The journey starts from the Titanic

The journey begins with the Titanic Chapter 404

It is normal to follow Situ Nan's actions. Just like Thomas monitors the intelligence of other families, other families are also following Situ Nan.

If you calculate the future potential, Occidental Petroleum has long surpassed Mobil Oil and became the world's largest oil company by virtue of its secretly controlled oil fields.

This is an amazing fact, most people don't know, because only a few people know the specific situation of Occidental Petroleum.

So far, Occidental Petroleum has not gone public, and it seems that there is no preparation for listing, so except for the company's shareholders, most people don't know how big Occidental Petroleum really is!

"If you follow the current development speed, Occidental Petroleum will surpass Mobil in less than five years. Do you think Rockefeller will..."

Situ Nan made a decapitation and stared at Thomas.In the past seven years, Thomas has been conscientious, helping Situ Nan deal with a lot of dirty work and private work. With Situ Nan, he has grown into the intelligence head of the William Consortium and won the trust of Situ Nan.

Thomas was a little strange about Situ Nan's question. Thinking about it carefully, Situ Nan has grown too fast in the past few years, reaching a height that ordinary people can't imagine. It seems that he lacks some sense of security?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glanced at Situ Nan again, but he didn't see a clue in Situ Nan's calm eyes.It seems to be a joke, like a temptation?

Thomas shook his head and said: "No! Commercial matters are resolved by commercial means, especially when the two parties are at the same level, force is not allowed. Rockefeller is still more trustworthy in this regard, otherwise the first death One is him!"

Situ Nan nodded.In the process of establishing the Standard Oil Trust, Rockefeller achieved annexation by means of joint stocks or purchasing other people's shares at high prices. There may be violence, but I don't know the main thing.

"If it were more than a decade ago, Rockefeller might have forcibly annexed Occidental Petroleum, but after the disintegration of Standard Oil, all Americans understand that the government and other families cannot allow one person or one family to control an industry.

A few years ago, he might restrict Occidental Petroleum, but that was just when his trust was disintegrated. Dozens of oil companies under his control were busy splitting up. He was busy cleaning up the mess and didn't have time to pay attention to you, the boss.After finally settled down and sorted out the two giants of Mobil and Exxon, the war broke out. Everyone was busy making European money and had no intention of fighting inwardly.

Now that several years have passed, I think Rockefeller is also powerless to suppress you. He has lost his best opportunity.Although the competition in the future will be fierce, I have to say that your genius and luck, boss, have made Occidental Petroleum today, which is really a miracle."

Thomas praised.He rarely said such things, but this time it was a heartfelt admiration.There is another fact that neither of them mentioned, and that is the Mellon family who married Situ Nan.

"In the past few years, the boss has been very low-key, so most people will not notice you. They are more troublesome at 23 Wall Street or 26 Broadway. But some extremists must be prevented. After all, there will always be some trouble. "

"That's true." Situ Nan smiled.Thomas said what was in his heart, along the way, luck and opportunity seemed not bad at all, and he had to be grateful for his previous experience of working at Mobil Oil.

"However, if I have any trouble, don't think about it for others! You have to remember this!" Situ Nan warned.

Thomas nodded.He knew exactly what trouble Situ Nan was referring to.In addition to the intelligence team, he also has a group of dead men in his hands.But he didn't think that apart from that, Situ Nan had no other force. At least there were some extremely extreme people in the Han Chinese Freemasonry.These days, when you come out and mix, who doesn't have any support?

"Talk about the KKK! Have you collected enough information about them?" Situ Nan asked again.

"Okay! It's all here, take a look." A document suddenly appeared in Thomas' hands.

Situ Nan took a look, and then he had a comprehensive understanding of the history of the KKK.

The KKK (KuKluxKlan, abbreviated as KKK) is a civil organization that pursues white supremacy and a representative organization of racism in the United States. It can be said to be the Nazi Party of the United States.

It first appeared after the American Civil War. The unwilling southern landlords headed by Forrest (the name of Forrest Gump in the movie "Forrest Gump") attempted to restore the Democratic power in the southern United States and opposed the federal government. A policy enforced by the military in the South to improve the treatment of old black slaves.

Under the banner of white supremacy, the KKK members often wear white hoods and often use violence to achieve their goals. They kill people and arson, and do no evil and do no evil. In essence, they are no different from terrorists.

Not only for violence against blacks, but also against Republicans or other whites in the South, it was notorious and became synonymous with scum and villains.

In 1871, Ulysses?President Grant issued the Ku Klux Klan and the implementation bill, forcibly banning this political organization.

"It's really tasteless, you can't be so tasteless if you are a rascal!" Situ Nan said with disdain.

In his opinion, wearing a white hood, a white robe, and a cross, walking on the street, not like a knight at all, but rather nervous.

"Like a group of vulgar, brainless little wraiths, it's no different from those Japanese ronin who are doing nothing wrong. It's time to clean them up!"

"The latter is more interesting." Thomas laughed and urged Situ Nan to look down.Thomas naturally knew how much Situ Nan hated those white robes, and what was even more frightening was that this tycoon was willing to spend billions of dollars to fight against those people.

After the ban, the KKK revived.By William in 1915?Simmons gathered a group of KKK remnants on the top of a rocky mountain near Atlanta and made trouble again.

Its purpose is to win the comparative advantage of the white ethnic group with a mainly British Protestant background over blacks, Roman Catholics, Jews, Asians and other immigrants.

In fact, it promotes racism, carries out lynching and other acts of violence, and even dared to operate openly in the United States, expanding its scope from the original South to the North.

In the first few years of its establishment, affected by the war, the KKK has been developing slowly.

During the war, a large number of blacks and other ethnic immigrants migrated to the northern industrial area.After the war, the contradictions between black and white, Protestants and Catholics became prominent, and the KKK ushered in a good opportunity for development.

"Last year, the blacks and whites in Chicago clashed, and hundreds of people died. This happened in several large industrial cities in the north. Many of them were instigated by the KKK. They participated in a lot of beatings, looting, and murder. Arson is even more cruel and bloody than those anarchists.” Thomas explained.

"Where is California? I remember it's a little messy here too!" Situ Nan said concerned.

"There are quite a few, but not too serious. California is an immigration state, and local whites of British descent are not dominant. Italians, Mexicans, Russians and other Eastern Europeans, blacks, Filipinos, Japanese, and the largest Asian Chinese , They are not entangled with the KKK, but faintly unite and fight the KKK together.” At this point, Thomas gave Situ Nan a meaningful look.

"Then those bastards went to Chinatown and they were ashamed, didn't they?" Situ Nan smiled.He just heard Chen Tianming mentioned this matter.

"Almost!" Thomas couldn't help but smile at the thought of more than 30 KKK who ran into Chinatown that night and was surrounded by hundreds of people.

"There is your boss's credit in this? Last time, after Ho attacked the KKK, they have not recovered. So the KKK in California is not as rampant as Texas and Georgia."

"What then?" Situ Nan was a little happy.Unexpectedly, He Wenxiu's attack on Rocky and Klock before leaving the United States greatly weakened the development of the KKK in California.

"The situation in California is fairly stable, not as turbulent as Chicago, but the capabilities of the KKK must not be ignored. Now their number has grown to 500,000 and they are still developing at a relatively rapid rate.

In some places, the government and courts have been infiltrated by them, and it is not necessary for members to be controlled by them."

Thomas warned.

"This is a brand-new model. Under the control of the talented salesman Edward Clark, the KKK has become a profitable company. He designed a title, calling each member Krieger, and calling the member The title is sold to new members at a price of $10, and each krieger sold is another $4 in income. The remaining $6, except for the commissions of the leaders of each layer, is mostly collected in the Atlanta headquarters-it is said The annual income is as high as millions of dollars!"

Thomas said in a respectful tone.As a person who walks in the dark all year round, Thomas appreciates the KKK’s use of selling KKK members.

"MLM?!" Situ Nan was shocked!The KKK is an MLM organization, which is really terrible.

"MLM?" Thomas was a little curious about Situ Nan's new words. He hadn't heard Situ Nan utter some new words for a long time.

After Situ Nan explained what a pyramid scheme is, Thomas nodded and gained a better understanding of the evil of the KKK. The so-called sale of kerri is the sale of criminal violence. If there are a large number of such people in a society, it is undoubtedly very dangerous. .

He frowned and said: "Even if it is for income, those members will desperately draw other people into the membership, and the KKK headquarters will also design some absurd religious brainwashing rituals, and organize some illegal activities, such as not passing through. Legal means plundered the property of Jewish capitalists and then distributed them to the party members...drug-like profit model, religious fanaticism, unscrupulous atrocities... During this special period, many people really flocked to it. If the society continues to be turbulent, I Of people estimate that at least four to five million people will join the KKK."

His people have already sneaked into the KKK, and after spending a lot of money, they finally became the boss, so they know a lot about the inside story of the KKK.

No one knows the dangers of MLM better than Situ Nan.

"Just like a virus, every MLM infects other people, and in the end the whole society will be infected and then rot!"

Although Situ Nan had also considered making money with the MLM model, but gave up, he did not expect that someone had already walked in front of him, and carried forward.

"It's really a bunch of damn guys!" Situ Nan gritted his teeth. "Does the federal government just let them go?"

"Of course, the Bureau of Investigation has noticed the KKK. But they are busy solving the case and arresting those anarchists. Sometimes the KKK will help and use each other in a timely manner, you know." Thomas some Looking at Situ Nan embarrassedly.

Chapter 6

"Maybe we can cooperate with the Bureau of Investigation. After all, combating violent crimes is also the responsibility of the Bureau of Investigation. I believe they will not refuse such achievements." Thomas suggested.

"After this time, I think the Bureau of Investigation's powers will expand a lot, and even become an important force in the future. If possible, we should take this opportunity to cultivate some contacts in the Bureau of Investigation."