan looked at the bustling people on the street, always feeling the breath of business brought to the city, and wanted to inject more industrial power into the city. .

"Tie Yun is a nice boy. Why did I almost forget him? If I can't get an old one, it's okay to have a small one!" Situ Meideng laughed.

"Yeah." Situ Nan replied.

The next day, Wu Chaoshu really came to the door.After entering Situ Mansion, he has been secretly watching Situ Nan.

"I heard that Mr. Wu is not only a lawyer, but also a diplomat? It's amazing!" Laura praised.

"Thank you! But my diplomatic career is not very good. I have no intention of taking up a government position. I am devoted to managing a law firm. I can provide you with the best legal services."

Wu Chaoshu smiled.After seeing the graceful and noble Laura, he was more certain of Situ Nan's mystery and power.

"That's great! Mr. Wu, I have a foundation that runs a lot of charity education activities in China, and I often encounter legal problems. I am looking for a reliable and capable law firm to cooperate with!" Laura said happily.

Cough.Situ Nanqing coughed and said to Laura: "My dear, I still have something to discuss with Mr. Wu. You can find some time to discuss the cooperation of the law firm, okay?"

"Okay! When you finish talking, you can contact Ms. Liu Xiaoxuan of the William Foundation, remember." Laura smiled and left wittily.

After meeting again a day later, Wu Chaoshu's mentality changed a little.This was the first time that he really sat face to face in front of Situ Nan, feeling a little nervous.

After learning about Zhi Gong Dang from his father Wu Tingfang, he thought about it all night last night and found that there were many mysteries bothering him, and the answer might lie in Situ Nan in front of him.

While stirring the coffee gently, Situ Nan watched Wu Chaoshu, feeling that after a night, Wu Chaoshu's temperament had changed slightly, but he couldn't tell the details.

Seeing some bloodshot eyes in Wu Chaoshu's eyes, he asked: "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Yes." Wu Chaoshu nodded, took a sip of fragrant coffee, and asked in a deep voice, "I have some questions in my heart. Mr. Situ, you gave them confidence, didn't they?"

After speaking, Wu Chaoshu held his breath and stared at Situ Nan.

Situ Nan smiled slightly. It is estimated that Wu Tingfang should tell Wu Chaoshu about the matter to the Gongdang. This Wu family and his son probably know something about him.But that's okay. Since everything is said to be clear, just say it straight.

"It can be said that I did give a lot of help to the Communist Party."

Situ Nan generously admitted, "They are doing a difficult and great cause. As blood-connected compatriots, shouldn't they help them? I am proud of them and I am full of confidence in them."

"Yes. We Chinese have been bullied enough, our home country has fallen, and overseas Chinese have been bullied, so we should stand up and fight." Wu Chaoshu nodded.

He understands Situ Nan's ability more deeply than his old son Wu Tingfang, and is not as pessimistic about the future of Zhi Gong Dang as Wu Tingfang.

"Yeah. That's good! Now I invite you to join us in the name of national independence and the rise of China." Situ Nan looked at Wu Chaoshu encouragingly.

This kid rushed to the Situ Mansion early in the morning, which also showed that he was a man of knowledge.One advantage of dealing with smart people is that you don't need to spend so much saliva.

Situ Nan believed that Wu Chaoshu would make a wise decision.

Seeing Wu Chaoshu thinking, Situ Nan added: "Excuse me, now that the Gong Dang can give you a chance to show off your ambitions, why not let your eyes go?"