The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 402

Situ Nan nodded and said in his heart: "Morgan has been slapped repeatedly, either assassinated or exploded. Not to mention him, even if he is tired of those endless strikes. Damn American workers, always If they are not satisfied, let them see how Japanese and Chinese workers work, and they will know how happy they are."

Although it is known that American workers will be transformed into a huge middle class, the big capital of the United States will get more profits, but the development of its factories has not been very strong in the past two years. Situ Nan has no good impression of American workers, although his previous life Also a good wage earner.

The Wall Street bombing is a historic event in the history of the United States. It caused a sensation that completely surpassed the sinking of the Titanic 8 years ago and the US declaration of war on Germany 3 years ago, because it means that the United States will no longer be safe and social The contradiction has escalated sharply, and it has reached the height of crisis of the American social system.

Things have to start from here:

At 12:01 noon on September 16, 1920, during a intensive lunch time on Wall Street, a carriage stopped in the busiest corner of Manhattan's financial district, opposite the headquarters of J.P. Morgan at 23 Wall Street.Later, the 100-pound nitroglycerin explosive in the car was detonated by a timer. The 500-pound cast iron sledge smashed the horse and carriage under the effect of the explosion, killing 38 people and seriously injuring 143 people on the spot.Most of the victims were young people who served as messengers, stenographers, clerks, and brokers.

This caused the New York Stock Exchange to close that day.At 3:30 in the afternoon, the New York Stock Exchange Management Committee met and decided to open normally the next day. The next day, the American Revolutionary Children’s Association originally organized a patriotic rally to celebrate the U.S. Constitution Day at the place where the explosion occurred. People joined the rally to protest the explosion.The explosion caused more than $2 million in property damage, and the interior of the Morgan Building was also severely damaged.

Situ Nan remembered an explosion like this, but forgot the exact time. Fortunately, Robles Securities was not attacked, and William Financial Holdings, which was across the street from 23 Wall Street, was intact, except for a few unlucky traders who happened to be in Morgan. The firm was bombed to death when it delivered its business, and Situ Nan's financial company on Wall Street did not cause any damage.

However, because the Wall Street bombing was the United States following the 1914 World War, the large amount of European capital drew out of the New York stock market caused the abnormal suspension of the U.S. stock market, which severely dampened the confidence of investors, and the loss caused is difficult to estimate, at least on the books. Nan has lost millions of dollars.

With a quick knife to cut the mess, Situ Nan was tired of the terrible and turbulent situation in the United States, and he came back this time to clean up the mountains and rivers.A big explosion on Wall Street exploded the American ruling class and ordinary people with great dissatisfaction with the status quo of the various social turmoil caused by the strike. The next one must be merciless to union leaders, communist leaders, and anarchists. Suppress.

Especially now all public opinion newspapers are accusing the Soviet Union of behind-the-scenes planning, and American communists incited riots and created explosions to retaliate for American interference in the Russian revolution in Murmansk, Vladivostok and other places.Now those bosses who used to be powerful on strike are in trouble because all the sewage will be poured on them.

Situ Nan felt that it was necessary to train some promising politicians in this political incident, and by the way, bring some private goods to clean up the American racists.Because these people generally appear as union leaders, in fact they form cliques and make a living by oppressing other races and ordinary people.

The Chinese generally don’t get together with the reckless Irish or Anglo-Saxons. Although the Zhi Gong Party and Mei Hua Company have appeared, Chinatown has united a lot, and many blatant racial elements have been taken by Mei Hua Company and Zhi Gong. The party was sent to prison.

There are a lot of Italians in California. They are just like the Chinese. They are too angry. The poor Italians can only be mafia except farmers.Maybe it should be with Armani?Janini talk?

Thinking of this, Situ Nan smiled slightly.

"...Mr. William?" George Carter was about to say something when he noticed that Situ Nan was distracted, and he called out twice before he recovered.

"George, I think you should propose a bill to Congress to severely suppress those anarchists and the thugs who caused this tragedy. I believe that wise people will support you. I think you should be able to enter the Judiciary Committee so that you can be more Serve the United States well. I know some people, if you are interested, I can recommend you." Situ Nan smiled and said to George Carter.

"This—thank you so much." George Carter looked at Situ Nan in surprise, faintly grateful.He wanted to go back to the mainland, instead of staying in Hawaii, which is always sugarcane, sea water, and blue sky.

Anyway, the term of office is almost over, why not take this opportunity to return to the mainland to do something?If you can get into the Judiciary Committee, that would be a big deal.

George Carter spent the night on the William that night, and the next day he hurried back to the state government excitedly, proposed to combat violent attacks, suppress the union leaders who caused riots, and capture the communist leaders and anarchists.

At the same time, thanks to his efforts, the Hawaii State Assembly also proposed a bill to the Congress, calling for the implementation of a "war" against communists across the country.

In response to the situation, the Hawaiian police arrested a group of criminals with extremely fast efficiency, such as certain arrogant Japanese immigrants. These ronins used knives to swagger through the city and were always annoying.

"It has strongly reversed the public security order in Hawaii, safeguarded the local social system, and guaranteed freedom and democracy..."

This is a report by the New York Times on the fight against terrorism in Hawaii. This report immediately caused a sensation. The Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Daily, and Los Angeles Times also reprinted it, attracting everyone's attention.

People may not care about the facts, but the words revolution, terror, incitement, turmoil, suppression and other words that appeared in the newspaper throbbed their sensitive nerves.

Is it that even the social order in overseas territories has reached a severe situation?Many people will have this question in their hearts after reading the newspaper.

The name of George Carter was gradually understood.Some people wondered that the local bombings and red terror had nothing to do with Hawaii thousands of miles away. How could this sudden emergence of George Carter jump out?

But George Carter said the voice of everyone.Since the bombing, the industrial and financial circles have expressed strong dissatisfaction.Now that the big bosses have spoken, there can be no more chaos.

"While New York was still investigating the bombing, Hawaii, thousands of miles away, took decisive action. Their actions are effective and they can effectively protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. And our big masters are still sitting. Analyzing who caused this terrorist bombing here is a waste of time and irresponsibility to the voters!"

At the Congressional hearing in Washington, Senator Paul from Texas?Wilson strongly praised the decisive measures taken by the state of Hawaii, strongly criticized the inefficiency of the government and the police, and demanded that the states immediately take decisive measures to declare war on the enemy!

President Woodrow on this matter?Wilson had suffered a stroke and was paralyzed soon after returning from Europe. He was completely unable to govern. The Secretary of State of the government has dealt with it by the ministers.

Now is the time of the US general election and social turmoil. Although the US system guarantees the smooth operation of the government, it can no longer deal with the bombing quickly and effectively, and it has already dealt with increasingly severe social contradictions.

Chapter 4 Return of the King

After the hearing, the Justice Department was under tremendous pressure.Attorney General Palmer couldn't wait to order the Bureau of Investigation to launch a large-scale judicial investigation in the United States. Thousands of detectives were ready to go and pounced on the suspects they had already recorded.

"This is a war to maintain the American system." At least Palmer thought so.Not long ago, Palmer was hit by a bomb at his door. Not only him, but other bigwigs in the United States also received the same treatment.

In an uncovered mail bomb case, Attorney General Palmer, Postmaster Bolleson, Chicago Judge Landis, Supreme Court Judge Holmes, Secretary of Labor Wilson, Immigration Commissioner Caminette, Morgan, Rockefeller and other governments Officials and capitalists are on the list, and the number of these bomb-filled mails is as high as 36.

This is just an explosion in New York. Similar situations have occurred in Chicago, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.

Although Situ Nan is not on the list, important companies such as Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Bethlehem United Steel Corporation and Wells Fargo Bank have indeed received terrorist threats, but the damage is not as severe as Morgan's.

After the Wall Street bombings, the labor movement became the target of public criticism. The overwhelming newspapers pointed to strikes, and more and more citizens believed that the strikes caused the consequences of all these disasters.

In this wave of strikes, Governor Calvin of Massachusetts?Coolidge's performance was amazing.He decisively resolved the Boston police strike.

The classic sentence "No one has the right to strike at any place and at any time to threaten public safety." Make him a hot political star.

At the time of the US general election, Republicans are gearing up to regain the White House dominated by the Democratic Party. The candidates performed enthusiastically.

The Wall Street bombings even touched their G point. Words of condemnation, decisive measures, and even naked retaliation were frequently spoken from their mouths. Listening to their stern tone, it seemed that they would not drive those union representatives and socialists to an end. The country suddenly revolutionized like St. Petersburg.

Of course, these words will also appear in the opposite Democrats, and their positions are unanimous on this point.

Paul?The supervision committee chaired by Wilson supervises the bombing investigation team.

After George Carter gained the limelight, soon after he was resigned as governor, he reappeared as a member of Hawaii State and was active on the supervisory committee.

Many union leaders, communists, racists, and gangsters were sent to prison by the Judicial Investigation Bureau under the supervision of George Carter.

In the next three years of investigation, tens of thousands of people were investigated and monitored, more than a thousand suspects were prosecuted, and more than one hundred labor union leaders and social activists were imprisoned....

Situ Nan returned to the United States-San Francisco has been a few days, he stayed in the famous Saint Francis Hotel.

The first sunlight came in from the window, the Union Square Garden outside the door was still beautiful and magnificent, and the streets were full of traffic and people, so it was so lively.

Strikes and parades are no longer visible here, because police and detectives are constantly arresting people.

"These days, detectives are always arresting people endlessly. It has been so long and the case has not been solved yet. This is really not a good thing!"

Laura picked up the "Los Angeles Times", while facing Situ Nandao.Leaving the quiet and charming beach Baiyun to the noisy and bustling city, she did not expect that so many things would happen after two years of leaving the United States.

"This case is a headless case in the end, as if Lincoln was killed by someone. But finally let everyone see the desired result, this is the most important thing."

Situ Nan smiled slightly, "On the night of the bombing, at the strong request of Wall Street, municipal workers cleaned up the site of the bombing. The police could only collect some evidence in a hurry. It is not easy to catch the murderer."

Of course, Situ Nan also knew some important suspects, such as an anarchist who was plotting to flee to Italy, but it was none of his business.

After eating breakfast, Situ Nan received a call from the east, and the old man Andrew roared on the phone: "Stoney, you bastard! Two years after leaving, give me little Andy!"

Situ Nan turned on the microphone a little to prevent being "shocked" by Andrew's anger.

"Okay! You will do what you want at Christmas, I promise." Situ Nan's tone was weak.Seeing that Christmas is approaching, we are going to Pittsburgh again.pitiful!He sighed inwardly.

"No need. I'll be in California in a few days. By the way, I will discuss something with you. Hey!" Andrew put down the phone.

"This old man!" Situ Nan smiled and shook his head.